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    1. have a parrot growing out of the

    2. Bahkmar was reminded of a parrot by the skinny sack-licker

    3. Parrot: If you hear this bird chattering, beware of a treacherous person in your circle; if a young woman dreams of a parrot, she should investigate the origins of her lover before marriage, or she will have a nasty surprise too late

    4. fluttered down to roost on the parrot cage perch in her brain

    5. Too true parrot and with that I bought him

    6. Oh no parrot what happened then?

    7. “Padre why don’t you just get the hell out of here”, and with a sound like a strangled parrot he left

    8. I watched him for awhile and after he left I asked the union steward on the job whose name was Parrot, ―How much does that guy welding make an hour?‖ He said,

    9. �He is a parrot

    10. �It�s that stupid parrot again,� someone said

    11. "Poor Polly feels sick," were the last words the parrot ever uttered, dying in the palm of my hand as I picked it up

    12. "What the hell did you have to go and shoot our parrot for?" I shouted, as Detective Inspector Hives walked into the room

    13. "Parrot?" he finally managed

    14. "Parrot?" he repeated

    15. " Shaking his head, Hives slowly turned, still muttering, "Parrot? Parrot?" as he walked out of the room

    16. "It appears that the DI has accidentally shot your parrot

    17. I expressed my surprise at his seeming waste of time, but he assured me that there was a large parrot in the jungles southeast of Cuzco that had incredible blue feathers

    18. I kept an eye and ear on them for the rest of the day, but by evening I still could not be certain, although I was leaning toward the man from Cuauhnahuac, since I had never heard of a large completely blue parrot

    19. When she was within an arm’s length of me, she opened her hands and showed me the image of a huge parrot with azure blue feathers and a very large beak

    20. He also had a parrot

    21. What really helped him snap out of it was his little parrot, Q’omer-inti-tuso’h

    22. My first thought was that it might be another one of John’s assassins in spite of the Khakhan’s warning, but as I watched, a boat was lowered, and the crew rowed a man and boy with a parrot on his shoulder ashore

    23. I could not see from this distance, but I was sure I knew who the boy and parrot were

    24. The store clerk saw which parrot he had picked out and said, ''That parrot 36

    25. The parrot said, ''Hit a big one, win a prize!''

    26. The parrot said,'' Hit a big one, win a prize!'’

    27. dim-sighted man will not see the parrot on the branch of a tree,

    28. In the center and surrounded by parrot gray walls, is a black scroll bed with carved legs touching an aged oak floor

    29. The wind’s howl could be heard inside over the indignant squawk of a small caged parrot

    30. challenged parrot, but, with most of the things those two said or

    31. parrot called Pancho, who would be a permanent member of the family up until our move to

    32. impression that, as an exotic bird, Pancho the parrot would not be allowed to be brought into

    33. As she peered timidly into the shadows between the trees, something swept into the sunlight with a swift whirl of wings: a great parrot which dropped on to a leafy branch and swayed there, a gleaming image of jade and crimson

    34. Silence reigned over the forest except when a great green thing that might have been a parrot swirled over their heads with a low thunder of broad wings, and then sped off through the trees

    35. Don't expect your budgie to ever sound as clear as an African grey or an Amazon parrot, whose larger sound boxes produce more modulated tones that can actually resemble human intonation

    36. Psittacosis was once called parrot fever but is now more properly called avian chlamydiosis (because it attacks many bird species, not just parrots)

    37. Unfortunately, an infected parrot does not gain immunity and can come down with the disease again

    38. there and then got trapped forever with parrot man? I wanted to

    39. Perching on the hinged window facing the road was a beautiful parrot

    40. He compelled the other two to stay and asked them to help him capture the parrot

    41. Shivering, the pitiful parrot hopped in the direction of the chapel

    42. In the morning the parrot did not come out because the women in the village had arrived early to clean the chapel in preparation for the mass

