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1. Venna was one who enjoyed petting any time she could get it and he was glad to oblige
2. The same statutes of apprenticeship and other corporation laws, indeed, which, when a manufacture is in prosperity, enable the workman to raise his wages a good deal above their natural rate, sometimes oblige him, when it decays, to let them down a good deal below it
3. attempted to raise the wages of curates, and, for the dignity of the church, to oblige the rectors
4. "We will be happy to oblige, you may tell them you will be away for two weeks, it is a medical emergency and that you will earn a year's pay
5. been reckoned a very moderate price of wheat, since it required a particular statute to oblige servants to accept of it in exchange for their usual livery of provisions ; and it had been reckoned a reasonable price ten years before that, or in the 16th year of the king, the term to which the statute refers
6. , To oblige a creditor, therefore, to accept of this as full payment for a debt of £100, actually paid down in ready money, was an act of such violent injustice, as has scarce, perhaps, been attempted by the government of any other country which pretended to be free
7. A positive law may render a shilling a legal tender for a guinea, because it may direct the courts of justice to discharge the debtor who has made that tender ; but no positive law can oblige a person who sells goods, and who is at liberty to sell or not to sell as he pleases, to accept of a shilling as equivalent to a guinea in the price of them
8. Those unproductive hands who should be maintained by a part only of the spare revenue of the people, may consume so great a share of their whole revenue, and thereby oblige so great a number to encroach upon their capitals, upon the funds destined for the maintenance of productive labour, that all the frugality and good conduct of individuals may not be able to compensate the waste and degradation of produce occasioned by this violent and forced encroachment
9. Few, therefore, of those who have once been so unfortunate as to launch out too far into this sort of expense, have afterwards the courage to reform, till ruin and bankruptcy oblige them
10. It might, probably, be necessary to grant to such towns as were admitted to farm their own revenues, some sort of compulsive jurisdiction to oblige their own citizens to make payment
11. If anything, she could share the name of this “Roscius” with him and see if his memory would oblige him where hers had failed
12. Nevertheless the Empire’s forces in Skyrim were compelled to oblige, from a diplomatic standpoint
13. But if the bounty did not repay to the merchant what he would otherwise lose upon the price of his goods, his own interest would soon oblige him to employ his stock in another way, or to find out a trade in which the price of the goods would replace to him, with the ordinary profit, the capital employed in sending them to market
14. The same motives, the same interests, which would thus regulate the conduct of any one dealer, would regulate that of every other, and oblige them all in general to sell their corn at the price which, according to the best of their judgment, was most suitable to the scarcity or plenty of the season
15. The law can very easily oblige the judge to respect the regulation though it might not always be able to make the sovereign respect it
16. If the meanness and poverty of the trustees of turnpike roads render it sometimes difficult, at present, to oblige them to repair their wrong ; their wealth and greatness would render it ten times more so in the case which is here supposed
17. Though those complaints produced no act of parliament, they had probably intimidated the company so far, as to oblige them to reform their conduct
18. Its object is, in all cases, to maintain the authority of the master, and, whether he neglects or performs his duty, to oblige the students in all cases to behave to him as if he performed it with the greatest diligence and ability
19. Force and restraint may, no doubt, be in some degree requisite, in order to oblige children, or very young boys, to attend to those parts of education, which it is thought necessary for them to acquire during that early period of life ; but after twelve or thirteen years of age, provided the master does his duty, force or restraint can scarce ever be necessary to carry on any part of education
20. In such societies, the varied occupations of every man oblige every man to exert his capacity, and to invent expedients for removing difficulties which are continually occurring
21. particular sect having thus become complete masters of the field, and their influence and authority with the great body of the people being in its highest vigour, they were powerful enough to overawe the chiefs and leaders of their own party, and to oblige the civil magistrate to respect their opinions and inclinations
