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    1. guardian angel, spirit guides, souls of the ‘deceased’) help orchestrate chance encounters so that we meet the right people at the most appropriate time, to help us with our daily lives

    2. The greatest (moral) ―tragedies‖ are oftentimes self-inflicted by individuals who choose to orchestrate their own disappointments by making ill-advised (decisions) without giving proper thought to the consequences of their actions, who are/were nevertheless capable of critically examining every aspect of such decisions; that is to say, their moral and rational dimensions, had they been properly inclined to do so and who, having suffered the unhappy effects of ―unexpected‖ outcomes, are wont to attribute their personal misfortunes to Chance rather than their own indomitable designs and indiscretions

    3. Both the ZM and MN had some sort of telepathic relation to orchestrate such

    4. “Surely you don’t think Mother would orchestrate my demise because of the actions of another

    5. In fact, you should orchestrate how people see you for the

    6. You aren’t there to orchestrate things

    7. Were we players? Did she orchestrate this whole little drama or was it an accident,

    8. Even though there were Bloodliners in the group, they still listened to Halirit’s orders; partly due to the fact that he was the son of a wyassy, but mostly because he was the one to orchestrate the even today, and the Bloodliners had asked to join because they wanted to see the Rakai hunt for the first time

    9. orchestrate miraculous feats in order to convince them that He was, indeed, God in the flesh

    10. stay in power, it only has to orchestrate a war

    11. “You will also have to orchestrate a continuous disruption of police routine from Saturday morning and increase intensity from Sunday evening

    12. “I’ll be right on time,” Graisco assured him, hoping now that he could convince Wickland and Higgins to orchestrate a sting operation

    13. Instead of being frustrated, he meditated and prayed which allowed the Infinite to orchestrate the manifestation of his PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY

    14. Orchestrate means to “arrange or control the elements of, as to achieve a desired overall effect” (Dictionary 2009)

    15. While in office, I used my position to orchestrate the clean up and rehab of half a dozen inner-city playgrounds and started an urban gardening initiative that’s still in operation

    16. Let it orchestrate the events that will manifest the thing you desire

    17. friend at lunch is the truth: You can’t orchestrate the world to do your bidding

    18. Oke and myself are gratified that we can orchestrate the ritual of their passing with decorum

    19. Living people need to be given the knowledge, and the insight to take back their lives from the undead invisible ghouls who try to control and manipulate and orchestrate their lives

    20. What these dead filth actually did was to orchestrate and manipulate the lives of living humans so that their supposed ‘divinations’ their ‘predictions’ would apparently come to pass as they predicted

    21. The reason why couples in love break up, the reason there are broken hearts, the reason the exception of True Love is always brutally destroyed over and over again is because undead filth orchestrate the breakups

    22. The point is: the undead used BOTH top élites in power to orchestrate the mass genocide of Germans while sparing the Jews from slaughter

    23. What actually happened in the 9/11 debacle was beyond the ability of any living human conspiracy to orchestrate and coordinate successfully

    24. The undead intentionally create and orchestrate human conflicts in order to intentionally ruin everything Man tries to build up that is positive

    25. It took an enormous concentration of undead, spanning thousands and thousands of years, from the undead ghouls of the God Apis of Egypt, to the undead ghouls of King Phillip of Macedonia, to the undead ghouls of Alexander the Great’s army, to the undead ghouls of ancient Alexandria, to the undead ghouls of the Transylvania period of history when Vlad and butchery and horror and cruelty ran rampant in the Balkans… it took ALL of this ACCUMULATION of undead ghouls concentrated into the city of Sarajevo to orchestrate, plan and carry out the assassination of Franz Ferdinand… That is how weak they are…

    26. Or that there is indeed an uncanny and divine truth within this seemingly chaotic and diverse, but wonderful and miraculous story, that perhaps only the divine will of the Creator could truly orchestrate

    27. Orchestrate an attack upon his life which destroys his mind and his body even more…

    28. As the order was given to pull, I lent my own strength to the line of sailors throwing themselves on the ropes as the captain continued to orchestrate order into the mass confusion of the scene

    29. He can orchestrate its events in any way he sees fit

    30. Wheelchair-bound and needing physical care until his death, eight years later, and unable to orchestrate and manipulate the careers, social aspirations, and political futures of his children, he suffered mutely as the world moved on

