Используйте «mentioning» в предложении
mentioning примеры предложений
1. blessing and faith without mentioning Abraham
2. Specifically mentioning his name and the reason for eliminating him will avoid any future problems
3. Stephen rambles on mentioning lots of other people and telling me a little about them until we arrive at the venue by which time I have forgotten most of what he has said
4. Didn't make any difference mentioning which battlefield, which country, which continent her dad had served in
5. Persa keeps mentioning names of old schoolmates whom, as she says, she meets on the road by chance and they become best friends at once
6. Apollo's anger has been passive ever since he had his first enchanted meeting with the pretty girl, but now that all eroded in mentioning of his father
7. Do you know what I should do? I should kick the crap out of you for even mentioning the others
8. Her lust had not been uncontrollable, but Herndon refrained from mentioning that
9. Catwhiskers closely without been noticed or mentioning it to
10. Keeping my eyes down, I mull over the statement … the last Element? What is he talking about? I haven’t retrieved the last one yet … He goes on to describe how we were pursued by Antis, escaping through Joris’ skill, though stopping short of mentioning that Joris actually killed two men and completely skirting over the actual cause of Joris’ death
11. ’ he said shortly as I remember too late that mentioning Earth is tactless
12. The generality of mentioning everybody is the myth
13. Duncan refrained from mentioning the danger to Earth, giving Lord Tarak the week he had asked for
14. there's nothing in any of the diaries for this period mentioning any friends or social activities
15. BloggingeHow, is dedicated to some of the honorable names here that I couldn’t go without mentioning
16. recognising the symptoms, I hurriedly leave my trolley near the check out and, quickly mentioning to the girl that I will be back in a moment, I charge off to the ladies, just arriving in time
17. ‘Jo,’ said Katie with that flair teenagers frequently have for mentioning the unmentionable, ‘Did I see Mr Liddington coming out of your place the other day? His wife teaches me maths, you know
18. … well that is true … listen as he goes on to comment on how nice it is finding a friend … no point mentioning the gender of the person concerned … he thinks it’s a woman … tells me to have a wonderful time … damn the guilt trip … He’s a good son … shouldn’t deceive him … he wouldn’t like it … best leave things as they are … will never sleep … I know I won’t
19. Once at the gate, he again instructed Kaitlyn to refrain from mentioning her activities with any specific reference to her training, but to otherwise feel free to discuss anything else she may wish to share with Chloe, her mother, or Mrs
20. " Shelly remarked, not mentioning how rich her Grandmother appeared to have been at one time
21. Alfred had listened to most of the debriefing, he remembered Alan mentioning ‘photonic devices’
22. They conversed with each other about that, mentioning the names of a few Goblin kings, the Wars of Magic, the Dark Lord and a lot of other historical details that Alan knew little about
23. my casualness in mentioning the casualty
24. Nerissa searched back in her memory, but found she couldn’t recall mentioning his death
25. After mentioning she was the niece of Cythera, a noted hetaera in Smyrna, Nerissa
26. Brynjolf however thought better of mentioning such a thing at present
27. Mentioning that man’s name seemed out of the question
28. But she had considerable doubt about mentioning them
29. The preamble comes close to mentioning such freedom when it states that, among the other purposes of the Constitution is to „… secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity…"
30. You remember me mentioning to you Liz, how necessary it is to keep a foot firmly planted on the back of Roger’s neck?”
31. You will hear me mentioning this in both books
32. "I know it," said Ann, never mentioning that she too had been without tea, and not only that, but with small allowance of food of any kind,
33. General Ludlow, who was on the extreme flank, eulogises the Cuban forces in his report, mentioning Sanchez and others by name, and no other officer was brought into closer contact with the ragged patriots
34. that we did a lot and it is plain horrible so I am not mentioning it again
35. Mentioning his name I blushed and the butterflies fluttered and scattered all over my body
36. She sat in the armchair and read the contents of the bottles, wrote down the names on a blank piece of paper mentioning that she would be purchasing a bottle of each for herself
37. It bears mentioning that although boasting an impressive regular season won-loss record, Osborne‘s bowl record against ranked opponents was 9 (wins) and 13 (loses) including 7 loses in a row prior to winning his first national championship
38. I am mentioning this aspect because the public sometimes seems to think that hostage Rescuers has a license to kill indiscriminately
39. I initiated this writing on Singapore mentioning a legend that links the chimerical Merlion to the history of the city
40. I knew that he realized that he had made a gaff in mentioning Kemp"s name
41. Karol introduced the men as Jan and Tomasz, without mentioning their last names
42. He thought that the mention of a nine-gram accident had been a nice touch, based on his having remembered Karol’s mentioning that the Russians termed a gunshot to the back of the head as “giving nine grams” to the victim, a reference to the weight of the pistol bullet
43. They too managed to tell a whole lot without mentioning neither the purpose of nor the result of the journey
44. In the end, Enilia could not resist but mentioning it and Ebira laughed loudly
45. It seems silly mentioning it again, but I am still fascinated by the extraordinary circumstances that are the causation of the DNA speculation
46. We have seen that by integrating heavens and earth he attempts to cover everything, all that exist; and that by mentioning heavens and earth again at the end, he draws our attention to the purely human and earthly perspective of the narrator
47. Jason recalled his father mentioning gaps in Lewis’s journal, when he went with Clark and the Corps of Discovery in search of the Northwest Passage
48. She recalled Nick’s mentioning Rondon as Teddy Roosevelt’s
49. Without mentioning money, they contrived to instil into Mr
50. I remembered Grandfather mentioning them in his book, but had never seen one before