    43. The parrot had heard the mass, detail by detail

    44. "Are you ready, sinners?" said the parrot

    45. "As punishment to your carnal sins," declared the parrot, "I want you to pull out the pubic hairs of the one in front of you

    46. It was the beautiful parrot

    47. Unable yet to put back their underwear and pants on, the three villagers jumped off to capture the parrot but they were outbalanced and fell to the floor

    48. Psittacosis or Parrot Disease is an infectious disease that

    49. The only two animals that can see behind themselves without turning their heads are the rabbit and the parrot

    50. He was the one who made fashionable the extravagances that the proprietress celebrated with her eternal smile, without protesting, without believing in them just as when Germán tried to burn the house down to show that it did not exist, and as when Alfonso wrung the neck of the parrot and threw it into the pot where the chicken stew was beginning to boil

    1. Alistair parroted the same words and, judging by his sudden

    2. The press, always tame and wanting more crackers, parroted it as a major coup, literally crowing it from the rooftops in some cases

    3. We enjoy full freedom of movement…” In reply, he parroted Castro’s official line: “Yes

    4. "Yes, mow-sqwee-tohs," she parroted and laughed

    5. "Archaic usages," he parroted

    6. I wouldn’t want the reader to come away thinking Homer parroted the

    7. If it will help you grasp what is going on in the poet, think of the first little stories you parroted back to your mother

    8. parroted the same three syl ables that the alien had just uttered

    1. I was very shocked and angered by my termination based upon the pretext that Almendral, supposedly parroting Hottman, gave me

    2. At times, he seems to be parroting,

    3. I am not about to reward their intolerance by parroting their lines

    4. Avoid parroting but listen with your heart and mind

    5. “Stop parroting my mother

    6. At that, Cocklyn’s Face lit up with Pleasure, tho’ he must have known I was but parroting his Words

    7. ” In the public realm, some investors are constantly calling, asking “how’re we doing?” over and over again, like Bart and Lisa Simpson in the back of Homer’s car incessantly parroting, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” With people trying to look over your shoulder constantly and wondering “how we’re doing” at every twist and turn in the market this begins to affect your psychology, which is a very fragile thing, particularly for O’Neil-style investing

    8. MARY3: I’m not parroting

    9. Then, as if parroting something that had obviously sprung from one of her five days a week with Dr

    1. wildlife (iguanas, flamingos, American redstarts and parrots), that there are more

    2. Shortly after Bert turned up with Mabel and she and Helen went into the front parlour their heads together and chattering like two parrots

    3. Then birds there were in plenty, parrots of large size, a few aasvogels or vultures also clattered affrighted through the trees, leaving their meal off some dead creature in the bush

    4. He had two of the red parrots that quickly shrieked challenges to Cuauhtzin

    5. I noticed that there were some medium-sized parrots harvesting the few remaining nuts at the moment

    6. They felt I should have a higuaca, one of the beautiful parrots of Boriquen, some of which could be found on the island

    7. The parrots build in that every year

    8. As they came near to the better tower of the two the parrots circled round them with loud cries of "Chack, chack, chack!" Tim leapt into the air as if he thought he could get them, but they only called scornfully to him

    9. Almost as if they were answering the question a small crowd of parrots cried out wildly as they circled in the storm

    10. "You know— where the parrots nest

    11. It was certainly not very large, but it really was exciting, with its rocky little coast, its quiet inlet where their boat was, the ruined castle, the circling parrots, and the scampering rabbits everywhere

    12. "The parrots made such a noise, they said 'Chack, chack, chack,' all the time

    13. have very well brought Pancho with us as it wasn’t illegal to bring pet parrots into the

    14. There we stayed in a youth hostel that sported a large flock of small green parrots

    15. Guests in the hostel were allowed to feed them and the parrots would come flying in droves and sit on one’s arms, shoulders, and head and anywhere else they could find a place

    16. At one point Anne and I must have had at least twenty parrots each sitting on some part of our anatomy eagerly waiting their turn to pick at the seeds in our hands

