His work force was meager enough to begin with, but now it was almost nonexistent
The man had a selfless nature that nearly made him nonexistent
Imorbis was all but nonexistent
He was as thin as a wheat stalk and the hair on top of his head was almost nonexistent
“I think that would be a good idea there is no point in you trying to link up with your Company again because it looks that for the moment communications are nonexistent so the central chain of command no longer control what is happening
“The main thing is because of the shambles that has been happening in the bush and gullies we can expect no reinforcements at all and the chances of us holding this sector against a full scale enemy counter attack are nonexistent
However as we started going up the hill towards the simulated trenches the smoke cleared and we walked on over the ridge attacking the taped trenches and shooting and bayoneting nonexistent Huns
We moved almost without hearing any shots; the German army was virtually nonexistent
nonexistent occasions that she stayed in the palace
· Time and space are nonexistent in the dimension of thought
Unfortunately for me what Akito actually meant was that we were going to an exorcism, also known as the type where we dress up as priests and attempt to exorcise nonexistent ghosts
The group soon learned that second chances in the current state of the music business are practically nonexistent
At that time, columnist Walter Williams reminds us, there was already “massive worldwide industrialization” in a period of virtually nonexistent emission controls
I am trying to think about how it feels to be nonsentient and nonexistent
Jesse found it difficult to concentrate on the cousins’ humorous account of growing up with sisters while Rachel was fondling Gabriel’s arm and brushing nonexistent substances from his clothes
and this moment, pulled along by a nonexistent lease that I imagined I could unhook
Park recalls adding his first FM stations in the mid-1960’s even though profits then were almost nonexistent
With the ferry not moving and the wind nonexistent, the sun finally reached my skin
The claim is made that some of these lost literary sources may, at some time in the future, be discovered to be the oral sources, cited by this author, that have been mistaken as the nonexistent literary ones
” Collins did beat the Cunard ships across the ocean, but his costs were high and his economic benefits nonexistent
The post-modernist belief in the relativism of truth, coupled to the clicker culture of the mass media where attention spans are nonexistent, leaves us with bewildering claims packaged in convenient shiny infotainment units
The graphical design ranges from rudimentary to nonexistent
A couple of cursory inspections in the early years soon become pointless, then nonexistent
Zoe picked some nonexistent lint off the couch
neighborhood were nonexistent as they passed on by
With flushing, I refused by arguing, not being familiar with the pace that was playing, attributing also to my trip a nonexistent weariness, but Americus that was as stubborn as convincing, and possessed the intellectual wisdom of the geniuses, and in consequence, was immune to the fictitious excuses, raided into our spirits with the rhetoric of reason and in seconds both, the magician and I, were dancing under the harmonic notes of a sweetened melody
The bar around you fills with men in dark suits, the clamor of places nonexistent to you
My aim as a traveller is always to pass for a local so although my Arabic was nonexistent at least I didn’t look out of place
Or a career path is nonexistent
The current was nonexistent, so close to the hole, which made the children wonder why they had to hold the boat in place at all
6 "Your Father in heaven, by endowing you with the power to choose between truth and error, created the potential negative of the positive way of light and life; but such errors of evil are really nonexistent until such a time as an intelligent creature wills their existence by mischoosing the way of life
In my self-consciousness time is nonexistent, and therefore I cannot limit your creatures in anything related thereto
They had made the important discovery that many human perplexities are in reality nonexistent, that many pressing troubles are the creations of exaggerated fear and the offspring of augmented apprehension
Time is nonexistent to those who sleep the sleep of death
In the majority of states, marital rape is stilllegally nonexistent,
Teachers would have daily plans to follow, also written by staff, but not by the same staff, so that the tests that emerged didn’t match the daily plans, which incidentally were based on texts and lab materials that could not be afforded and were so far nonexistent
Her French was atrocious and the cab driver's English was nonexistent, but she had insisted on giving instructions in a performance that appeared like two crazy people dedicated to a gross verbal tournament with "Oui
His scarf fluttered in the nonexistent breeze
"I used to say in my misery, 'I want to go home,' meaning to the nonexistent place that I'll
dimensions (and therefore nonexistent in the 3 dimensions of ordinary space)
the 4th and 5th dimensions (and therefore nonexistent in the 3 dimensions of ordinary
by its owners through the 4th and 5th dimensions (and therefore nonexistent in
nonexistent in the 3 dimensions of ordinary
its owners through the 4th and 5th dimensions (and therefore nonexistent in the 3
on nonexistent consumers in today's search industry
his circle of female acquaintances was virtually nonexistent
The address is a nonexistent address for the postal code and city in the billing information
Grant Tripp was totally deflated and with his aggression now nonexistent he seemed in no hurry to leave
Evans lifted an arm and felt for a nonexistent pulse then and allowed the arm to settle once more on the wheel
“Well, perhaps not nonexistent,” he amended
He even had official death statistics reduced by arbitrarily decreeing an end date to the smog crisis, blaming all further deaths afterwards on a nonexistent flue epidemic
Our news rating is almost nonexistent, and that is a problem
White also noted that in 1900 eggs were consumed at three times the rate they are presently and there was no corn oil, yet Myocardial Infarctions were nonexistent
at a nonexistent spot in the night distance
Those who knew it were actually nonexistent
existence and neither is the real ever nonexistent
nonexistent in all time-past, present and future
, nonexistent) “funds” there’s already no “hard” matter behind worthless paper or junk metal we call the almighty dollar, yen or pound
Having also figured out that “coulds,” like “shoulds, woulds and ifs,” are nonexistent in this real world, that last bit
How had he screwed up so badly? Did he really think he could flirt with Teri all those times with no repercussions? What had he been thinking? He scrubbed at the nonexistent stain
If He, the Almighty, stops His Supply to the sun for only one moment, it will be extinguished, nay it will vanish and become nonexistent
virtually nonexistent in the developed world, though they are widespread and remain a
Materially nonexistent ideas are the only
Pandemonium momentarily reigned, as Joel and his friends rushed to Kathy’s assistance, along with the little boy’s parents, and a couple of previously nonexistent pursers, who were now alerted to her precarious predicament
They claim that the divine precepts and the prophetic ways are but symbols, signs and examples, and they cling to the nonexistent instead of the existent
The business landscape is littered with carcasses of companies whose well-meaning management went down the reengineering path, only to find that change was more expensive than they anticipated and the ROI was either insignificant or nonexistent
Because of it, my love life had reached the point where it was virtually nonexistent
How long I could pretend to do nonexistent work and most importantly, how long it was worth doing nothing against doing something but having to face him?
