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    moral principle

    1. must keep the moral principles of the society where he

    2. Don’t be shocked by my decision – I’m not violating a moral principle, I am acting in the best interests of all concerned and that is exactly what should prevail

    3. So, what are we to make of the biblical flood story? Is it a portion of the “history of a people” as I posited in the beginning of the introduction? A story of their “origins” or was it meant to illustrate a moral principle, the “rewards of adherence and consequences of resistance” to the precepts that it was there to teach? It seems that it is a good fit into all of these categories, but which one would have been the most important reason for its retelling over the many hundreds of years? It would appear that the moral lesson of what happens to people who obey as against what happens to those who don’t would be the larger meaning that it was meant to impress, as it was handed down from an older generation to the younger

    4. The Light encourages new Knowledge, Rational Understanding, and Re-Evaulation, while holding to the physical and moral principles that allow unfettered growth within communities

    5. Life without the bottom line is more easy to slide into the abyss of self-destruction, and the bottom line can make those who have the moral principle to a screeching halt in front of the big mistake

    6. This is the sort of question asked by a non-initiate! And the answer is always that the Initiate has his own set of internally generated moral principles which may, or may not, coincide with the law at any one time!

    7. All of which is contrary to the conformity of moral principles or law

    8. Therefore we need to introduce Ethics or Moral Principles as part of the school syllabus from primary school onwards

    9. •Ethics or Moral Principles as part of the school syllabus from primary school onwards

    10. The soul holds the immoral principle so the gentlemanly conduct that aligned with the spirit is not expressed

    11. health over my own moral principles

    12. ccording to the dictionary, “A code of ethics is a set of moral principles held by an individual or group”

    13. They had hoodwinked them into believing that the War of Independence was being fought purely on ethical-moral principles

    14. dual moral principles, structured in a way that proves it has been symbolically referred to throughout

    15. Likewise, the use of stone working and pillars as symbols of moral principles is directly related to

    16. Even though Paul may not had in mind a destruction of men, it was at least a destruction of moral principles, which would have eventually issued in the destruction of the man

    17. ’ Under this view at once arises the question, 'How can God's Righteousness in pardoning sin be aided or set forth by doing what seems the most unrighteous thing that can be done in the universe, punishing a guiltless person for the transgressions of sinners?’ 'Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? That the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee!’ If there is one moral principle which is plain and authoritative beyond all others, it surely is that the innocent ought not to suffer instead of the guilty

    18. But in all times of transition, when established beliefs are being undermined, there is a danger that in the passage from the old to the new we may insensibly let go the moral principle, finding an excuse for listening to the voice of passion in the uncertainty of knowledge, or the fluctuations of opinion

    19. Yashvin, a gambler and a rake, a man not merely without moral principles, but of immoral principles, Yashvin was Vronsky’s greatest friend in the regiment

    20. But it is founded on expediency, and is inhuman; it is without rectitude, without the continuity and the force that can be found only in a moral principle

    21. In Shakespeare, tragedy was the flame struck from the clash of moral principles; here her maternal desire to see him meaningfully employed warred with her Old Testament mistrust of cities

    22. Yashvin, a gambler and a rake, a man not merely without moral principles, but of immoral principles, Yashvin was Vronsky's greatest friend in the regiment

    23. What are the causes of our indifference, our lukewarm attitude to such deeds, to such signs of the times, ominous of an unenviable future? Is it our cynicism, is it the premature exhaustion of intellect and imagination in a society that is sinking into decay, in spite of its youth? Is it that our moral principles are shattered to their foundations, or is it, perhaps, a complete lack of such principles among us? I cannot answer such questions; nevertheless they are disturbing, and every citizen not only must, but ought to be harassed by them

    24. He had yet become impressed with this salutary moral principle: never to reason in any matter because his mind was not equal to the task of judging

    25. “You will reach that with nothing to help you but credit? Without recourse to any moral principle, having for your foundation only individual selfishness, and the satisfaction of material desires? Universal peace, and the happiness of mankind as a whole, being the result! Is it really so that I may understand you, sir?”

    26. For, founded on no moral principle, these may well, even in the act of carrying bread to humanity, coldly exclude a considerable portion of humanity from enjoying it; that has been seen more than once

    27. “Malthus was a friend of humanity, but, with ill-founded moral principles, the friend of humanity is the devourer of humanity, without mentioning his pride; for, touch the vanity of one of these numberless philanthropists, and to avenge his self-esteem, he will be ready at once to set fire to the whole globe; and to tell the truth, we are all more or less like that

    28. All that actually constitutes life, that is, the activity of humanity towards progress and its own welfare, socialism, communism, the new politico-economical theories, utilitarianism, the liberty and equality of all social classes, and of men and women, all the moral principles of humanity, the sanctity of work, reason, science, art,—all these that lend an impulse to the world's progress in hostility to the Church are only fragments of the doctrine which the Church has professed, and so carefully endeavored to conceal

    29. Slavery was contrary to all the moral principles which were preached by Plato and Aristotle, and yet neither the one nor the other saw this, because the negation of slavery destroyed all that life which they lived

    30. Slavery conflicted with all the moral principles taught by Plato and Aristotle, and yet neither of them perceived this, because the disavowal of slavery must have destroyed that life by which they lived

    31. Who instills moral principles into them? Neither do you know that!

    32. Slavery was opposed to all the moral principles advocated by Plato and Aristotle, yet neither of them saw that, because to renounce slavery would have meant the break up of the life they were living

    33. The division of men into two castes, as well as the use of force in government and war, are opposed to every moral principle professed by our modern society

    34. And this man who has ruined hundreds, thousands of men, who curse him and are driven to desperation by his action, goes to mass, a smile of shining benevolence on his smooth face, in perfect faith in good and in God, listens to the Gospel, caresses his children, preaches moral principles to them, and is moved by imaginary sufferings

    35. He contended that the non-intercourse system was precisely calculated to destroy that moral principle which had heretofore so strictly enforced our revenue laws; that the system of restriction was partial, operating so equally on the people of the South, that no individuals particularly suffered from it, while in the North and East individuals were ruined by it, and thus a general distress produced; that it would be the most discouraging act to the mercantile interest, ever passed by the Government, for it would throw the trade in all the produce kept in the country by the embargo into foreign hands at the expense of the American merchant; that the system could not be enforced with so extensive a frontier and seacoast as we possess; that it was a measure calculated to produce irritation on foreign nations, without having the least coercive effect; that it was a political suicide, without the consolation of company in it

    36. Is there a moral principle of public law better settled, or more conformable to the plainest suggestions of reason, than that the violation of a contract by one of the parties may be considered as exempting the other from its obligations? Suppose, in private life, thirteen form a partnership, and ten of them undertake to admit a new partner without the concurrence of the other three, would it not be at their option to abandon the partnership, after so palpable an infringement of their rights? How much more, in the political partnership, where the admission of new associates, without previous authority, is so pregnant with obvious dangers and evils! Again: it is settled as a principle of morality, among writers on public law, that no person can be obliged, beyond his intent at the time of the contract

    37. Never was there an invasion of any country worse than this, in point of moral principle, since the invasion of the West Indies by the Buccaneers, or that of the United States by Captain Kidd

    38. never was there an invasion in any country worse than this in point of moral principle, since the invasion of the Buccaneers, or of Capt

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