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    only just in time

    1. We were only just in time to save Marguerite as it was –

    2. Upon the wallwalk it came, axe bared, and Barrin lifted his sword only just in time

    3. It was only just in time

    4. but only just in time for Delaney to notice what he had done

    5. He was only just in time

    6. She stopped, but only just in time, and looked at him frightened

    7. At Bâle there was hurry and bustle, the half hour they ought to have had there wasted away by some unaccountable loosening of the bandages of discipline on the German side to four minutes--the conductor when questioned said the engine had gone wrong, and explained, with a shrug that was to help hide his shame in this failure of the infallible, that engines were but human--and again there was an undignified scamper down steps and up steps and along platforms, and they arrived panting, pushed in by porters, only just in time into a compartment studded round with sleeping Swiss

    8. When the car turned into a drive-way, Fred refrained from following it only just in time

    9. The usher hastened on his errand, but was only just in time, for the tailor was

    10. Having restored the circulation to a certain extent, they now resumed their work, and only just in time, for a few minutes afterwards they observed Misery peeping round the corner of the house at them and they wondered how long he had been there, and whether he had overheard their conversation

    11. ‘Only just in time

    12. The General had sent them, and they reached us only just in time

    13. They were only just in time

    14. Only just in time! A wolf snapped- at his cloak as he swung up, and nearly got him

    15. Bilbo had escaped only just in time!

    16. The flight ended only just in time for him, just before his arms gave way

    17. Then he spurred his great horse right at me, and I jumped out of the way only just in time

    18. Even as it was, I was in a glowing heat by the time I reached the Thelma, and only just in time at that, as the first chilly wreaths of mist were closing round me by the time I got on board

    19. The Honourable John appeared, resplendent in all the glory of a silk hat and frock coat, with a flower in his buttonhole, his hands gloved in lemon-coloured kids, and his feet shiny with patent leather; the people parted to let him pass, and stared at him as if he were a marquis at the very least, but the porter flung his portmanteau over the bulwarks like that of any other common tourist; John himself, with more agility than I gave him credit for, sprang aboard only just in time, as the men shouted "All clear aft, sir

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