Another few steps and he broke out of the dense growth to find himself standing on an almost nonexistent track
had been nonexistent during his time on the
At the same time, the quality state of the rest of the infinite diversity of our similar Universal Focuses of Self-Consciousness, which for one reason or another that depends on our creative Interest are concentrated in Configurations of all other Forms, becomes seemingly nonexistent to us
Do understand that it is very difficult to comprehend this entire notional space-time structure for those who try to study IISSIIDIOLOGY but still fail to understand anything only because Configurations of focused-by-Them Forms still have Self-Consciousness greatly differentiated into nonexistent “particulars” and “discretenesses”
Then where does the Universe ends and where does the Creation begins? If to take into account the fact that you can observe only that part of the Creation, with which you resonate by your system of Perception, your Configuration, then how much of it remains invisible to you? An unimaginably infinite part of the Creation remains as if nonexistent for you, because it in principle cannot be observed by you with the help of the structures of Perception of the primitive low-frequency NUU-VVU-Configurations currently focused by You
relations with his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, were poor to nonexistent
But the genetic stupidity of cowardice was so ingrained into all the other Meer cats: that even after the dying one had fought to save their dens for them: they still began leaving the den… to a nonexistent jackal who had been chased off during the night by the brave one
With her arms folded over her nonexistent breasts and a small smile on her face, Kristen was the Golden Girl
Before dickens wrote ‘A Christmas Carol’… the celebration of Christmas was almost nonexistent in England
nonexistent at the same time
They are the small minority of cynical undead who have no illusions about waiting for a nonexistent ‘god’ to show up and save them
� This identity and this ego fear their answer to Fromm's question about the nature of having: "If you are what you have, and you lose what you have, what are you?"�� This identity and this ego answer that question: "dead, extinguished, nonexistent, lost, chaotic
In order to take all attention away from the war crimes of the Allies, and cover up all the genocidal mass murder, rape and atrocities which THEY had perpetrated, which THEY were guilty of: all of their crimes were whitewashed, ignored, sidestepped, and the myth: the HOLLOW myth of nonexistent gas chambers was invented and perpetrated by the U
THIS is the reason why the myth of the nonexistent gas chambers refuses to die
There are no walls and guard watches are practically nonexistent
My concern for my boat was nonexistent with him on guard
Idealism was not in short supply in the Spofford household where Sally grew up, it was nonexistent
Even though I knew the chances of me finding that again were almost nonexistent and I didn’t want to feel that with anyone else but Peter anyway
But under these conditions, wear and tear were almost nonexistent
There were any number of missions we could have accomplished—eliminating some of those “nonexistent” air defenses farther into Iraq, for example—but the command didn’t seem to want to use us
There were any number of missions we could have accomplished—eliminating some of those “nonexistent” air defenses farther into Iraq, for example—but the command didn’t seem to want to use us
Tips had been almost nonexistent, but it gave him time to reflect on the previous weekend
Along with rice, the men received some vegetables, but protein was almost nonexistent
“Okay, I know I’m not in the military anymore and my need-to-know is pretty nonexistent, but you had some questions nonetheless?”
As she watched it leave, she felt like the helpless victim in a backward country where the police ran rampant and rights were nonexistent
His men were sick, starving, with worn-out, leaky boots and uniforms indistinguishable from beggars’ rags, and their fighting spirit was virtually nonexistent
His breathing is ragged and harsh, whereas mine is almost nonexistent as I desperately scrabble around my psyche looking for some internal strength
cities but nevertheless were often successful bidders on state contracts; the Carahans who had gotten their start in a gambling house and now were gambling for bigger stakes in the building of nonexistent railroads with the state’s money; the Flahertys who had bought salt at one cent a pound in 1861 and made a fortune when salt went to fifty cents during the war and now were moving in the best circles of Carpetbagger society
But he’s shooting at a nonexistent target Klan since shortly after I stopped being a Scallawag and became an humble Democrat