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    meddle with

    1. The Directorate proposed to kill two birds with one stone: the soon to be grads needed a few more days of practicum and the Service didn't have anything on line in the near future for them, the contract was one those 'hands-off' arrangements, so---win-win, right? Of course neither the Service or the Directorate are supposed to meddle with the Contract Board's assignments ever, in the least---and especially not when the operatives in question aren't even trained Lascorii agents

    2. Aunt Martha had forgotten it, and Mary had not dared to make it because Aunt Martha had forbidden her to meddle with anything in the minister's room

    3. and a stranger does not intermeddle with his joy; the house of the wicked shall be overthrown, but the tabernacle of the upright shall

    4. Phenice, should be careful not to meddle with the place, but suffer Zorobabel, the servant of the Lord, and governor of Judea, and the

    5. Hopefully no gatekeeper would be in a mood to meddle with the beast

    6. 35 Also no man shall have authority to meddle with or to molest any of them in any matter

    7. Stanton Evans quotes founder and fourth President James Madison that “there is not a shadow of right in the general government to meddle with religion

    8. 37 And they answered him, and said to him, As the Lord lives, were not Jacob your brother as you did say, we had not left a remnant from you and your men, but on account of Jacob of whom you speak being your brother, we will not meddle with you or your men

    9. 46 So we have come to you to form a treaty of peace between us, and now therefore contract with us a covenant of peace and truth, that you will not meddle with us, inasmuch as we have not meddled with you

    10. 48 And the sons of Jacob swore to them so that they would not meddle with them, and all the kings of the Canaanites swore also to them, and the sons of Jacob made them tributary from that day forward

    11. “How dare you meddle with this bhagavathar? No one dares stop a singing session and a sacred one like teaching music session

    12. “That’s what happens when you meddle with fate

    13. 19 And when you come near over against the children of Ammon, distress them not, nor meddle with them: for I will not give you of the land of the children of Ammon any possession; because I have given it to the children of Lot for a possession

    14. 37 And they answered him and said to him As the Lord lives were not Jacob your brother as you did say we had not left a remnant from you and your men but on account of Jacob of whom you speak being your brother we will not meddle with you or your men

    15. 46 So we have come to you to form a treaty of peace between us and now therefore contract with us a covenant of peace and truth that you will not meddle with us in as much as we have not meddled with you

    16. 48 And the sons of Jacob swore to them so that they would not meddle with them and all the kings of the Canaanites swore also to them and the sons of Jacob made them tributary from that day forward

    17. 27 And also he commanded that Sisinnes the governor of Syria and Phenice and Sathrabuzanes and their companions and those which were appointed rulers in Syria and Phenice should be careful not to meddle with the place but suffer Zorobabel the servant of the Lord and governor of Judea and the elders of the Jews to build the house of the Lord in that place

    18. hedge as I didn’t want to meddle with the end of the wormhole and it

    19. 2 One of Herod's official family, Chuza, whose wife belonged to the women's ministering corps, had informed him that Jesus did not propose to meddle with the affairs of earthly rule; that he was only concerned with the establishment of the spiritual brotherhood of his believers, which brotherhood he called the kingdom of heaven

    20. While you may not meddle with the divine decrees concerning eternal life, you shall determine the issues of conduct as they concern the temporal welfare of the brotherhood on earth

    21. Karan: Only on one condition, that he leaves this city right now and never ever meddle with our lives ever again

    22. You'd have to be crazy to meddle with Tyrone

    23. As a civilisation, they had taken a moral decision not to attempt to travel in time and meddle with past and future probabilities

    24. With no one left she wanted to have sex with, Mai began to meddle with our friendships too

    25. They inwardly dread losing hold on Christianity altogether if they begin to meddle with these 'mysteries

    26. terrestrials may meddle with human life, or the recently established

    27. Before you meddle with such things, bad boy, wait till you've got a beard to your chin

    28. "You shall not meddle with him!" I continued

    29. But nobody else should meddle with anything of the kind; and although the rulers have this privilege, for a private man to lie to them in return is to be deemed a more heinous fault than for the patient or the pupil of a gymnasium not to speak the truth about his own bodily illnesses to the physician or to the trainer, or for a sailor not to tell the captain what is happening about the ship and the rest of the crew, and how things are going with himself or his fellow sailors

    30. The lands, being a minor, he could not meddle with

    31. Do not meddle with the personal habits and practices of others, though they are your nearest and dearest; these things are none of your business

    32. "My love," said the marquise, "attend to your doves, your lap-dogs, and embroidery, but do not meddle with what you do not understand

    33. "Praised be God, I have never had occasion to meddle with murderous

    34. "Why should you meddle with what does not concern you?"

    35. Some part of him sensed some other part trying to meddle with what was clearly now the story

    36. "Will you promise never to meddle with my affairs

    37. to you or to others, if you tried to meddle with it again

    38. I would bid ye, Sirrah, to stay within yer own Province o’ Gamin’ Tables an’ Race Meetin’s, an’ not meddle with the Mysteries o’ Midwifery an’ Childbed that are better done by Women!

    39. And when he had finished and still stood alive and whole, their wavering impulse to break their oath and save the poor betrayed prisoner's life faded and vanished away, for plainly this miscreant had sold himself to Satan and it would be fatal to meddle with the property of such a power as that

    40. ‘You shall not meddle with him!’ I continued

    41. Don’t you dare to meddle with my affairs

    42. It was unsafe to meddle with the corpses and ghosts of these creatures

    43. about Bismarck, for I was very much interested, and could not make up my mind about him, and only fancy, he sat down beside me and began telling me about him very fully, indeed, but always with a sort of irony, and that patronizing condescension which I always find so insufferable, and which is so common in ' great men ' when they talk to us women if we meddle with ' subjects beyond our sphere

    44. “Now, I'll tell you something right here, young man,” began the staff-captain in a more serious tone, “you are to understand that when you command a battery, if you manage things well, that's sufficient; the commander of a battery does not meddle with provisioning the soldiers; that is the way it has been from time immemorial in the artillery

    45. “Never mind; they should not meddle with what is no business of theirs

    46. Notwithstanding the violence and passion of the moment, this House did not then think they had any right to meddle with the making of treaties; but now it would seem the present House were disposed to join the Senate in this sort of interference in the negotiations of the Executive to form a treaty

    47. As I said, I’m willing to burn my fingers and even cuddle the hurt; but I don’t meddle with giant firecrackers except on the Fourth of July, and that didn’t come until afterward

    48. , whatever may be the necessity of war, on some occasions, and however necessary some might think that in which we are now engaged, which was a question he should not now meddle with, he was desirous that its operations should be so conducted, as to do as little injury as possible to our fellow-citizens; and, as the leading principle in the conduct of all politicians should be a regard to the public good, he hoped for a general concurrence in this sentiment; that, for his own part, he wished the war to be felt as little as possible in the families and occupations of the people

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