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overestimate примеры предложений
1. “People tend to overestimate my character,” I say quietly
2. causes of behavior, overestimate orientation, this model is called the fundamental attribution
3. We can not overestimate the power of one individual over another
4. “I think you overestimate yourself,” I said carefully
5. overestimate your abilities in this if possible
6. “My king, I suspect you overestimate your son, and the abilities of the seers who predicted at his birth that he would one day become a great holy man
7. Therefore, this equation will be very accurate in all but the very muscular (Harris-Benedict will under-estimate calorie needs) and the very fat (Harris-Benedict will overestimate calorie needs)
8. probably a slight overestimate of the ratio, since most males in this category seem to
9. MANCINI DID NOT OVERESTIMATE the force that they would be facing
10. In essence, they overestimate the value of the Copyright © 2005 b By Sal Vannutini
11. ‘’The French overestimate their military capacity to win this conflict, while their colonial policies only increase the resentment of the Vietnamese people towards them
12. Some machines will grossly overestimate while
13. “You overestimate yourself in too many ways
14. overestimate the number of calories that they need and then they never see results
15. “Don’t overestimate your worth, Cassidy wanted you back, but I know with a little research, I could find someone to replace you
16. overestimate your appetite a little
17. This is why we constantly idealize ourselves and overestimate our significance and indulge in our own self-importance
18. Without it, you overestimate the harshness of life
19. 'You overestimate my talents, Inspector
20. A defeated army always tended to overestimate its opponent’s numbers
21. It is impossible to overestimate the seriousness of this bias
22. That way, you lower the odds that you will overestimate a company’s value based on a temporarily high burst of profitability
23. they do this because they overestimate the temporal distance to the delayed
24. If we overestimate volatility and the market moves more slowly than expected, the spread, which is initially delta positive, can instead become delta negative
25. Management can overestimate the size of a reserve account, which it can then later draw on to increase future earnings
26. Most investors overestimate their ability to judge a management team based on a face-to-face meeting
27. Novice traders usually overestimate their understanding and underestimate the other more skilled players in the market
28. Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and they massively underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade or two
29. So what’s your vision? Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and often underestimate what they can do in a decade or two
30. “You overestimate what the two of us can do,” Karyl said
31. However, survey expectations do not support this interpretation but, instead, indicate that investors overestimate future bond yield rises near cyclical troughs and earn unforeseen capital gains thanks to this forecast error
32. However, in good times investors may underestimate their liquidity needs just as they may overestimate their loss tolerance
33. If management is aggressive, it might overestimate the usefulness of equipment and therefore write down asset values more slowly, thus negatively affecting future earnings
34. Most investors focus too much on the short term, react to dramatic events, and overestimate the importance of widely covered news stories
35. One of the most common errors people make is to overestimate how much ground they have covered
36. For example, we have tended in the past couple of years to overestimate the intrinsic-value growth in media companies
1. Fanatic anti Communists also did not understand or overestimated the power of the USSR
2. She had become the owner of a house badly in need of repair in a comfortable Toronto neighborhood; however she had overestimated, by a large margin, the amount she would earn in sales commissions
3. He was later to learn that he had overestimated her age by nearly fifteen years
4. The impact of acid rain on forests was overestimated
5. ‘The order was formed into a school for the finest talents in the land, but even with their amazing combat prowess they occasionally overestimated their ability and fell in battle, leaving a new slot to be filled
6. and their separateness from society are seriously overestimated
7. In one sample, eighty-six Midwestern high school females consistently overestimated
8. One researcher found that 95 percent of the women he studied overestimated their
9. and enforcers of visual cultural standards of beauty cannot be overestimated
10. Also, what happened to him was strictly an accident caused by a dog and no more, thank you! From the way the two took it, Can figured he had overestimated them
11. Seems as if in scaling the formidable gate she overestimated her athletic prowess and settled onto the topmost curlicue of the iron scroll adorning the gate top; which unexpectedly penetrated her unrepentant genitalia
12. had seriously overestimated the capacity of the smaller animals for
13. seriously overestimated the capacity of the smaller animals for this kind of
14. Yaotl his face dark as thunder overestimated his importance once again; he opened his mouth when it would have been prudent to keep it tightly shut and in his rage began to speak
15. This news was most unexpected and too good to be true, it must be a trick; the Teoti were trying to lure the Toltec into some sort of a trap, there could be no other explanation, the Toltec couldn’t have so grossly overestimated the strength of the enemy, although the enemy did seem to have turned to water