    31. He was prepared to orchestrate an intervention or to have her admitted to McLean Hospital to dry out

    32. I tried to orchestrate a get-together once every two or three months

    33. government and the Federal Reserve, in concert with central banks and sovereigns across the globe, to orchestrate it so successfully

    34. He thrust out his hands to orchestrate, to conduct, to flourish

    1. She’d orchestrated this whole evening to lead up to a seduction

    2. What fool would ever want to leave this new beautiful way of life for the war-ravaged (orchestrated) madness above ground? Logic had always been his guide: causally predictive, applying to a cost-benefit analysis – who could argue with that? It was sure to give the most satisfying results

    3. The boy bowed as if he had orchestrated the construction

    4. Satan‘s clever strategy of Divide and Conquer has been brilliantly orchestrated by his enlistment of the spiritually depleted who, although not inherently evil, and perhaps motivated in part by ―good‖ intentions, have fallen victims to pride and self-love

    5. They also made sure that the local black population did not betray them by orchestrated brutality beyond belief

    6. First, most of the contacts inside Rhodesia were orchestrated by the Seleous Scouts who would meet with other genuine terrorists groups and identify their whereabouts to fireforces

    7. Recent events following, what seems like an eternity, the national catastrophe of September 11th 2001; I am referring specifically to the emergence of mass demonstrations orchestrated by political activists from the Jewish and Arab Communities and other groups mutually sympathetic to their anti-war agenda, that effectively amounts to bringing the war to our shores, runs counter with how, until (relatively) recent times, most Americans historically responded during time(s) of national crisis

    8. Pacing around the chaos, a woman with a tablet and a notebook snapped orders as she orchestrated the groupings of furniture into a different configuration

    9. Jack Herbertsin had orchestrated this clandestine unsanctioned mission for his own personal benefit, now he had to call it off

    10. confirming to me that the entire trip was completely orchestrated

    11. we believed was entirely planned and orchestrated by the Lord

    12. “The second you orchestrated an attack against innocent people

    13. It was a huge event, orchestrated by the captain’s hostess, Carol

    14. 139) It was all orchestrated by none other than God, the Master Architect

    15. government that orchestrated the 9/11 attack and blamed it on terrorists, using it as a

    16. “But he orchestrated and coordinated everything that led to Carson’s death

    17. “I’m not facing deportation for getting someone killed, not to mention the crimes you orchestrated against me and my staff

    18. person who orchestrated most of this cover-up was Commissioner

    19. orchestrated entirely by the machinations of Mr

    20. “It’s obvious you haven’t orchestrated this yourself,” Felton said

    21. Whatever was going on I knew that she had orchestrated it somehow

    22. Beautifully orchestrated in a field of wolves

    23. who had orchestrated them at the Cup final led them in another

    24. But how is this orchestrated?

    25. "I thought it might have been Zoe who orchestrated it," Henry chortled

    26. At that moment I realized that everything had been a trap orchestrated by Zoroastro and Duprina to reach me

    27. Last but not least, a major dent was supposedly put in the War on drugs with the raids and sweeps that were orchestrated throughout the city

    28. Does he still think that the Angel orchestrated the whole thing, or has he come to his senses? “Indeed? I am glad to hear that

    29. There was nothing anyone could do about it as they had orchestrated the whole event and Sam had sabotaged it with his own agenda

    30. He was beginning to regret agreeing to Siri leaving the village, and he turned his frustration towards Lankenuna who he suspected had somehow orchestrated the whole adoption business

    31. The attack was orchestrated by a man who had a personal

    32. the rapists and those who orchestrated these acts lived the

    33. He could have orchestrated the entire scene at the cemetery

    34. orchestrated in some way

    35. tribulation have been known from before the foundation of the world, carefully orchestrated by

    36. The former are imbued with the catalytic energy of the moment of their birth, tuned like a tuning fork to the frequency containing their evolutionary experience in past and present terms, and orchestrated to accommodate a future intent born of their personal design

    37. Again, I saw the superbly orchestrated symbiosis of event-probabilities that Kha-li, Saa-ra, and the rest of the gang had designed, which were nevertheless not a done deal