22. A man of rank and fortune is, by his station, the distinguished member of a great society, who attend to every part of his conduct, and who thereby oblige him to attend to every part of it himself
23. Should the sovereign have the imprudence to appear either to deride, or doubt himself of the most trifling part of their doctrine, or from humanity, attempt to protect those who did either the one or the other, the punctilious honour of a clergy, who have no sort of dependency upon him, is immediately provoked to proscribe him as a profane person, and to employ all the terrors of religion, in order to oblige the people to transfer their allegiance to some more orthodox and obedient prince
24. The violence which the French government usually employed in order to oblige all their parliaments, or sovereign courts of justice, to
25. At midday clothes might go; the natives were to be envied; and the noblesse oblige of civilisation, in dress at least, was to be lamented
26. Ray witnessed the nurse inject something in the intravenous tube attached to Kate’s arm and was quick to oblige the doctor’s request
27. This will oblige the poor artist to walk away, sabotaging the deal
28. Pentti Linkola’s billions, those “cancers of the earth,” those “evolutionary mistakes” that Linkola says should die, must be made ready to oblige, willingly or not
29. It was after this date that Greatchen confided that the Indian had already had a date with Greatchen in the past, and she could not date him and not having any 'classy' ladies on her books, could Marilee oblige
30. I was positive that any number of white men would happily oblige her,
31. Somehow I was more than happy to oblige
32. He wanted me out of his life, and I would oblige him
33. So one night after he and I had been drinking, and he started back in taunting me, I cornered him in the third floor head, tried to slash his neck with the triangular business end of a church key, which proved difficult because he was 6’ 4,” I was maybe 5’ 8,” and he wouldn’t oblige me by bending over
34. But there is here no more law to oblige a Woman to such Subjection, if the
35. Fathers oblige their children to Obedience to themselves, even when they are past
36. proclivities of the post–WW II mentality will spring, that is, from a misplaced sense of noblesse oblige
37. His old mentor, Army Colonel George Morton heard about it and arranged his new job with the commander of the 5th Special Forces Group, who was only too happy to oblige
38. Just about everything would need to be bought on account and the local department store would have to oblige
39. important factor is that they do not oblige other members of the group to act
40. I couldn’t help but oblige and kissed
41. Travis was press for time but if this was what was needed to shut the tramp up, he would oblige
42. Wisdom was quick to oblige
43. He and Celia shared Max"s contempt for witch-doctoring, and were only too happy to oblige
44. He begs for a quick death and Bianca can only oblige, wishing she were in his place
45. different and for once my garage couldn’t oblige
46. They were only too pleased to oblige
47. "Ham radio operators usually oblige in an emergency
48. But considering how badly I wanted to move out east and my general predicament, it was wiser to oblige Nelly than to anger her
49. “I would just love to oblige you but I’m afraid I have some business to attend to all afternoon
50. I was just about to insist that I couldn’t oblige her when
1. It fanned its brilliantly plumed tail in pleasure when she obliged
2. Aston Martin to put his Cuban heeled boot through the floor, and he duly obliged
3. In general, they were satisfied with us, but they made some remarks regarding the atmosphere of frivolity in the class and the teacher was obliged to reprimand certain persons
4. Aban duly obliged
5. The ribbon of wet sheen running towards the horizon begged the driver of the Aston Martin to put his Cuban heeled boot through the floor, and he duly obliged
6. Progressing through his teenage years he committed all of the usual fumbling faux pas and awkward lunges that boys the world over are obliged to do before they become men
7. duly obliged, as his wife stuck her head out from the back
8. Consequently, Miss Bunker was obliged to utilize the Council Chambers for both exemption testing and the first few weeks of the term
9. Kaitlyn smiled and obliged
10. After I had found by experience the ill consequences of being abroad in the rain, I took care to furnish myself with provisions beforehand, that I might not be obliged to go out, and I sat within doors as much as possible during the wet months
11. obliged to concentrate on what the fellow was saying and
12. In summer, with one jump, they could get to each other; but in winter they were obliged first to go down the long stairs, and then up the long stairs again: and out-of-doors there was quite a snow-storm
13. There could seldom be any scarcity of hands, nor could the masters be obliged to bid against one another in order to get them
14. There would be a constant scarcity of employment, and the labourers would be obliged to bid against one another in order to get it
