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    monastery примеры предложений


    1. I did a sabbatical in the wilds, hiked all the way up to the ruins of Numidor, did the monastery scene and then became a migrant field hand for thousands of fertile-prairie miles out east somewhere or other and wound up in Hrrst decades later

    2. services to a monastery and remain with them for at least

    3. own volition, of course, and the monastery service was an

    4. they passed under the monastery gatehouse and out into

    5. They stayed that night at the monastery of Brantome

    6. herbalist connected with a nearby monastery, and was

    7. abandoned monastery was, on this occasion, very real

    8. overlooking the isolated and peaceful little monastery of

    9. which obliged him to offer his services to a monastery

    10. of people entering the monastery church

    11. monastery, but the monk in charge of registering pilgrims

    12. Hogan strode out towards the back of the monastery walls and Conradie puffed along next to him, his fat wobbling and rolling as he struggled to keep up with the tall, long legged marine

    13. He’d grown very fond of the monastery

    14. think?’ The monastery spread out before them in a

    15. The monastery was large and intimidating

    16. extremity of the monastery overlooking a deep ravine

    17. which enshrouded the monastery

    18. the monastery and the vast expanse of the central

    19. was the first abbot of the monastery built for him by the

    20. ‘I spent the entire winter in the monastery of San

    21. served as a clerk at the monastery of San Mancio as

    22. there is a church (I think it's a monastery)

    23. The Tower belonged to a monastery,

    24. started from a monastery; not from this

    25. the cross in the Monastery of Agia Lavra, , which

    26. monastery, from the middle of the mountains

    27. During the rainy season, he stayed in the monastery with his disciples meditating and otherwise recharging his energy

    28. In a monastery, a conversation took place between a Master and his two disciples:

    29. The abbot, in the same manner, was elected by the monks of the monastery, at least in the greater part of abbacies

    30. As she approached the ruins of the monastery, the old building rising suddenly out of the mist, Seraphia felt oddly spiritual

    31. “But of course, I have been sent away from the monastery for now

    32. The real horror started, when a small mountainside monastery was discovered to be the headquarter

    33. Far from the shores there was just one village close by, and so the monastery

    34. monastery was about to begin

    35. myth lore (to suit this story) 3; Willpower +1 Backgrounds: Sanctum (monastery) 1, Enigma

    36. “Is she really going to start a monastery?”

    37. The hills around the monastery blossomed golden under the first rays of the sun

    38. The bell of the monastery started to ring, calling for the morning prayer

    39. “In any case, some should stay behind and help the monastery, at the least

    40. The absence of gunshots meant they were moving up towards the monastery again, unhindered

    41. He motioned with his free hand and half a dozen men fanned out two by two’s, going inside the rooms and halls on the west side of the monastery

    42. Same shit, eh?” he said suddenly and laughed out loud all alone, his laughter echoing faintly in the relative silence of the monastery courtyard

    43. Some of the men that had been searching around the monastery called out, grabbing Yuembe’s attention

    44. “You do not approve? Wouldn’t look good on your story?” he said and then made a motion in the air with his free hand, stopping at the mention of each word like showing off a neon headline sign: “Former Nigerian Army Major Pillages Monastery

    45. Half a dozen men complied and went inside the eastern blocks of the monastery

    46. There was no hope in hell that he’d talk his way out of this: for one thing, he didn’t even speak that damnable dialect and for another, they were already letting off a blind hail of bullets at the mud-and-hay brick walls of the monastery, trying for the shooter

    47. Ethan leaped to his feet again and rushed towards the sisters and the church, attracting a very unhealthy amount of fire from the west wing of the monastery

    48. monastery, thus violating the Lord’s orders

    49. army was caught in a withering crossfire between a monastery and a

    50. If nightfall found us near a city, town, or monastery we would spend the night there

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    monastery abbey retreat convent priory cloister nunnery community