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    no matter how

    1. No matter how hard you try to change it, unless you come up with a new way to measure time, you have 24 hours in your day, seven days in

    2. matter how much he wished it, no matter how loudly he wailed and pleaded

    3. This is due to the fact that the focus of attention is away from the things of the senses, no matter how beautiful

    4. No matter how hard He

    5. No matter how tired I was though, the play of image, anger, self pity and bleak determination ran unremittingly through the hours

    6. In these quarters, his life was so empty without the mothers of his children, no matter how delightful the scents of these gardens or exciting the challenges of his adventure parks or voluptuous the sculpture of his houris

    7. How could I, a normal boy from the Beirut suburbs, a boy destined for the traditional path no matter how much I might stray in youth, how could I feel this warmth for a man who could as easily kill me stone dead as look at me? Breakfast almost became a dread moment, a mixture of the sublime and the abhorrent

    8. They clearly held this conversation on a nightly basis and I wondered how anyone could stand such a thing, no matter how much sympathy one held in one’s heart

    9. He was no woman's pet no matter how magnificent her breasts were

    10. No matter how hard He tried to order creation, however, he continually discovered unwelcome shades of black within the unlimited spaces of the void, and in so doing He revealed even more of a personality

    11. Still the fact that a man, no matter how painfully deformed, had walked down the ramp brought her fear under control more than all the reason she had used on herself til now

    12. No matter how beautiful Luray had become, he was not going to let his attraction to her come between him and Desa

    13. no matter how firmly placed the cap is upon the pen,

    14. wherever you are, and no matter how hard the effort

    15. Oh, how the Greeks love their kitsch - that is, whenever they can afford it, yet no matter how hard they tried, still they could never disguise the heady smell of diesel

    16. He was now so angry with the old woman because of her continual sniping about his nose that he stormed out of the bar and strode through the city streets in a foul temper for the rest of the night, but no matter how hard he looked or how many people he questioned, no one seemed to know anything about his stolen lover or about the evil kidnapper and his clapped out motor

    17. No matter how hard your reason tries to tell you something's wrong, it only ever really sinks in when the problem gets in the way of something important"

    18. It should reflect inner peace and serenity, no matter how hard you are concentrating

    19. She promised, swearing blue and blind to every saint and deity that she could think of, that she would be good from now on, but no matter how much she pleaded and cried, her father would not to be moved

    20. This word falls under ample warning because no matter how bad a person is acting it can't fall in a category worse than psychotic

    21. No matter how much you push toward the limit, when you’re serving a sentence of three-d reality, you have to do some work to survive and his sentence had felt heavy lately

    22. No matter how hard he tried to see these young ladies in their best light, there always appeared to be something wrong with them

    23. They checked their legal agreements through, clause by clause and swore to each other in front of various newspaper and television reporters that they would always be true, but no matter how vehemently they protested their love for one another the doubt always remained

    24. She withdrew from her mother and no matter how desperate the look in her mother’s alcohol skewed eyes, she would not be drawn back into the bosom of her mother’s awful love, which is why, as the days passed and the new song hit the headlines and the airwaves, the only person who knew anything of it or enjoyed its strange and comforting melodies was Lucy, who saw no reason to share her comfort with anyone else

    25. imagine – no matter how outlandish it may be

    26. It was impossible no matter how much I wanted it and knew it existed for me

    27. And no matter how many times he said 'mate', his tone

    28. No matter how hard she wished and begged

    29. No matter how close I held them to my chest now, she

    30. on, but no matter how much she pleaded and cried, her father

    31. No matter how

    32. have trapped emotions, no matter how much love

    33. But no matter how many star-studded

    34. He doesn’t have a finite extent you can measure with any instrument, no matter how long it takes to learn to interpret it

    35. No matter how hard he tried

    36. No matter how much it may have been what Jesus intended, the heaven they lived in was very much a work of man and his machines and not a divine creation

    37. and no matter how desperate the look in her mother’s alcohol

    38. track over and over again and no matter how hard she tried to shut

    39. into the heaving throng, but no matter how many

    40. For no matter how precise the language, it can not perform the same duty as the picture

    41. of them together, was a question Roman knew the answer to: no matter how much

    42. You don't have the courage to sacrifice yourself! You couldn't even kill the girl who killed your parents when you had the chance! You are nothing more than a coward, Matt, and no matter how much you achieve, no matter what you do, you will always be a coward!” Justice said arrogantly

    43. "No matter how you look at it," he went on "They just weren't born with all the right equipment

    44. A shortage of any element could force them to find a source at A no matter how poor

    45. first drop on a rollercoaster, that no matter how long it was or how sharp the drop,

    46. No matter how many days the brigades of winter

    47. No matter how many pairs of socks you wore, it was always hard to feel

    48. No matter how many times he strolled through the nation’s capital, a

    49. “No matter how

    50. Demara, of course, no matter how stupid he thought they were, was always polite

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