    17. She had the bulging eyes of the parrots when they romp on the crooked swamps of the sandy flatcars of the sea, the long and narrow extremities of a curved flamingo and the speaking, that was one of the worst things that I had never heard, squeezed, as if the words were fleeing filled towards the freedom, dropped in a Spanish accent that one did not know if it was real or fake

    18. What you are telling me are only recipes that anybody could learn in any book and which can be recited as the parrots recite, without knowing what they are talking about

    19. Everything in this world is connected and until you see and feel that connection in your heart, it will not be possible for you to learn true magic, you will be like those parrots that repeat and repeat meaningless phrases; speaking without knowledge or expertise

    20. Five enormous black cockatoos flapped mournfully overhead, a heron announced its arrival with raucous honking, fairy-wrens inspected seed-heads on the tall grasses, a pair of indigo and yellow parrots displayed red bums as they shredded matching calliandros flowers, a whip-bird’s rising whine and crack was followed by his spouse’s chiu-choo reply, a large russet butterfly dropped to the path and lay on its side like a dead leaf, and the sun heaved itself over the edge of the mountain

    21. 'Here is the grandfather of all parrots

    22. Budgies and other parrots, however, hull their seeds before swallowing them, so there is no need for having grit in the gizzard to grind the seeds

    23. This is one reason that hand-fed and hand-reared budgies (as well as other parrots) command higher prices than do those raised by their parents

    24. Budgies are as intelligent as many larger parrots, and they have the same type of tongue and sound box (the syrinx, which contains the equivalent of vocal cords)

    25. A bird's metabolism is very high compared with a human's (the normal body temperature commonly is over 102 degrees Fahrenheit and the heart beats more than 200 times a minute), and parrots as small as budgies can become ill quickly, develop few symptoms, and die before it is possible for a veterinarian to provide treatment

    26. Once known as budgerigar fledgling disease, avian polyomavirus is a highly infectious disease that can be transferred among all species of parrots through sneezing, contaminated feces, feather dust, and food fed to young by infected adults

    27. Known carriers, of course, cannot be allowed to associate with any other parrots

    28. One species, Giardia psittaci, can cause a fatal disease in young budgies and other parrots

    29. The protozoan is spread through contaminated feces and water that come into contact with infected parrots, including parent birds

    30. State governments also require that birds (including parrots) entering the state be quarantined if they don't carry health certificates declaring they aren't carriers

    31. Parrots of many types have been carriers of the disease in the past, and in some parts of the country, veterinarians are under governmental orders to keep an eye out for Newcastle

    32. Psittacosis was once called parrot fever but is now more properly called avian chlamydiosis (because it attacks many bird species, not just parrots)

    33. Humans usually pick up the bacteria by breathing infected dust from pigeon feces in old buildings and near park statues, not from parrots

    34. Psittacosis has few consistent signs in parrots other than bright lime-green droppings

    35. Visually determining the sex of a budgie is not as big a mystery as it is in so many other parrots

    36. Parrots, turtles and pet chickens probably feel the same way

    37. Among the larger parrots, the best talkers are probably the African Greys

    38. Parrots will remember and repeat what you have taught them for a long

    39. It is not common for parrots in the wild to bite each other

    40. That suggests that the pet parrots are reacting to current circumstances

    41. Another possible reason for some parrots biting their owners is that some

    42. This is natural behavior for many types of parrots

    43. But, the larger parrots all scream at times

    44. Parrots, of course, use a variety of sounds to signal their intentions and

    45. and increasing awareness of the plight of parrots, in the wild and in captivity

    46. I have always enjoyed the time I’ve shared with my parrots and hope that

    47. The parrots and birds of our garden sing no more now,

    48. Old Earth stuff, and the strangest part was they were wearing sun glasses, Hawaiian style shirts, and hats with parrots on them

    49. Budgies, parrots, cockatiels and canaries glided above them

    50. The screech of parrots in the trees;

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    parrot imitator ape echo impersonator