    38. the end, when he orchestrated the fear and chaos that would bring the United

    39. we now know the second Iraq war was orchestrated through an excessive use of

    40. Briefly, the raging alter-ego that orchestrated the methodical plan dissolved, leaving him terrified of where he was, and ultimately what he was doing

    41. Each orchestrated movement was carefully premeditated before proceeding to another level, to minimize any possibility of homicide suspicion

    42. I bet if you analyse it, you’ll realise that it was all orchestrated

    43. It was orchestrated by Hussayn, the Sharif of Makkah and leader of the Hashemites of the Hijaz, and supported by Britain, the southern revolt aimed to liberate the Arab lands from the Turk and to establish an independent state with Husayn as Khalifa of the world of Sunni Islam

    44. Although collectively they formed a team, they were all high achievers, individuals pulling in the same orchestrated direction; this was the reason for the success of the Duke’s enterprise

    45. been orchestrated by Van Thorn

    46. was something that had been cleverly orchestrated

    47. The capabilities of land, sea, and air forces had to be carefully orchestrated, especially since the enemy was, at least on paper, numerically equal or in some areas superior

    48. And all of the activities a mosquito engages in is orchestrated by a brain about the size of the period at the end of this sentence

    49. He orchestrated Clegg’s death, the switching of the identities

    50. He surmised the movie was orchestrated in a way to make one feel

    1. Whoever orchestrates this war is no fool

    2. They claim that God is responsible for and orchestrates all our circumstances

    3. the colony that orchestrates and directs their symphony can be discerned

    4. The master build file orchestrates the correct running order for all the subprojects

    5. The point is it is only because undead evil orchestrates and reverses the perception of what is true and untrue that the most insane madman in Austria is later hailed as the wisest philosopher of that time

    6. The novel orchestrates all its themes, the totality of the world of objects and ideas depicted and expressed in it, by means of the social diversity of speech types [raznorečie] and by the differing individual voices that flourish under such conditions

    1. The self-centered self sits at the center of all of this caring, feverishly orchestrating

    2. Victor was orchestrating the new NASA

    3. Social Welfare agencies have assumed a life of their own that seeks to penetrate the viability and scope of their operations by carefully orchestrating and sustaining the ―needs‖ of the people entrusted to their care

    4. At the prestigious country club, François played golf while she lounged with other women’s husbands in the clubhouse bar, orchestrating countless real-life dramas, complete with steamy sex scenes and her as leading lady

    5. He had seen the likes of the Patriarch and the Castigator conspiring against the people, orchestrating deaths and mass executions as if people’s lives were mere numbers on charts, maps and reports

    6. Supposedly was orchestrating an

    7. Grimsley, who has been orchestrating the dead army from high above

    8. The precise means are not important; the responsible party will be compelled to share information as if they were not the ones who were orchestrating the events on that day

    9. watching over, or orchestrating, everything that was

    10. They came in to cut the head off the 222 Revolution and they still think that Bob is some big mastermind orchestrating everything through us

    11. government statements, and for orchestrating a campaign of

    12. could see she was orchestrating the performance

    13. communications and Ned responsible for research, analysis, and orchestrating liaison with

    14. Eve worked out her plan carefully and meticulously, orchestrating every move

    15. Their unsleeping evil of secret conniving and plotting and orchestrating never stops

    16. With the infiltration of undead ghouls into walking apes: the undead have been now for millions of been orchestrating an infiltration of the realm of life and a systematic poisoning of all life on all levels which the undead can attain

    17. They have millions of years of experience in plotting and orchestrating their evil

    18. The universal undead filthy tactic of plotting evil is by choosing the stupidest, weakest, most diseased corrupt living individuals and orchestrating events so they will occupy the top roles of their respective societies

    19. Secretly orchestrating the archduke to be potshot by a boy who was an abysmal marksman

    20. He was going to need help with orchestrating things once the dust settled

    21. Butterfield and the recently promoted General Don Hughes, the senior military assistant, would be hovering around the president, virtually guarding him, orchestrating the arrivals and departures of the “designated guests

    22. "Once More, Legato" spontaneously combusted one afternoon when I heard a treeful of birds orchestrating Berlioz and then Albeniz

    Синонимы для "orchestrate"

    direct engineer mastermind orchestrate organise organize manage plan assist facilitate harmonise harmonize arrange score synthesise synthesize blend integrate