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migration примеры предложений
1. Torn apart by the migration to cities, bothered by economic storms, the families tend to strip themselves of unwanted relatives and convert to what is commonly called nuclear families
2. It was on a migration for the wet season, but
3. They had never heard of the concept of doping migration, never thought a bit about what it takes to keep human souls in charge of their system, since they barely understood the concept of their simulated environment
4. No science could yet stop the doping migration in any semiconductor, and with the line sizes necessary to simulate a human mind to the requisite level of detail, the safe life span of a logic crystal was only months and the logic had to be constantly re-cycled thru the fabricators
5. It is surrounded by coral reef and you have probably seen this island on TV wildlife programs – it’s here where the native red crabs make their migration down to the coast, to bread and release their eggs into the sea
6. of Slavic migration was the territory of
7. There is a gradual migration from the cafeteria to the campus green outside where an outdoor stage has been set up at one end of the property and where, a little later
8. In time there is another gradual migration from the cafeteria, but this one is out to the parking lot and beyond, where some last minute conversations are spoken and final partings take place
9. But within systems the migration of the points
10. This scenario has played out many times in the course of history, the latest example of which is the westward migration from the original thirteen colonies that eventually became the United States
11. By the time that they were ready to cross the Jordan River, there had already been many occasions where defense was necessary, and while all men in that migration were considered to be soldiers, some were eventually chosen above others to fulfill that obligation
12. The so-called "path of ceramics" provides evidence of that migration
13. 1,500 Celtic Migration into Europe begins Stone wheeled cart found in Armenia, and Asia
14. company or of the migration program, are still going to have to stick your neck out and
15. He discovered similarities while talking to the locals and surmised that some of his people must have migrated in the past, although he knew of no legends about such a migration
16. This will include the discriminations, pogroms, and expulsions that precipitated the migration of the bulk of the Jewish community from Western Europe to Eastern Europe
18. There was, after the fall of the Second Temple in AD 70, and after the defeat of Bar Kokhba in AD 135, a massive exodus from Eretz Israel due to forced migration, sale into slavery, and the hostility of the Greek population that had been transplanted by Rome into Eretz Israel
19. migration to Poland and Lithuania (see map V), which had been slowly proceeding, made those areas the principle center of European Judaism
20. The Migration of Calvinism to New England
21. Migration to the United States gave him a reprieve from being reduced to his intrinsic worth as a bar of soap
22. This is the nomadic summer migration, old as
23. of organized crime in the area of irregular migration
24. the field of anti-trafficking and migration in the Kyrgyz Republic
25. Thus was marked the eighth day of a now stupendous migration that would one day become known as the Exodus
26. The years had gone by in this manner in their slow southward migration, always unwelcome, always the pariah, an unwelcome and feared stranger in every land they passed through
27. Thus was marked the eighth day of a now stupendous migration that would one day become
28. Critics of the legislation warned that the granting of legal status to illegal aliens would encourage the migration of more undocumented Hispanics
29. Those acquainted with the habits of this bird inform us that in its annual migration, the stork actually traverses a longer distance than that from Judea to Shinar
30. Revenue Cutter Service in 1790, to the creation of the Coast Guard in 1915, and the migration of the Service from the Departments of Treasury (1790) to Transportation (1967) to the Department of Homeland Security (2003), the USCG has served the nation at home and overseas in war and peace
31. At the time, it spread from California clear up to the Russian territory of Alaska and its attraction to settlers spurred a huge western migration
32. , the trends of Migration from Dhakari, its reasons, and the issues of
33. 13th, 19th , and 28th of September 2011, in order to understand the migration
34. migration from Achaam, in focusing the migratory movement of Achaam to
35. India, and exploring more on the trends, reasons, and the issues of migration
36. Migration is one of the components of population change
37. migration patterns have been observed in Nepal which are: domestic migration,
38. migration to India, and migration to third countries other than India
39. destination for international migration of the Nepalese masses
40. This pattern of migration began to change since the 1970"s, and the Nepalese
41. States of America is fairly new, compared to their history of migration
42. fourths of its international migration is confined to a single country, namely India, which shares
43. facing both aspects of migration, internal and international migration
45. There are especially two trends of migration to India with regard to Achaam
46. studies mainly categorize two factors which induce the trend of migration
47. The push factor of migration deals with the problems that force someone to move
48. The main „background" of labor migration to India provided many households
49. Ephraim and others identify four types of migration trajectories from Bajhang to
50. 20 Jeevan Nath Sharma, “Practices of Male Labor Migration from the Hills of Nepal to