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    nationwide примеры предложений


    1. The first interview was with Ramada inns – a nationwide chain of hotels and I think also they have some overseas

    2. The Phoenix Project had begun with just one prison, West Belsen, but it had grown rapidly, and when I last checked, there were over twenty prisons nationwide that were starting to use the Phoenix method of punishment, but Salverford was the main hub of operations

    3. Texas has gained nationwide applause for its free market and business-friendly climate

    4. There was a nationwide security alert out for her and she wouldn’t last two minutes out on the street

    5. It raises questions about gaps in the hodge-podge patchwork quilt of systems at landfills nationwide that monitor and detect such types of waste from hospitals, laboratories, and industrial plants

    6. By the time of the nationwide ban, only South Carolina still legally allowed slaves brought in from overseas

    7. I have held top nightclub and teen club residencies and have DJ-ed nationwide but now I’ll give it to you straight

    8. • 25% of the homeless nationwide are employed

    9. A nationwide Protective Services alert was issued! Adam, Susan and their van identification number were entered into the National Crime Information Registry

    10. In January 1999, USA Today estimated the cost nationwide of asbestos removal at $50

    11. Ryun calls for “at least 10 percent” of Tea Party participants nationwide to “at least think about running for office,” or at any rate

    12. The Nationwide Tea Party Coalition hosts leadership conferences to identify and train prospective future leaders in the movement

    13. construction nationwide for years‖ while only reducing global temperatures by 0

    14. Whatever level EPA ultimately picks, it will dramatically increase the number of so-called "non-attainment" areas nationwide

    15. domain), nearly 6,000 properties nationwide have been threatened

    16. , 5,783 properties nationwide have been either seized

    17. Compean has angered lawmakers nationwide

    18. It had to come out in a nationwide business media

    19. nationwide television, many of the hopefuls lost hope and most of them backed out of

    20. President, she went on Nationwide TV to speak to the voters

    21. Learn more about their services and resources available nationwide

    22. In February, the NYAB hosts Respect Week, a chance for young people to stand together nationwide and promote healthy relationships

    23. The celebrations reverberated nationwide and were talked about in every schoolyard in the land including Soccerless St

    24. They had hit on something big, and even though it was considered to be dangerous topic, their only hope of blowing the whistle on Dominex and the whole sedative issue was to go nationwide with the information

    25. We also got heaps of work out of listing in a nationwide directory (printed) that

    26. developing the product which was launched nationwide with much more hoopla

    27. To assist in this effort a national public broadcast system will be used to introduce candidates for elections to their electorate, statewide, or nationwide on government TV

    28. “I will arrange for a nationwide presidential address on the radio for nine O’clock this evening to announce the imposition of martial law in the United States

    29. The eyes of the various medias nationwide quickly started staring at Los Angeles every Monday

    30. Transportation reported that almost 12 trillion tons of freight was transported nationwide

    31. there was a nationwide manhunt for the killer/kidnapper Antonio Sanchez

    32. And it's so well-established nationwide that we'd get more calls and probably make the same or better

    33. He further shown his anger that where had been ZSCIA intelligent supreme capabilities those did not work at all that the ZTA made their organization to their best level nationwide and also succeeded to establish their network in whole country without giving any sign or light to government authorities

    34. ERP solution, was the preferred supplier to a nationwide

    35. “As many of you know, in the press conference a few moments ago, Press Secretary, Christopher Hughes raised the possibility of martial law being implemented nationwide in the coming few days

    36. They had designed, installed and now operated the Government Data Network, providing secure data services both nationwide and internationally, as well as a fully managed telecommunications service supporting over 90,000 end users in over 90 UK government departments and agencies

    37. What had been popular protest quickly turned into nationwide rejoicing, with crowds singing and dancing in the streets, mostly joined by the Army and Police as well

    38. The findings of a nationwide survey done by Team Modi in the first half of 2013 had slightly worried them

    39. The BJP’s treasurer Piyush Goyal had commissioned the leading global market research and polling agency, Penn Schoen Berland, to do a nationwide survey ahead of the December 2013 assembly elections

    40. Little did I know then that a casual conversation over a television programme would transform into a volcanic nationwide eruption over corruption just a few months later

    41. minute; the unemployment rates nationwide are higher than they have been in decades;

    42. He was shopping in a nationwide

    43. more are opening up nationwide

    44. “There’s one person who will probably apply, but a nationwide search is the only way to do things fairly and be certain we have the best candidate

    45. With that comes the same kind of sprawl, traffic congestion, environmental degradation, loss of community, and the economic and social segregation that’s seen nationwide

    46. The disastrous assaults against politicians had been sustained on a local level, but the political fallout was very much felt nationwide

    47. “And I want you to know, Democrat or Republican, this is nothing more than me showing you a small sample of what is out there nationwide

    48. The best thing the VA ever did was take his model of community care for combat vets and expand it nationwide

    49. It’s happening nationwide, and they are even trying to recruit vets who are Canadian, for God’s sake

    50. Simple because it would consist of one phone number that a veteran, a family member of a veteran, or a friend of a veteran could call nationwide and get the most up-to-date information on almost any subject related to veterans

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    Синонимы для "nationwide"

    countrywide nationwide across the country across the nation nationally interstate widespread sweeping general inland internal