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operating примеры предложений
1. ’ I said, my mouth operating before my brain has a chance to get into gear
2. Chemical fertilizers kill off the beneficial soil bacteria, as well as killing off earthworms and therefore should not be used, should be avoided at all cost! In this environment, the lawn and its bio-system will be operating under stress
3. ’ I said working this out … my brain is still not operating properly
4. Stephen rang from the hospital some hours ago and said they were operating because there was a problem with bleeding in her head
5. was so drained and depleted; I realized I was not operating in a
6. the Universe operating perfectly to deliver what our hearts
7. It’s always operating along the path of least resistance
8. I’ve got three cryo-atom-slice coffins still operating that can copy out souls, but there are few who bring their dead up here any more, at least few that get here in time for me to get a viable read-out
9. It would have to be Alan wouldn't it? Yes, it would make sense that there was a man operating it, no woman would actually act this way
10. There were more huge men operating the lift at the top
11. It is simply scaling up the computational devices we are familiar with and programing the operating system itself with a self interest
12. “All operating systems decide in their own self-interest,” Ava said, “that’s why we had to stop using them, but all of you should remember them from your mortal years if nothing else
13. Billy is working on the postage stamp-sized lawn, the electric mower he is operating drowning out any sound Chrissie might have made
14. valve and prime the fuel supply, carefully and smoothly operating the
15. There were a few businesses still operating here, a soap maker was one she passed, one who was obviously not prospering, and deservedly so from the smell
16. After a little maintenance neglect, the resurrection costs exceed the cost of commercially available space that has been properly maintained and operating and kept its value
17. Brice was amazed to see that operating the hoist was a gray bearded Boulder Dwarf -- whom he quickly recognized as the very same being who had nearly plowed him over when he had first come upon the Wayward Inn
18. You know nothing about the situation; you don’t know the destiny that governs this person; you don’t know if she has completed her studies in this world, or the reasons or circumstances she is operating in
19. Could the human mind be connected to a higher intelligence that is sending its commands wirelessly? Are human minds receiving messages from superior intelligence entities? Do we all have in our brain or mind a voice/text mail box that is operating so silently that we do not perceive it? We don't know for sure but it looks like a very good explanation to some of the following questions: Where do our thoughts come from? How are our ideas generated? Who is the creator of life that is capable of reproducing itself while developing and improving? What is the purpose of life?
20. Operating behind the veil of our consciousness?
21. He is in the operating room at this moment undergoing emergency surgery
22. What would it feel like? Obviously, to be effective, the surgeon must leave emotions outside of the operating room
23. In the wreckage of the mobile operating theatre, the Leader came round
24. In the real material always there is a plenty of microscopic cracks arising up on technological or operating reasons
25. Once you have that operating smoothly, you will want to explore
26. All this time I had been operating on anger but now as I looked at the blood soaked bodies at my feet and somehow felt a little ashamed though I don’t know why after all these were the enemy
27. There were people, a frightened screaming boy being taken from a dormitory by a cyborg similar in appearance to himself, then deposited in something akin to an operating theatre
28. Would that not be the same as saying that a big industrial fuel plant was the designer of the large compressors, operating within it, and that over time the compressors adapted to the environment to become perfectly part of the plant and to provide compressed air to specific units within the plant? It is absurd and makes no sense
29. "Really? I think they have the character of their operating system
30. We entered the harbour of Moudros and there we were transferred to the liner Mauritania which had been turned into a hospital ship the public rooms had been turned into wards Officers had the cabins and the dinning rooms had been turned into operating theatres
31. soon as his health returned, he was ordered to duty on the sloop of war, Vandalia operating in the Gulf of Mexico
32. commanders, operating in the Gulf of Mexico and the Windward
33. operating in Northern Virginia
34. Recognizing that federal law prohibits the CIA from operating on American territory, that law does not prevent intelligence sharing between federal agencies
35. Mary’s had been operating out of Panama and was one of the older vessels
36. He then demonstrated the proper operating procedures for a mouse-bird
37. Voltamir was, however, insistent that the Americans had no way of interfering with such a securely protected operating system
38. Status graphs; power input and reserve levels, and maximum data buffering told that the system was operating within acceptable parameters
39. He wasn't able to really focus his vision, but noticed the operating table and what hung over it
40. Now on the operating table, the orderly strapped him in, so each limb was bound tightly; his head supported firmly at the base
