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    1. When his mammalian meal was sadly limited or difficult to capture some days, he would have to diversify his diet, attempting to track down birds, snakes, lizards, and especially in the fall and winter months even complement his normal intake with a few fruit and vegetables

    2. In the 310 million years since the chicken’s saurian ancestor gave birth, and then way to the mammalian ancestor that led, inexorably it would seem, to the chimp’s, only two chemical letters had changed

    3. The first gift of change was HAR1, which seems to have appeared consistent with the upheaval called the mammalian revolution about 310 million years ago

    4. In chapter 5, under the sub-heading The Rise of the Mammalian Order, (according to science) it was stated, “The latter of these two branches (hominid) made its appearance less than ten million years ago, with modern man, Homo sapiens, having been around less than one hundred thousand of those years

    5. ―Wild mammals‖ shall be all species of the Mammalian class, except feral

    6. ‖ As he spoke, Kirby blatantly tested the blade‘s razor edge with his thumb, the reptilian slit of his eye belying his mammalian birthright

    7. and/or annihilate any mammalian species on the face of this

    8. They have mammalian DNA which results in the females having breasts and their species growing hair from the scalp, underarms and groin

    9. Organisms with reptilian and mammalian characteristics are known as therapsids

    10. This was because of the tropical state that was created before mammalian animals began to walk

    11. of evolution, the forefront for the mammalian era was created

    12. motivations of raw emotion as well as those of basic mammalian

    13. reptile reign created opportunity for mammalian expansion and ascension

    14. Sensing he was getting nowhere with this mammalian display, Ugg

    15. mammalian brains are so developed that we can look into the inner

    16. more complex mammalian forms on land, culminating in creatures that

    17. of the mammalian brain, or the logic of the neocortex, but these aspects

    18. within us, but from our newer mammalian brains

    19. Our reptilian and mammalian brains are just two of the things that

    20. There are some 5000 reptiles’ species and 4500 species of class mammalian

    21. Love was considered to be magic because reptiles do not understand warm-blooded mammalian instincts for love and kindness and sensitivity, reptiles hate being touched

    22. “But what are they?” the Captain asked, “Even the Bron and Telfa are humanoid and mammalian

    23. The mammalian brain is often referred to as a triune brain because it is composed of three main regions

    24. The Limbic System is the old mammalian brain

    25. He instanced a snake, the cast skin of which, deep purple in color, was fifty-one feet in length, and mentioned a white creature, supposed to be mammalian, which gave forth well-marked phosphorescence in the darkness; also a large black moth, the bite of which was supposed by the Indians to be highly poisonous

    26. It accords with the widely extended principle of specialisation, that the glands over a certain space of the sack should have become more highly developed than the remainder; and they would then have formed a breast, but at first without a nipple, as we see in the Ornithorhyncus, at the base of the mammalian series

    27. Another interesting relation exists, namely, between the depth of the sea separating islands from each other, or from the nearest continent, and the degree of affinity of their mammalian inhabitants

    28. Wallace's admirable researches, in regard to the great Malay Archipelago, which is traversed near Celebes by a space of deep ocean, and this separates two widely distinct mammalian faunas

    29. As the amount of modification which animals of all kinds undergo partly depends on the lapse of time, and as the islands which are separated from each other, or from the mainland, by shallow channels, are more likely to have been continuously united within a recent period than the islands separated by deeper channels, we can understand how it is that a relation exists between the depth of the sea separating two mammalian faunas, and the degree of their affinity, a relation which is quite inexplicable on the theory of independent acts of creation

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