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    offer of marriage

    1. The days were full of clean, crisp, sun-filled air on the slopes, the nights dancing in the nightclub with Maureen, a fun lesbian Australian who, a few months later, wisely refused my offer of marriage

    2. “ Are you ready to go onstage with me or not? ” Adrian was in one of his foul moods, because once again I’d refused his offer of marriage

    3. Sabrina's tribe fell upon hard times, and Phillip presented an offer of marriage to her father

    4. One would have thought that nothing could be simpler than for him, a man of good family, rather rich than poor, and thirty-two years old, to make the young Princess Shtcherbatskaya an offer of marriage; in all likelihood he would at once have been looked upon as a good match

    5. " Yesterday morning, in answer to her letter, he made Katerina Nikolaevna a formal offer of marriage

    6. But gradually the consciousness crept back into the minds of each one present that the prince had just made her an offer of marriage

    7. “Oh, yes, I know all about it, I assure you! Your friend Nastasia came over and told me all! You got hold of the old prince, made him drunk and persuaded him to make an offer of marriage to your daughter Zina—whom nobody else will marry; and I daresay you suppose you are going to be a very great lady, indeed—a sort of duchess in lace and jewellery

    8. “Of course, my daughter has no need to beat up a husband; but at the same time, I must repeat that you yourself here, just by the piano, made her an offer of marriage

    9. Of course, I was not there myself, but in all probability this ballad reminded you of old times; very likely it reminded you of that very vicomtesse with whom you used once to sing, and of whom you were speaking to-day; well, and then, when you went up for your nap and lay down, thinking of the delightful impressions made upon you by the ballad and all, you dreamed that you were in love and made an offer of marriage to the lady who had inspired you with that feeling

    10. So it was that, in spite of this clamoring chorus of expediencies, the small voice which claims in every man the justice of joy made itself heeded, and Miss Merlin received an offer of marriage; which, stung by South’s indifference, she allowed herself to accept

    11. As she was not permitted to refuse an offer of marriage, how could she ever have given a token of love?—at least to the man that became her husband

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