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    opposite number примеры предложений

    opposite number

    1. Sometimes it did feel like she was not being taken seriously enough by her opposite number whenever terms were discussed

    2. gaped in shock as his opposite number came into view, the

    3. Burning fiercely the robot walks towards its opposite number appearing oblivious of its burning form

    4. ‘Oppos’, meaning opposite numbers, are the sailors in a

    5. His opposite number is Animal Mother ("You talk the talk but do you walk the walk"), in whom the conditioning has

    6. Although the Head of Computer Services had offered to meet his opposite number in Threadneedle Street to discuss it, they had eventually agreed that the security aspects of the case would probably be a better starting point

    7. Jan Bergen, Vaughan’s opposite number there, had been quite sure that a complete stranger had been responsible for tampering with her account, but then he didn’t know about her more distant nephew, Robin

    8. “I’ve no idea what it’s about,” she told Bill, “and I got the impression from my opposite number in the Cabinet Office that Isabelle didn’t have much idea either

    9. Fusion team recognised one of their opposite number, a member of the CIA, among the crowd of delegates, ‘keeping an eye a guy we hope will soon be working for us,’ the man had said

    10. The Foreign Secretary will be in touch with his opposite number in Moscow later this afternoon to begin negotiations

    11. People are either seen to have died naturally, or they disappear, or they are killed off by their opposite numbers as part of a tit-for-tat operation

    12. The massed bands would, until that key moment, be led by the Royal Marines Director of Music, but he would then ceremoniously hand over the baton to his opposite number in the US Marines

    13. He proved right about Mont Saint Michel on this side, so I’m sure he’ll come up trumps on its opposite number

    14. He was on an equal footing of familiarity with high government officials all the way down to his opposite numbers, the ushers and office boys

    15. The five principles mentioned at the start of this chapter apply to all candles, and all our VPA analysis, but as the shooting star and its opposite number the hammer are so important, I felt it was appropriate to introduce the basic concepts of the next levels of VPA analysis here

    16. The Carrow carriage had stopped opposite number twenty-seven

    17. He believed the class struggle was the same the world over, and the inscription on his grave in London reads ‘Workers of All Lands, Unite!’ (Aristocrats and business people were used to moving freely among their opposite numbers in different parts of the world, so Marx was merely applying the same sort of idea to the working class

    18. His opposite number in Moscow was Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, a tough old Bolshevik who thought he could make mincemeat of Kennedy

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