15. We do not reckon our soldiers the most industrious set of people among us; yet when soldiers have been employed in some particular sorts of work, and liberally paid by the piece, their officers have frequently been obliged to stipulate with the undertaker, that they should not be allowed to earn above a certain sum every day, according to the rate at which they were paid
16. In dear years, too, poor independent workmen frequently consume the little stock with which they had used to supply themselves with the materials of their work, and are obliged to become journeymen for subsistence
17. All people of small or middling fortunes would be obliged to superintend themselves the employment of their own stocks
18. ‘The Church authorities are obliged to lend their
19. years which each apprentice is obliged to serve
20. always disfranchised upon that account, but obliged to fine annually to the king, for
21. was obliged to buy the goods they had occasion for from every other within the town,
22. those in another are obliged to content themselves with bare subsistence
23. which obliged him to offer his services to a monastery –
24. the poor, and allowed by two justices of the peace, that every other parish should be obliged to
25. which granted the certificate should be obliged to pay the expense both of his maintenance
26. This corn was brought from the conquered provinces, of which several, instead of taxes, were obliged to furnish a tenth part of their produce at a stated price, about sixpence a-peck, to the republic
27. were obliged to continue
28. But in many parts of North America, the landlord would be much obliged to any body who would carry away the greater part of his large trees
29. Their neighbours are soon obliged to sell at the same price, though they cannot so well afford it, and though it always diminishes, and sometimes takes away altogether, both their rent and their profit
30. "Said return to sender on the bottom, didn't it, anyhow at least the plane is safely returned and I'm obliged to be sure
31. Those who cultivated the ground, were obliged to build their own houses, to make their own household furniture, their own clothes, shoes, and instruments of agriculture
32. God is not obliged to
33. As the woollen manufactures, too, of Ireland, are fully as much discouraged as is consistent with justice and fair dealing, the Irish can work up but a smaller part of their own wool at home, and are therefore obliged to send a greater proportion of it to Great Britain, the only market they are allowed
34. This circumstance must necessarily have some tendency to sink the price of raw hides produced in a country which does not manufacture them, but is obliged to export them, and comparatively to raise that of those produced in a country which does manufacture them
35. With a bemused smile, Theoton obliged
36. Let the ordinary amount of this sum be supposed five hundred pounds ; the value of the goods in his warehouse must always be less, by five hundred pounds, than it would have been, had he not been obliged to keep such a sum unemployed
37. By being obliged to keep so great a sum unemployed, he must sell in a year five hundred pounds worth less goods than he might otherwise have done
38. Let us suppose that all the paper of a particular bank, which the circulation of the country can easily absorb and employ, amounts exactly to forty thousand pounds, and that, for answering occasional demands, this bank is obliged to keep at all times in its coffers ten thousand pounds in gold and silver
39. By issuing too great a quantity of paper, of which the excess was continually returning, in order to be exchanged for gold and silver, the Bank of England was for many years together obliged to coin gold to the extent of between eight hundred thousand pounds and a million a-year; or, at an average, about eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds
40. For this great coinage, the bank (inconsequence of the worn and degraded state into which the gold coin had fallen a few years ago) was frequently obliged to purchase gold bullion at the high price of four pounds an ounce, which it soon after issued in coin at £3:17:10 1/2 an ounce, losing in this manner between two and a half and three per cent
41. The Scotch banks, in consequence of an excess of the same kind, were all obliged to employ constantly agents at London to collect money for them, at an expense which was seldom below one and a half or two per cent
42. The Bank of England, it is to be observed, by supplying its own coffers with coin, is indirectly obliged to supply the whole kingdom, into which coin is continually flowing from those coffers in a great variety of ways
43. Whatever coin, therefore, was wanted to support this excessive circulation both of Scotch and English paper money, whatever vacuities this excessive circulation occasioned in the necessary coin of the kingdom, the Bank of England was obliged to supply them
