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    1. metaphor; in my case for the “omnipresent and shallow

    2. Tempus Fugit [as featured on the cover of this section] works as a metaphor in that the mol usc - not known for its speed - has fossilised with the inexorable passage of time

    3. Metaphor and symbol are not always wrong, though

    4. Would God get that specific? Would He be that explicit, so to call Israel the center of the nations? Does God really think that the land of Israel is that important? And what for? If we think that Israel is simply a location or a spiritual metaphor for something else, then we have missed it

    5. Zion is as much literal as it is metaphor

    6. It is unfortunate that the metaphor of the mistress was used

    7. "Well, um, yes, but that would be another unfortunate metaphor

    8. Sometimes there’s a metaphor at work as well

    9. In this way each girl became more of herself and both girls became more than the sum of their parts---to borrow a metaphor from George and his rod building

    10. The others had listened to there dialog with rapt interest as if the players were indeed on a stage, and when Harold played his final metaphor they clapped happily for both

    11. But then again, considering what it could have become, even though it still survived, it would never be anything more than a monstrosity; its hollow, rotting and near-lifeless trunk the ultimate metaphor for the remnants of the elven race

    12. I've never heard bureaucracy used as a metaphor for economics before

    13. This is a metaphor of releasing the

    14. was not conceived as a cosmogony, but a metaphor full

    15. Metaphor of what? Of an early

    16. Meets ovum, with a metaphor for the metaphorical: Happy, sad, angry, afraid: with a sudden insight: An eyesore spots the light at the end of the tunnel…

    17. The judicious operations of banking, by providing, if I may be allowed so violent a metaphor, a sort of waggon-way through the air, enable the country to convert, as it were, a great part of its highways into good pastures, and corn fields, and thereby to increase, very considerably, the annual produce of its land and labour

    18. If you dream that you are on the fence, then the dream may be a metaphor indicating that you undecided about something

    19. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that your unusually strong will and drive will set you on a crash course

    20. Consider the metaphor “two heads are better than one”

    21. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something that you need to ignite in your life

    22. If the pain is in your neck, then the dream may be a metaphor that you are literally being a “pain in the neck”

    23. The queen may also be a metaphor for a homosexual man

    24. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for the “shares” you have in the stock market

    25. Since one of the score in tennis is denoted as “love”, then the game of tennis may be a metaphor for a romantic relationship or a courtship

    26. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for “turning tricks

    27. In Buddhism this metaphor is further

    28. “Just a metaphor, dear Dena the Magnificent!” the Elf retorted consolingly with a warm smile

    29. The ancient metaphor of the chariot can help you understand the way the Self relates to your life

    30. [219] This metaphor is found in Katha Upanishad, which is an ancient text containing some of the earliest writings on the central religious concepts of yoga

    31. What would Raiya think of the man then? It would not suit Roidon’s vanity, for sure, even if it did serve as a metaphor made literal

    32. Meditation practices to open herself up to terael included this exact metaphor

    33. of the phases, or rectangles, but I didn’t like the gate metaphor

    34. The Bible uses another metaphor to describe this process:

    35. When he wrote about Babylon, it was in a kind of historical metaphor

    36. If I may use the example of automotive performance as a metaphor, it sounds as if this describes the ideal in a car motor that runs on computer-controlled carburetion where lean-burn is the standard regime

    37. With this metaphor in place it appears that, like the computer controller, the brain can demand whatever it needs for the body to perform in whatever manner it desires or is needed by exterior circumstance

    38. The computer controller in the metaphor has its variety of regimes programmed into it, but how does the brain acquire its various regimes? Experience would be the first and most logical answer, but desire is an eminently older control mechanism, and other less ancient sources have come into existence, creating cooperative control and inhibitory impulses

    39. The way humans have learned to use sight as a metaphor for understanding everything else, including the experiences that we encounter all around us, is that complicated choreograph that I referred to in the Naked Ape portion of this essay

    40. Diversity—A nice-sounding term used to expand upon the “melting pot” metaphor often

    41. Soros includes among his litany of disaffection for America the idea that the war on terror is a “false metaphor

    42. Yet this “false metaphor” is the “considered wisdom” of a billionaire who, the authors say, “controls the purse strings of the Democratic Party

    43. metaphor - a story with many levels of meaning

    44. Whereas attentional rest mass is grasped through the gravitational metaphor, intentional receptivity may be associated with other

    45. metaphor; it is a way of saying that the unknown is not all bad

    46. “What?” he stared at the raven, trying to unpick the metaphor he offered, trying to see the world as he saw it

    47. In designing the R5 communication model, it became clear that listening with a purpose had to be included, and the metaphor I use is a tape recorder

    48. You as a tape recorder is the metaphor used to get you in an interview state with your client or prospect

    49. 11 Judith Hooper and Dick Teresi say that even if it is only a metaphor, the hologram is a compelling one for the brain’s magic show as it suggests how a finite lump of matter could contain an infinite mindscape

    50. That’s something I came up with as a metaphor to explain to people about how you

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