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    1. obligation to partake of it on the first day of the week; but what about the containers?

    2. It is said in Revelation 20 that the Millennial Kingdom is called for we that will partake of it “the first resurrection

    3. couplefolk who all wanted a new arrival could not partake in the

    4. True he got no chance to partake in fleshly pleasures, but his med panel was capable of dialing that need out of his life

    5. “It’s about celebrating the rich rewards of this year’s harvest, about collecting together the combined foods of all of Slump County and coming together to Trouble Valley to partake of a glorious feast with all sorts of delicious food and compare it with all the other tasty foods of New Zealand! My Mansion’s keeping an intake of the Granary where we’re keeping all the food,” Julia said

    6. partake in the party scene and kept to herself

    7. and was now about to partake in a meal he had heard was

    8. The Maker had decided to abandon Anon for reasons he yet failed to comprehend, leaving him with no choice but to partake of the Dead God’s plan

    9. Nevertheless, Brontes knew this was a fight they had to partake in

    10. He had never really been religiously inclined; the only time he ever did anything remotely ‘religious’ was when he visited the Temple to partake in Sacred Communion with the Queen of Heaven

    11. I have seen, says Doctor Pocock, an Arabian chief dine in the streets of a town where he had come to sell his cattle, and invite all passengers, even common beggars, to sit down with him and partake of his banquet

    12. This is exactly what you must do when you partake of the Holy Communion

    13. As I partake of it this morning/afternoon/evening, I partake of the covenant of life

    14. I hope that it has helped you to gain a better understanding of how to partake and benefit of the blessings of the Holy Communion

    15. If he was only to achieve locomotion by crawling on his belly, after having persuaded Eve to partake of the apple, pray tell just what detriment did he endure in becoming the recipient of such crawling, since that had been his process of locomotion, anon

    16. Darkest West Africa indeed is no ideal spot; and as to those would-be journalists, sitting in the snug security of their Fleet Street attics, and writing on the Ashanti Picnic - well, they ought to be made to partake of a similar picnic

    17. Partake of Me! Lo, My mouth is open also

    18. Partake of My fullness, for I have

    19. Blessed are those who partake of Me and of the food I offer

    20. He want us to partake in His Glory as family

    21. The arm now beckoned him toward the abode, and then stepping to one side, it waved again as if in invitation to all to partake of his hospitality

    22. proceeded to invite the entire town of Wadi to partake the prasad at

    23. It was expected of the citizen to not only partake in the democracy, but also to attend the dramatic performances of the theater

    24. You desecrate the Name of your Creator when you partake in these rituals

    25. A preacher which is worth his salt, will resign and sever all ties with church, no matter what the dogma is, and a preacher who is only worth half his salt, will refuse point blank to partake in any action whatsoever related to any form of cremation

    26. not required to partake, as I have explained above

    27. though for the most part, I chose not to partake in that sort of stuff either

    28. Romans and Italians (with Roman citizenship) flocked to Rome seeking work, or failing that, to partake of the free bread rations provided by the state for indigent citizens

    29. Only full members of the congregation could partake of this sacrament

    30. “He is not!” An elevation to shrillness seemed to partake of itself

    31. Now therefore listen to me and be at peace one with another and visit each other and bear each other's burdens and do not partake of God's creatures alone but give abundantly of them to the needy

    32. But if you listen you will partake of the sin of him who speaks evil if you believe the slander which you hear; for believing it you will also have something to say against your brother

    33. five loaves in the desert: that all who partake of it

    34. 4 Let us therefore strive to be found in the number of those who await him that we may partake of the promised gifts

    35. partake of it in this sacred solemnity may obtain

    36. who drink or partake of it, by the intercession of

    37. Such a one therefore will not partake of the spirit which is Christ

    38. celebration that we would never be able to partake in, but could

    39. Agreeing with His promises enables us to partake of His diving nature, by manifesting His nature in us

    40. Now that Ankharet has been destroyed the vampires may again partake of the trade routes in the highlands

    41. Nor do they partake of any hot caffeine-containing beverages made from roasted ground seeds of a tropical tree as they were instructed to do

    42. I mean, I’m hoping after about fifteen minutes I can call and invite you to partake in a reunion of the happy trio

    43. Lucas--it seems--was putting on a recital at the edge of town and he wanted Adrian to partake of his glory

    44. Who of us is competent to judge his brother? It is not the Father's will that his children should partake only of the serious things of life

    45. But let us all now go into the house and partake of nourishment for these physical bodies

    46. Judas did not return to the camp until midafternoon, a short time before Jesus led the twelve into Jerusalem to partake of the Last Supper

    47. Such conduct would not only render them ceremonially unclean and thereby debar them from partaking of the afternoon feast of thanksgiving but would also necessitate their subjection to purification ceremonies after sundown, before they would be eligible to partake of the Passover supper

    48. These bodies do not have circulating blood, and such beings do not partake of ordinary material food; nevertheless, these morontia forms are real

    49. that Jesus had to partake of on His own

    50. They had agreed that except for ceremonial occasions as appropriate to their faiths, neither would partake of alcohol and they found other ways to occupy their time

    1. This trip then, while it was partaken on my own and thus seemingly still cocooned in safe isolation, the independence that came with this meant I would have to engage in some of the more practical, at times scary elements of being an older person

    2. 23 And because God was well pleased with him He sent him an angel of light in the figure of man who had partaken of his offering, because He had smelled the sweet savour of his offering, and they comforted Abel and strengthened his heart;

    3. She had partaken in her share of sexual escapades

    4. 23 And because God was well pleased with him He sent him an angel of light in the figure of man who had partaken of his offering because He had smelled the sweet savour of his offering and they comforted Abel and strengthened his heart;