44. When a bank discounts to a merchant a real bill of exchange, drawn by a real creditor upon a real debtor, and which, as soon as it becomes due, is really paid by that debtor ; it only advances to him a part of the value which he would otherwise be obliged to keep by him unemployed and in ready money, for answering occasional demands
45. First, by this attention they were enabled to make some tolerable judgment concerning the thriving or declining circumstances of their debtors, without being obliged to look out for any other evidence besides what their own books afforded them ; men being, for the most part, either regular or irregular in their repayments, according as their circumstances are either thriving or declining
46. When they observed, that within moderate periods of time, the repayments of a particular customer were, upon most occasions, fully equal to the advances which they had made to him, they might be assured that the paper money which they had advanced to him had not, at any time, exceeded the quantity of gold and silver which he would otherwise have been obliged to keep by him for answering occasional demands; and that, consequently, the paper money, which they had circulated by his means, had not at any time exceeded the quantity of gold and silver which would have circulated in the country, had there been no paper money
47. The frequency, regularity, and amount of his repayments, would sufficiently demonstrate that the amount of their advances had at no time exceeded that part of his capital which he would otherwise have been obliged to keep by him unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands; that is, for the purpose of keeping the rest of his capital in constant employment
48. The advances of the bank paper, by exceeding the quantity of gold and silver which, had there been no such advances, he would have been obliged to keep by him for answering occasional demands, might soon come to exceed the whole quantity of gold and silver which ( the commerce being supposed the same ) would have circulated in the country, had there been no paper money; and, consequently, to exceed the quantity which the circulation of the country could easily absorb and employ ; and the excess of this paper money would immediately have returned upon the bank, in order to be exchanged for gold and silver
49. in the year and sometimes a great deal more, when either the price of the commission happened to rise, or when he was obliged to pay compound interest upon the interest and commission of former bills
50. The paper which was issued upon those circulating bills of exchange amounted, upon many occasions, to the whole fund destined for carrying on some vast and extensive project of agriculture, commerce, or manufactures ; and not merely to that part of it which, had there been no paper money, the projector would have been obliged to keep by him unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands
1. Dave obliges and is reassured
2. A regulation which obliges all those of the same trade in a particular town to enter their names
3. Thus the law which obliges the masters in several
4. It only obliges them to pay that value in money,
5. The plenty not only obliges him to sell cheaper, but, in consequence of these improvements, he can afford to sell cheaper; for if he could not afford it, the plenty would not be of long continuance
6. on the building, obliges the owner to render it
7. It obliges all of them to be more circumspect in their conduct, and, by not extending their currency beyond its due proportion to their cash, to guard themselves against those malicious runs, which the rivalship of so many competitors is always ready to bring upon them
8. This free competition, too, obliges all bankers to be more liberal in their dealings with their customers, lest their rivals should carry them away
9. If it is fixed precisely at the lowest market price, it ruins, with honest people who respect the laws of their country, the credit of all those who cannot give the very best security, and obliges them to have recourse to exorbitant usurers
10. In other countries, rent and profit eat up wages, and the two superior orders of people oppress the inferior one ; but in new colonies, the interest of the two superior orders obliges them to treat the inferior one with more generosity and humanity, at least where that inferior one is not in a state of slavery
11. In several different parts of Europe, the toll or lock-duty upon a canal is the property of private persons, whose private interest obliges them to keep up the canal
12. In order to acquire this fortune, or even to get this subsistence, they must, in the course of a year, execute a certain quantity of work of a known value; and, where the competition is free, the rivalship of competitors, who are all endeavouring to justle one another out of employment, obliges every man to endeavour to execute his work with a certain degree of exactness
13. If he professes himself to be of any other, indeed, the law obliges him to leave the canton