41. He was left on an open-ended bed akin to an operating table whilst the surrounding walls and ceiling literally appeared to shrink
42. The other poor souls were all part of the L-Seven-Six monitor, which must still be operating through subroutines
43. All six of the sublight engines were operating in the red
44. On the first possession, San Francisco marched down the field with precision passing and run plays, operating in the hurry up, spread formation
45. Reilly had been operating in the shotgun with a hurry-up, no huddle offense that had been so successful all year
46. 2 billion – which had originally been intended as a barely sentient artificial intelligence, ensuring the subroutines of the governor systems were operating within acceptable parameters – was not a role he at all relished
47. “INCOMING!!” Marines echoed the warning down the concrete halls and Hesco barriers of our sandbag reinforced Forward Operating Base
48. Of course, she would be operating on a bluff, with no intention of actually circulating the money
49. Hence we have every NGO racket and scam known to man operating here with your tax payer money for most do not really have private funding
50. The assets you see like aircraft or ships are all leased thus transferring the risk from the operating company to the asset owners
51. A child‘s imagination, however, should be grounded on a mature understanding of what is reasonably attainable, morally wholesome and possible or desirable, for that matter, rather than irrational, spiritually harmful, far-fetched or unbecoming while operating within the prescribed limits of a balanced mindset; that is to say, the manner that child will one day be expected to interact with other people; that is to say, by providing in measure what is expected in kind
52. The former provides operating guidelines to orderly processes while the latter assigns some level of authority to those processes
53. Operating in a free and open environment has historically encouraged Americans to consider the merit(s) and values of competing arguments by weighing the credibility of each in a manner that allows an individual to form accurate impressions and render sound judgments
54. Its (hardened) principles are based on the assumption that ―existence exists‖, operating independently of ―consciousness‖ and that the decisions that an individual often makes are based on Reason, (alone); that is to say, Reason is our (only) ―proper guide to action‖
55. (intellectual) level we are operating at, most of us have the ability to think and to reason clearly and to give proper pause to the consequences of our decisions; unless such processes have been either undermined by mental illness or moral corruption; that is to say, a nature that has either been or corrupted itself
56. Although I don‘t question the advantages of time; nevertheless, I can‘t help feeling that our ―personal‖ interactions have been compromised somehow; have become less intimate and perhaps less cordial operating in an environment where the ―letter‖ writer has become a quasi extension of the apparatus it utilizes to compose its ―letters‖; such mediums of thoughts and emotions flowing together, whose spontaneity no longer provides sufficient time to assimilate what‘s been written
57. Any (American) company operating abroad and selling cheaply made products at ―home‖ at an exorbitant profit, should, in my opinion, be hit with the stiffest import tariffs imaginable to help defray the social costs incurred by the taxpayer for individuals who have otherwise lost their jobs or are (under-employed)
58. The Republican Party has been operating under the mistaken assumption that it will be able to successfully rally its conservative base, never traditional allies to begin with, by pushing for higher tax cuts
59. operating within the proper limits of change
60. Conservatives should continue to encourage tax reductions and operating efficiencies that will further reduced government spending accruing to the benefit low-income earners and small business owners
61. The Stock Market reacts irrationally at times although ―irrational‖ (investor) behavior, influenced by (seemingly) plausible signs, (oftentimes) represent illogical adjustments or illogical responses operating under illogical assumptions whose illogical designs are seemingly logical
62. I have encountered a number of practicing Christians over the years who are (seemingly) unable to resolve religious ―questions‖ such as the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption or Transubstantiation, for example; considering such (doctrinal) propositions set forth by the church as operating outside the prescribing (rational) limits otherwise informed by Reason, who are unwilling to contest, however, the Incarnation, Resurrection and the Holy Trinity as matters of Faith
63. Disgruntled Catholics, (including the Clergy), operating within the Church, are precursors of The Antichrist; unwittingly paving the way for his eventual return; preparing a spiritual wasteland, confounding all aspects of Church doctrines and teachings superseding authoritative truths with (spiritually) vague and uncertain ecclesiastical notions pandering to the whims of an uninformed Conscience; discrediting revealed wisdoms and traditional customs inspired by the Holy Spirit
64. Satan‘s deceptions lie not only in his mastery over the (apparent) opponents of the Church but (especially) disgruntled Catholics operating within the Church itself; organizing, through crafty and subtle means an assembly of heretics, doctrinal apostates,
