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    myself примеры предложений


    1. Consequently, I found myself regularly judged as being of inferior ability by automotive industry

    2. I finished the tree myself after that

    3. Me, wanting a better life not only for myself and my children, but me

    4. With my memory, I find myself playing this game quite regularly

    5. I readjusted myself to this “new time” and the day continued without event until we agreed to meet for an evening meal at 1900

    6. “I’m not being honest with myself about my time management

    7. being honest with myself about my nutrition

    8. myself about my associations

    9. I’m using the system myself and I’ve never seen anything as powerful and as easy to use in all the years I have been marketing on the Internet

    10. But I do repeat myself

    11. She places a cup and saucer in front of me and I find myself staring at it watching the brown liquid swirling in the cup

    12. Answer: Dear John, What is that special soil you are talking about? I would be interested in testing it for you and seeing for myself

    13. ’ I said, kicking myself for the fatuous comment as soon as I hear it

    14. ’ I replied, repeating the words I have said to myself time and time again over the months

    15. Unable to keep still in my exasperation, I rise to my feet and move over to the wall where there is a poster about something or other … I stare at it blindly, annoyed with myself for losing control

    16. Mom’s never around, but I get the house to myself a lot

    17. It’s not where I saw myself even a month ago, but I’m enjoying the company

    18. Splashing cold water on my face in an attempt to perk myself up, I prepare to meet the day

    19. "When I was watching the fire, I would sing to keep myself entertained

    20. I mentally kick myself

    21. ’ I said, pulling out one of the chairs for myself

    22. Annoyed with myself, I repeat it, enunciating carefully

    23. Thus, the sun being well and truly over the yardarm, and with myself in a state of cleanliness to match the house, I had taken a tumbler out of the cupboard and reached for the bottle of gin … two generous gins and tonic later, I felt less stressed, the alcohol casting a welcome numbness over my violin-strung emotions

    24. Smiling to myself happily at having identified the noise, I change direction for the front door

    25. ’ I heard myself suggest, as I lean forward and run my hand slowly up his thigh towards his crotch

    26. I’m afraid of other people, but I think I should be afraid of myself, too

    27. Smiling to myself, I withdraw into the lounge and try to concentrate on the documentary

    28. ’ I told myself firmly

    29. Not that he liked my advice always … I smile to myself as I recall some of the more memorable rows we had which started with me telling him that he ought to do something or other

    30. I shake my head as he rushes into his study … oh Stephen, Stephen, you do wear your heart on your sleeve! Chuckling, I take myself out of earshot … it would be far too tempting to listen in and Stephen didn’t close the study door properly

    31. I find myself staring at the phone once I have put it down … what the hell is Dan playing at? Standing staring at my house for hours on end every evening? Is that legal? Thinking about it, I suppose there isn’t a law against it if he is standing on his property … would it count as stalking?

    32. ’ I hear him chuckling at the other end and look at myself quizzically in the mirror

    33. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love

    34. SuperSeaweed was invented by myself in 1972 while I attended school at the University of Florida located in Gainesville Florida

    35. inaction – that is to simply let myself fall and to do nothing

    36. I made it myself

    37. I hear myself almost spitting the words at him

    38. It would be nice to have someone to share my interest with … Stephen tries to be interested but … I hum happily to myself

    39. But he’s not a kid of seventeen now … he’s a grown man of forty-five, I remind myself

    40. cards and heading down to the labour exchange I found myself ensconced with that

    41. Deeply disappointed that it is not Stephen, I kick myself and try to sound enthusiastic as I scribble down the details

    42. I ask myself that same question

    43. I have debated with myself several times whether I should ring him but I couldn’t bear it if he hung up on me and there’s no reason for him not to after my jibe about solicitors

    44. pressure and restore myself to some sort of equilibrium

    45. This is a pity, I would have liked to see the scene myself

    46. ’ Molly said, nodding her head wisely, her expression making me chuckle despite myself

    47. For nearly ten years I shut myself away from all

    48. What trouble could Peter have been in? But he was half smiling, his head turned a little to one side, looking at me sideways, as though willing me gently to come clean, to myself as well as to him

    49. ’ I said defiantly, earning myself a conspiratorial grin from Liz

    50. Maybe I wasn't the bravest in the world, hell, not even the bravest in Darklow, but one thing I can honestly say about myself, then as well as today, is that I'm determined and when it comes to family I will do, give and take whatever is needed

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