14. While it obliges the people to pay, it may thus diminish, or perhaps destroy, some of the funds which might enable them more easily to do so
15. But, as it might be troublesome for the receiver to prosecute the whole parish, he takes at his choice five or six of the richest contributors, and obliges them to make good what had been lost by the insolvency of the collector
16. conveniency or necessity obliges to sell
17. pretended, though in general, perhaps, they do their duty fully as well as those of the customs ; yet, as that duty obliges them to be frequently very troublesome to some of their neighbours, commonly contract a certain hardness of character, which the others frequently have not
18. ” She sits at the other end of the table as he obliges her request and they begin eating their soups
19. and often obliges us to discard old solutions and to look for new ones
20. The terror became a cry; a dry, sharp cry born from the entrails of my fear, which huddled in my solar plexus, then came out expressing that primitive and instinctive fear that obliges us to undertake the biggest feats born more from improvisation than understanding
21. The powerful black stallion trots up to the fence, hoping for a treat and Gautama obliges with a juicy ripe pear
22. day their mothers gave birth to them, but that life obliges them over
23. It also involves what the Almighty God obliges His obedients in Paradise with, of the looking at His noble Face and the witnessing of His great beauty
24. He says: “they will abide therein forever, Al’lah well pleased with them”: for the charity they have rendered “and they with Him” for the bliss and kindness He obliges them with
25. He will ascertain that unless his Provider supplies him with power and obliges him with blessings and prestige, he will be powerless, poor and insignificant
26. He wanted to acquaint you, man, with that the one who obliges you with these graces is caring about you and loving to you
27. It also involves that with which the Almighty God obliges His obedient followers in Paradise, namely the Sight of His noble Face and the witnessing of His great beauty
28. And everyone knows appreciation equals debt and debt obliges dependence, and from dependence a groveling that should love the King that buys her with gifts and thus owns her as property
29. Al’lah is wellpleased with them)) for the charity they have rendered ((and they with Him)) for the bliss and kindness with which He obliges them
30. Love isn't strong enough to oblige us to share, because Love obliges no one; but a loan is no respecter of person, restraining all by its letter of retainer
31. That is what the Prophet (cpth) is referring to in his noble saying: “Love Al’lah for the graces with which He obliges you, and then love me because of His Love for me
32. 0 bites 1's neck, crying 'Bite me so I might live forever', and 1 obliges by can opening 0's head
33. His stomach obliges them with a grumble of its own
34. Cass never has lied in his life, but he reluctantly obliges Unks
35. Cass obliges as the captain yells over top the celebration, “Give the order to dismiss!”
36. ' Nay, I come of no ungrateful stock, for all the world knows, but particularly my own town, who the Panzas from whom I am descended were; and, what is more, I know and have learned, by many good words and deeds, your worship's desire to show me favour; and if I have been bargaining more or less about my wages, it was only to please my wife, who, when she sets herself to press a point, no hammer drives the hoops of a cask as she drives one to do what she wants; but, after all, a man must be a man, and a woman a woman; and as I am a man anyhow, which I can't deny, I will be one in my own house too, let who will take it amiss; and so there's nothing more to do but for your worship to make your will with its codicil in such a way that it can't be provoked, and let us set out at once, to save Senor Samson's soul from suffering, as he says his conscience obliges him to persuade your worship to sally out upon the world a third time; so I offer again to serve your worship faithfully and loyally, as well and better than all the squires that served knights-errant in times past or present
37. equalled by mine for you, but a cruel necessity obliges us to seek the only
38. Which somehow obliges the rest of us to set the bar
39. His uncle was angry with him because of the manner in which he had thrown away the good position of telegraph operator in Villa de Leyva, but he allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves
40. What I really grieve over is your unhappy passion itself for gambling—a passion which bereaves me of part of your tender affection and obliges me to tell you such bitter truths as (God knows with what pain) I am now telling you
41. The doctrine of Jesus, which teaches us that we cannot possibly make life secure, but that we must be ready to die at any moment, is unquestionably preferable to the doctrine of the world, which obliges us to struggle for the security of existence
