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    1. “Hang on Star, I’ll find a way,” she called to the neighing pony trying to reassure him

    2. Though initially hesitant to cross the bridge Kallias traversed the centuries-old stone, neighing sharply as she went

    3. Suddenly, we heard horses neighing very near us and held tightly to each other, barely breathing

    4. Brownie went, neighing and prancing, to her stall,

    5. Neighing they bared their enormous, yellow teeth

    6. The horses were neighing and kicking up a ruckus in his stables

    7. Enilia gave a shout, and Vanil immediately looked up and galloped neighing towards them

    8. Ringing, humming, neighing, and ordinary laughter sounded from the beings on both sides of the army

    9. his horses was heard from Dan: the whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones; for they are come, and have

    10. As fast as more bunching circles were organized they were filled, and the blackness of a moonless night slowly descended upon a scene of bawling, braying, neighing sounds as an animal chorus of distress at having been disturbed from their usual routine sounded continuously

    11. Had I heard the sound of a horse neighing down on the trail? Yes

    12. In this nightmare come true, I could hear terrified Jasper neighing, calling to me to save us

    13. -What you do to one of us, you it for all -said a mestizo colt that threatened to pounce on me and was neighing as if someone were embedding his horseshoes in the legs

    14. Then the group formed a bustle of protests and neighing

    15. With a searing curse he leaped into the saddle and the stallion reared neighing beneath him

    16. Horses, still bridled and saddled, ran neighing about the court, Conan's black stallion among them

    17. The horse surged forward, neighing a sound of fear into the night

    18. neighing off in the distance through the cloud

    19. Just when they reached the entrance, there was a neighing sound

    20. The neighing and trotting of horses could be heard through the gates; Windzer was driving a chariot

    21. By now the horses had sensed the gritich, and were rearing and neighing in terror

    22. The Kinnaras started neighing ensemble and more squads rallied to this call; far-flung ones breaking through with archaic mortars and drills

    23. Neighing: To utter the voice of a horse, expressive of want or desire

    24. neighing of the horses that were being mounted

    25. Neighing in likeness of a filly foal;

    26. They waved their heads high in the air and made a neighing sound as if approving of his last comment

    27. "How canst thou say that!" answered Don Quixote; "dost thou not hear the neighing of the steeds, the braying of the trumpets, the roll of the drums?"

    28. You see, too, how the neighing of the horse shows his

    29. They heard the chiming of bells, the neighing of mules, together with the murmur of guitars and the noise of fountains, whose rising spray refreshed heaps of fruit arranged like a pyramid at the foot of pale statues that smiled beneath playing waters

    30. Nor may they imitate the neighing of horses, the bellowing of bulls, the murmur of rivers and roll of the ocean, thunder, and all that sort of thing?

    31. You might as well hang a horse for neighing at the king

    32. The black shape lifted me on to the white shape, a glad neighing greeted my astounded ears and I murmured, 'Cesar!' The animal quivered

    33. At the top of the bank the horse halted and turned about neighing fiercely

    34. the sound of horses whinnying and neighing

    35. Merry and Pippin heard, clear in the cold air, the neighing of war-horses, and the sudden singing of many men

    36. Mingled with harsh high voices as of birds of prey, and the shrill neighing

    37. Whereupon, just as my fierce Adversary prepar’d to draw, there came a Thund’ring of Hooves in the thick Air of the Tent and a terrifying Neighing and Whinnying—and who should appear but Lustre himself with Doggett’s poor would-be Horse Thief of a Servant clinging for Dear Life to his Neck! My beloved Stallion stampeded into the Centre of the Ring, rear’d up, throwing Doggett’s Servant clear, whinnied like Pegasus flying across the Skies, dipp’d his Head thrice as if to bid me to mount, slow’d whilst I clamber’d onto his Back, and gallop’d away like the very Wind, with his shockt but grateful Mistress hanging on to his Back

    38. “Houyhnhnms,” he call’d the Horses, pronouncing the Name as if ’twere the Neighing of a Horse; and “Yahoos,” as I’ve said, was his Word for Humankind, which, he avow’d, was neither as human nor as kind as it pretended

    39. Carelessly holding in his stallion that was neighing and pawing the ground, eager to rejoin its fellows, he watched his squadron draw nearer

    40. The men were forbidden to talk out loud, to smoke their pipes, or to strike a light, and they tried to prevent their horses neighing

    41. At eleven o’clock in the morning, Fermina Daza was in the kitchen preparing stuffed eggplant when she heard the shouts of the peons, the neighing of the horses, the shooting of guns into the air, then the resolute steps in the courtyard and the man’s voice:

    42. They did not stir a limb, but every now and then one might hear the voice of a man abusing his comrades for moving about and treading on him, or cursing the neighing of the horses, or the sparks from the fire that burnt his coat

    43. With the cries of despair which rang out on every side, with the groans of men and the neighing of horses as they fell and were trampled under-foot, mingled the ceaseless shrieking of the cannon-balls, the booming of the guns, the rain of lead upon wagons, carriages and caissons, broken, shattered and dispersed, their flying splinters still further adding to the slaughter

    44. Not a sound of conversation was heard on deck; there was nothing but the regular swish of the parted waves, and the steam, the neighing and pawing of the horses, the words of command from the captain, and the groans of the wounded

    45. “Bother that son of a Turk; he’s taken to getting into the landowner’s meadows,” said the dark peasant with the unkempt beard, hearing the cracking of the sorrel stalks that the neighing colt was galloping over as he came running back from the scented meadow

    46. The animal at last proceeded, turning his head impatiently from side to side, and snorting and neighing with fear

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