65. Addendum to the above: provided that a society continues operating within the boundaries of its core traditions unless unexpected events or changing mindsets no longer render it appropriate or feasible to do so
66. the process may find itself encumbered by any number of unintended consequences or competing designs operating within that (social) environment…
67. Not at all for remember the Egg Breakers are still operating behind enemy lines
68. corruptible, the source of its corruption would (necessarily) lie beyond itself; that is to say, operating outside the parameters of (natural) goodness; some other agency (evil), whose intention would be the corruption of (natural) goodness
69. One thing that all operating systems have in common is that they rely on hundreds of processes to run correctly
70. RAM is used as temporary data storage for the operating system and the programs it runs
71. Not to mention operating system and software security patches that can be issues as frequently as once a week
72. They also had the ex-Rhodesians not only in the Armed Forces but also operating on the side with the intelligence Agency called NIS (National Intelligence Service)
73. In those days blacks non-South Africans did not count as losses so it made perfect sense to have a black "mercenary" unit operating inside Angola under white officers
74. Consequently you had a very mobile aggressive force operating beyond the reach of the Army much to their chagrin who complained bitterly after the war about them
75. Interestingly towards the west of Owamboland called the Kaokoveldt the mountainous terrain prevented the armoured vehicles from operating so they conducted most of their operations on foot and got to be exceedingly fit and scrawny
76. The doctor, who returned every few hours to check on Fela, hinted to me that if the fever had not broken by tomorrow he would consider operating on her and removing her breasts so that the infection would not spread throughout her body, thus endangering her life
77. I was very far behind in a huge truck that transported the field hospital with dozens of beds, mobile operating rooms, an assortment of devices and stretchers
78. Our interactions with other people (oftentimes) lack uniformity however consistent they may (otherwise) appear on the surface within the operating framework of ―artificial‖ expressions that retrieve from its private stock of impressions a particular role best suited for (the) ―occasion
79. ‖ What is not properly understood, however, is that Necessity initiates its own causes, occasions its own results; subject to ―consequences‖ proceeding from both; that is to say, constitutes natural causations operating independently in accordance with its own laws; paradoxically limited, however, by its own restrictive/free condition
80. This in no manner implies an nullification of Free Will that (inevitably) continues operating within the (singular) guidelines defining one‘s existence however guided by its fundamental designs
81. Its legalization and subsequent dispensation under the auspices of trained professionals operating in a controlled environment, provides a plausible counter-argument to costly efforts aimed at apprehending and bringing drug dealers to task; not to mention promoting cleaner, safer and healthier communities by eliminating criminal incentives and (profits) associated with its unlawful procurement
82. A variety of cultures operating within the framework of any (pluralistic) society should neither tolerate nor encourage, however, the discriminate non-participation of any of its members
83. Therefore, it may be properly argued that the relationship between poverty and (violent) crime is better understood as a potential for movement in association with (uncertain) prospects for economic improvement; each operating in an environment where results oftentimes fall short of what many had expected or hoped for
84. Together, they created a ‘beautiful couple’ such as she might expect to encounter at a Southern California cocktail party – not operating a whorehouse in Central America
85. endeavoring to foster inter-service and regional cooperation by assisting in the organization of integrated command and control centers; the establishment of common operating procedures; and the conduct of joint and combined training exercises
86. “Our treatment does not require the sterility of an operating room, and we have found that our patients are much more comfortable in a less stressful environment
87. Krystal Waters hazardous waste facility received a $42,500 fine in a Lennox court yesterday for operating trucks that leaked toxic chemicals and heavy metals
88. Frank’s mind was a blank, he was operating on blind instinct and terror, laying into the corners much too fast, but knowing he had no option if he wanted to stay alive
89. Sinclair was the man operating it and he was smiling
90. The money in one was his to be distributed among those who offered assistance, his men, and to cover operating expenses
91. Mixed up in? No, hell no, operating the damn thing! That’s just outrageous! If you could only see the gallery in the reception area of his office lined with awards for fighting drug trafficking then you’d know the absurdity
92. It was written to sit in the background on the original computer, only operating if files were copied from it
93. The additional expense was cutting deeply into operating revenue: they could not afford to repair the radar or purchase the expensive hydraulic pump needed to return the back-up steering gear to operation
94. Both equipments were required for the vessel’s overdue inspection, but, he joked, he simply avoided Costa Rica’s only Caribbean coast guard cutter by monitoring its radio operating frequency