42. This contradiction is evident both in economic and in political relations; it is manifested most unmistakably in the inconsistency of the acknowledgment of the Christian law of brotherly love and military conscription, which obliges men to hold themselves in readiness to take each other's lives,—in short, every man to be at once a Christian and a gladiator
43. It amounts to this, that honor obliges men to fight, that it is for the interest of nations that they should attack and destroy one another, and that all endeavors to abolish war can but excite a smile
44. But not perceiving any one disposed to do so, a sense of duty obliges me, though very unwell, to claim your indulgence while I offer my sentiments on this subject, so interesting to the Union at large, but particularly to the western section of it
45. But what obliges Congress to give credit at all? Could it not demand prompt payment of the duties? And in fact does it not so demand in many instances? Whether credit is given or not, is a matter merely of discretion
46. However painful it may be to censure the conduct of our own Government, yet a sense of justice obliges me to say, that to every overture made by Great Britain to accommodate this unpleasant affair, our Administration attached some exceptionable condition which closed the door to an amicable adjustment
1. Richard was so obliging that he virtually let her and
2. obliging to offer their space for the sake of the children, as
3. They were generally at the same time erected into a commonalty or corporation, with the privilege of having magistrates and a town-council of their own, of making bye-laws for their own government, of building walls for their own defence, and of reducing all their inhabitants under a sort of military discipline, by obliging them to watch and ward; that is, as anciently understood, to guard and defend those walls against all attacks and surprises, by night as well as by day
4. In countries such as Italy or Switzerland, in which, on account either of their distance from the principal seat of government, of the natural strength of the country itself, or of some other reason, the sovereign came to lose the whole of his authority; the cities generally became independent republics, and conquered all the nobility in their neighbourhood; obliging them to pull down their castles in the country, and to live, like other peaceable inhabitants, in the city
5. unnecessary quantity of gold and silver, is as absurd as it would be to attempt to increase the good cheer of private families, by obliging them to keep an unnecessary number of kitchen utensils
6. By obliging the farmer to carry on two trades instead of one, it forced him to divide his capital into two parts, of which one only could be employed in cultivation
7. There seems to be a hardship in obliging the proprietor to pay a tax for an untenanted house, from which he can derive no revenue, especially so very heavy a tax
8. kinder, more obliging than she used to be
9. A depleted treasury must find creative ways of raising revenue however dry the well in order to pacify the demands of its citizens; engendering more spending promoting a vicious cycle of tax and spending policies sapping the energies and moral vitality of its productive citizens who grow increasingly cynical while the Rabble grows more demanding and the government more obliging
10. She had been more than obliging in satisfying his needs
11. obliging, helpful-- not now and then, but all the time
12. More than a dozen such proffers were made, and he utilized each one as an opportunity for imparting some thought of spiritual ennoblement by well-chosen words or by some obliging service
13. Obliging, the man carried his wife towards the wall and hesitated by the stranger who said nothing but allowed him to pass
14. Our each and every request was her obliging, dutiful
15. She was obliging, and made change for hi, from her apron pocket, obviously a solidifying of her day's tips
16. I hoped she wasn’t getting her hopes up after our little cuddle, as I was far from certain that I would be physically capable of obliging her, what with me being a zombie and all
17. Transparency by observing what's happen, recording experiences, thoughts and feelings has a great meaning in cooperation rather than confrontation obliging us into partnership for putting the past behind
18. He thinks that by rendering that service, he is obliging
19. The obliging actress beamed widely
20. But contemporary spontaneous sex is not dependent upon romantic courtship; it is a biological drive that can be divorced from the constraints of traditional sexual love and does not even require any formal pretense of caring for the obliging partner
21. Google is a better parent; more honest, obliging and without censor and prejudicial error (but not without framing bias)
22. The man was actually friendly and obliging, and so taken by the sight of me that he selected
23. The rich man increased the tightening of his hand, calling up all his energies so that he might defeat the invisible force which was obliging his hand to open
