Используйте «oldest» в предложении
oldest примеры предложений
1. "I know my uncle owns this place but really, who else could they put in charge? Draper? Hah!" Benji Draper was the oldest employee in the office
2. For the oldest reason in the
3. His oldest sons had ridden out to deal with Waldeis, the one who had given Ernesto the infection and now ridden off into the wild chaparral in fear
4. My oldest books have disintegrated, some I've copied over
5. The oldest surviving ones are from the end of the 41st century, but I've copied over some that go back four centuries farther than that
6. "The oldest were born as flesh more than one of your centuries ago
7. What are the oldest dead fronds now, would have been saplings holding up tent at the time
8. I then contacted their oldest fellow student, Jason, and asked directly
9. Energy healing is one of the oldest practices known
10. oldest daughter and I had an argument that Rhett
11. to face with the oldest working girl this side of the Black Death,
12. my three oldest children
13. The oldest two kids went with the daughter who was almost thirty, the other child with the younger daughter of the house
14. of the oldest and poorest people hereabouts
15. The oldest child, another girl aged about twelve, sat on the other
16. They surveyed the whole outside of the bottom of the barrel, the oldest tag that was visible to the outside was just about twelve decades in age
17. This was not the pyramid, this was something even older, perhaps the oldest works of man he had seen since the ruins of the old north
18. Whatever else Chas may have been, he was one of Ozzie’s oldest friends and Ozzie didn’t have many true friends
19. This was on the old canyon rim, the high ground, and the oldest part of campus
20. Yes it was near the lake, but it was down below water level in a cargo zone and in the back of one of the oldest sections of the lakefront
21. Jesse told of how at his death, it was all divided among his wives, and then handed down to the oldest boy of each
22. Except in her case, Emme had maintained it had to be handed down to her oldest Granddaughter; Emma's Grandmother, despite what Old Johnny thought or pressed Emme to do
23. Kit, her oldest answered
24. It was obvious from the red bronco in the drive that her oldest nephew Alex was there
25. Emme, her Grandmother, had inherited the money to buy the place, from her Grandmother, and although hers to do with as she saw fit, she was to leave it to her oldest granddaughter, Lizzy
26. Mark, his oldest, was just fourteen, and Steve barely twelve
27. In some of the oldest deleted areas he kept a mind he simply called the key-forger
28. "Your oldest girl was here yesterday, ordering more hats from the Miss’s
29. Tobago is smal er but has one of the highest bird densities on earth, and contains the oldest protected rainforest in the world
30. Grant strode across and met his sons glance toward the back amongst the oldest plants he had been collecting
31. "So he selects only the oldest and most valuable then?" Further mumblings and scratching of heads
32. That’s because I’m the oldest brother
33. he’d join his brothers, grown nephews, and her oldest brothers Kestides and Nikos shooting jets of wine out of their mouths
34. The family’s two oldest sons had died three years earlier, forced to serve as soldiers in the Lydian wars
35. He somewhat reminded her of one of Heron’s oldest friends, Carius Serenus
36. This Roscius was one who may well have some tie to the family of his two oldest friends, one of whom being the young woman he was charged with protecting at any cost from unknown threat
37. She hoped that they would all be reunited, she and all of her friends, former class-mates, sparring partners, neighbors, oldest and dearest friends
38. But now, reunited with her oldest friend, she knew she had another shoulder to cry on
39. Penelope’s heart told her it was at least possible – she had found both her brother and her best friend, oldest of playmates
40. The oriental martial arts, Chinese Gong (Kung) Fu, which means "masterful", is the oldest
41. Though posterior in their establishment, yet all the arts of refinement, philosophy, poetry, and eloquence, seem to have been cultivated as early, and to have been improved as highly in them as in any part of the mother country The schools of the two oldest Greek philosophers, those of Thales and Pythagoras, were established, it is remarkable, not in ancient Greece, but the one in an Asiatic, the other in an Italian colony
42. After the settlements of the Spaniards, that of the Portuguese in Brazil is the oldest of any European nation in America
43. Tai Chi is one of the oldest styles of martial arts, and one of the hardest to find
44. is one of the oldest martial arts styles, dating back hundreds of years
45. Your Administration wants to shred some of the oldest materials on the history of this area
46. “The oldest and most valuable ones,” she answered stiffly
47. Numerology is one of the oldest sciences of mankind and it plays an important role in helping people read their life path
48. Her name, Elizabeth Morgan, had been given to the oldest female since the 1700’s when the original family resided in Virginia
49. He then contacted the Central Council subcommittee for space missions, requesting to speak to Admiral Zolla II: the most senior – the oldest council member by over a century, son of the great elder Zolla, the legendary commander and time-traveller
50. ‘It’s the oldest rule in the book,’ said the King