16. This proved a mistake; he had overestimated the strength of Yamashita's forces
17. “I think you have grossly overestimated the amount of his bed partners
18. It appears I’ve underestimated you and, in the process, overestimated Finn
19. It’s another matter though that project costs are overestimated everywhere, to accommodate one and all
20. It was because Lady Proudness had overestimated Mei
21. Evidently, I overestimated my importance to the firm
22. I-to-Thou silent praying cannot be overestimated, for how we address the envisioned Infinite Cause
23. always because a designer overestimated their skills
24. already have a plan, you may have overestimated the
25. The great value of habit for good and evil cannot be overestimated
26. They overestimated their ability to control my life
27. Maybe his inner compass had overestimated his facility
28. It seemed that he had overestimated his enemy – or maybe it was just that Loofah was made of sterner stuff than he realised
29. “Good, they again overestimated their strength,” the female Elder said
30. Believe you’ve overestimated yourself
31. Generally the goal he selected was too distant, for he usually overestimated his strength, and whenever he was forced to give in he ran the truck against the kerb and stood there panting for breath and feeling profoundly disappointed at his failure
32. As I looked on, Albert chucked aside the deodorant whose powers I’d overestimated and the disposable razor I’d brought with some vague notion about shaving my legs and under my arms and—much to my embarrassment—the fat roll of condoms I’d slipped into my first aid kit
33. I underestimated the woman, and I guess I overestimated my own cleverness
34. Cahnyr Kaitswyrth had hugely overestimated the total numbers of the three armies aligned against him, yet his count on artillery had actually been low
35. ) Even though ALCOA’s profits did show excellent growth thereafter, it is evident that in this case the future possibilities were greatly overestimated in the market price
36. “I hate to say it, but maybe I’ve overestimated you, Matty
37. “Your opinion of your anomaly is grossly overestimated, Commander
38. America’s corrupting influence cannot be overestimated
39. Perhaps Gadai had overestimated the man’s diligence
40. Correspondingly, negative differences imply that actual changes in the portfolio value were smaller than expected (risk was overestimated)
41. This indicates that some of these portfolios were overestimated and some were underestimated
42. This means that under significant index fluctuations, the index delta tends to underestimate the risk, whereas under small and moderate index moves, the risk turns out to be overestimated
43. 1%, which indicates that on the 41st day the risk was slightly overestimated (when the estimate is tested just one day after it has been made)
44. 2% , which implies that when the risk is tested five days after the forecast, it becomes highly overestimated
45. Accordingly, negative differences imply that the risk is overestimated
46. 9(a) shows that in most cases forecast values are overestimated
47. 9, combinations with the highest criterion values are most likely to be overestimated
48. However, the negative effect of layers extension should not be overestimated
49. 1[g]), implying that the interrelationships between criteria within these pairs are considerably overestimated
50. So remember, the importance of staying on top of your research and being aware of new group movements cannot be overestimated
1. Using this ratio usually underestimates the cost of equity and thus overestimates EVA, but
2. If management initially overestimates the amount of the restructuring expense, it can reverse the liability and add the amount to earnings
3. The average return is of little use to the typical investor—it is almost always larger than the annualized return and often grossly overestimates the actual return received on the asset
1. He didn’t want to say that, instead he said, “You may be seriously overestimating Tdeshi’s importance in my life
2. Historically, though, the Seven have not been known to come out to fight if they think the master wizards are around to fight back, so we are banking on them overestimating us
3. ‘’Aren’t we overestimating her, Major? I myself am highly trained in unarmed combat and pistol shooting…’’
4. ‘’But, that’s impossible! The Americans must be grossly overestimating the Japanese losses
5. However, he vastly overestimating the power and influence of his party at the time, and Hitler’s attempt at seizing power ended where it began, at the Bavarian War Ministry in Munich
6. ‘’Uh, aren’t you overestimating her a bit, General? She may be our best air ace, by far, but she is still extremely young
7. Perhaps it was drastically overestimating speed
8. It was all a puzzle to the ex-midget but, overestimating his
9. I wasn’t sure what kind of a miracle worker he thought I was, but I think he was overestimating my abilities
10. ODS will handle most justification issues arising from overestimating how many characters will be returned from a format
11. Over the long run, money manager David Dreman has shown, 59% of Wall Street’s “consensus” earnings forecasts miss the mark by a mortifyingly wide margin—either underestimating or overestimating the actual reported earnings by at least 15%
12. I am not overestimating him when I say that though he has had his moments of weakness, he has always been determined to continue pursuing the goals of his youth, hatched up at the Gatehouse while counting nebulae with the truest friend of his life
13. Underestimating Chutani’s abilities would be extremely dangerous, but overestimating them could lead to paralysis
14. The behavioral story is that market expectations contain systematic forecast errors (overestimating the persistence of growth, with repeated surprises)