24. The sign of God’s true men is that they draw our attention, thought and appreciation to our Creator, the Gracious and the Obliging for all creation, who provides food, drink, and life
25. This startles Cass into obliging his uncle's request
26. “We’re leaving in a couple of hours,” she said, to which he muttered a nonchalant “uh um,” obliging her to continue
27. “The committee has decided” he proclaimed, obliging the now beaming Sean to accept the funnel to his lips, “that your forfeit is a quad-vod, to be washed down with a half-pint of the vilest concoction of sangria and punch ever mixed at this fine hotel
28. The task proved beyond him, and he found himself forced to move himself backwards to lean against the door, obliging Louise to follow his movements, but like she was auditioning to play the seven dwarfs, except with Sam’s rod where the microphone would be
29. There is no law obliging a man to marry because some lovesick girl wants him to--if I were a man I would never marry--but I do deplore the exceeding number of the girls who want him to
30. The landlord, as obliging a person as his wife was a capable one, had provided a cart with two long-tailed, raw-boned horses who were to come with us as far as Binz, my next stopping-place
31. At five o'clock, when I felt that a gentle shaking of Charlotte was no longer avoidable if we were to reach Binz that evening, and was preparing to apply it with cousinly gingerliness, an obliging bumble-bee who had been swinging deliciously for some minutes past in the purple flower of a foxglove on the very edge of the cliff, backed out of it and blundered so near Charlotte's face that he brushed it with his wings
32. The instant they were on her feet, stretching out in all their hugeness far beyond the frills of her skirt and obliging her to slide instead of walk, she became gracious
33. She came to thirst, and such was his skill that she thirsted healthily, for her husband or her father or whoever it was she had left, for worries, catastrophes, disgrace--for anything so long as it was so obliging as not to be love
34. And there's a most intelligent person--really a most helpful, obliging person--who came with you from Dover to Ullerton
35. She didn't like formalities and even though she was being obliging here, at the camp she was often anything but
36. Respect can also be shown in a different way: by legally obliging every hunter to remove all the usable meat from the site of the kill
37. Even the obliging Gilbert, who wasn't beyond indulging in a little attempted blackmail himself if he thought he could get away with it, would shy away from murder
38. Coeper set about obliging them by causing soccer ball sized hail stones to crashed to the
39. Is it not a fact that in the process of obliging Anil Ambani with a GSM license in ex-
40. But, invested for the moment with extraordinary power, he raised himself completely: obliging me to rise too, or I could not have still supported him
41. Though if I were to ask two or three obliging friends, I know they would give me them, and such as the productions of those that have the highest
42. But the chief grievance that rankled in her soul, and gave an excuse for her unfriendly conduct, was a rumor which some obliging gossip had whispered to her, that the March girls had made fun of her at the Lambs'
43. When he looked about him for another and a less intractable damsel to immortalize in melody, memory produced one with the most obliging readiness
44. He chatted with her about the new goods from Paris, about a thousand feminine trifles, made himself very obliging, and never asked for his money
45. adopt my child, and seemed to have no doubt of obliging Mr
46. I had therefore nothing in the world to do, but to fancy myself in love; and as my mother did not make my home in every respect comfortable, as I had no friend, no companion in my brother, and disliked new acquaintance, it was not unnatural for me to be very often at Longstaple, where I always felt myself at home, and was always sure of a welcome; and accordingly I spent the greatest part of my time there from eighteen to nineteen: Lucy appeared everything that was amiable and obliging
47. imagination, charmed, as I was, to have any occasion of obliging and
48. With some cunning too, from floor to ceiling the walls were a mass of statues, gargoyles, bas-reliefs and fluted columns that cast weirdlymoving shadows when the dragon gave an obliging illumination at Twoflower's request
49. "He was so obliging as to suggest my father for your tutor, and he called on my father to propose it
50. That I should innocently take a bad half-crown of somebody else's manufacture is reasonable enough; but that I should knowingly reckon the spurious coin of my own make as good money! An obliging stranger, under pretence of compactly folding up my bank-notes for security's sake, abstracts the notes and gives me nutshells; but what is his sleight of hand to mine, when I fold up my own nutshells and pass them on myself as notes!