    5. And on this account will they be transferred because they have partaken of the righteous Word

    6. Coke was great! Ruth had even rubbed a little bit onto the end of his penis and they had partaken in sex for over an hour that time

    7. He had many times partaken of the paschal lamb as a guest, but always, when he was the host, no lamb was served

    8. Since the apostles knew that their Master never observed these rites of ceremonial hand washing, they were very curious to know what he intended to do when, after they had partaken of this first cup, he arose from the table and silently made his way over to near the door, where the water pitchers, basins, and towels had been placed

    9. 6 This supper of remembrance, when it is partaken of by those who are Son-believing and God-knowing, does not need to have associated with its symbolism any of man's puerile misinterpretations regarding the meaning of the divine presence, for upon all such occasions the Master is really present

    10. 2 Late Saturday night, John Mark summoned the eleven apostles secretly to come to the home of his father, where, just before midnight, they all assembled in the same upper chamber where they had partaken of the Last Supper with their Master two nights previously

    11. partaken of in the others

    12. Alvin was the only Cauctrasian to have partaken of the bounty

    13. ply the body of whatever had partaken of it with a change

    14. only vicariously through those who have partaken of its magical

    15. and have not come and partaken of the sharing? This is how simple the beginning of liberation

    16. to that of booze, she inclined in believing both were partaken in

    17. He then guessed that Jacques had partaken at an early hour of his father's moonshine in a premature start to the celebration

    18. For those of you fortunate enough never to have partaken of a ‘Big Breakfast’, for everyone favourite fast food restaurant, may I say at this point well done and keep it that way

    19. Alvin was the only Caucasian to have partaken of the bounty of the Well thus far

    20. Therefore, it was God’s wish that the wells that rose up from the center of the Earth could supply the body of whatever had partaken of it with a change in its genetics on a molecular scale

    21. The remodeled lunch being gaily partaken of, the studio and garden visited, and art discussed with enthusiasm, Amy ordered a buggy (alas for the elegant cherry-bounce), and drove her friend quietly about the neighborhood till sunset, when `the party went out'

    22. Wopsle had not succeeded in reviving the Drama, but, on the contrary, had rather partaken of its decline

    23. Tess soon perceived as she walked in the flock, sometimes with this one, sometimes with that, that the fresh night air was producing staggerings and serpentine courses among the men who had partaken

    24. The good humour of the company was general, old Zachlebnikoff was in high spirits, having partaken of an extra glass of wine this evening

    25. In the Eucharist, the true body and blood of Christ are substantially present, and the elements are changed into the substance of Christ, whose body and blood are corporeally partaken of by communicants

    26. At supper he had partaken freely of the strongest wines, and was plainly showing the effect of them by this time

    27. But, sir, there are a thousand chances to one that the reports, which conveyed the information to that country, greatly exaggerated the facts—that the picture was drawn in much stronger colors than were consistent with the real truth—that the instances of discontent were stated not only to have been deeper in their nature than they really were, but that a much larger number of persons had partaken of it than really did—that a spirit of disaffection had spread itself far and wide

    28. Pickman hoped that he should be excused for making a few observations at this stage of the bill, not having before partaken of the debate

    1. The theory is that the departed also partakes in the festivities and at the same time witnesses how the living still “loves” the departed by having a birthday party, at the grave

    2. partakes of the inner

    3. It partakes of both the real and

    4. Any philosophical theory of error that partakes of the illusory relation does nothing but repeat

    5. Each transition from absence to presence, whether the first or the fifth, partakes of newness

    6. call from the minaret partakes of this character, although it has also

    7. This spirit of the Father partakes of the love of the Father, and as it dominates man, it unfailingly leads in the directions of divine worship and loving regard for one's fellows

    8. 'But the life in me was stronger than the life in common folk, for it partakes of the essence of the forces that seethe in the black gulfs beyond mortal ken

    9. The one who partakes of what is generated

    10. Each person does not have their own separate Internet; instead, each person connects and partakes in the Internet with everyone else

    11. The Two House theory teaches that Christianity simply partakes of the promises made to the 12 tribes of Israel by assuming the identity of the Northern ten tribes

    12. A more useful brush (Class C) partakes of the qualities of both flat and round

    13. Admitting, with strong reservation and protest against the exaggerated notion of Asiatic tendency to metaphor, that the Hebrew of the Old Testament partakes in some degree of the poetic indefiniteness of a primitive tongue, it cannot be pretended that this is a weakness of the Greek speech

    14. * For as the animal body is not life itself, but partakes of life, so likewise the soul itself is not life, but receives the life bestowed upon it by God; whence is said, "The first man became a living soul," teaching us to distinguish between the soul and the life of the soul

    15. " How then had he been able to explain, and in such language, the number of things that he could not have said so well before? He was usually shy, and maintained that reserve which partakes at once of modesty and dissimulation

    16. All imitative art is subject to certain limitations, and therefore necessarily partakes of the nature of a compromise

    17. Then the art of war partakes of them?

    18. Who but a Woman can speak of pressing her Cheak to the tender pink Cheak of her own Child and her Breasts running with Milk at its very Touch, squirting fine Streams heavenward like the sprinkl’d Stars of the Milky Way? Who but a Woman knows the joy of Feasting her Eyes upon Eyes that cannot focus, of clasping tiny Fingers that can only grasp without knowing what they touch, of kissing tiny Toes that cannot walk and know not whither they shall go or whence they have come? O no Matter how lacking in Reason the Newborn Babe seems to the Masculine Philosopher, ’tis Reason itself to its Mother, so besotted is she with its Charms! Who but a Woman could love a Creature that cries all Night when she would sleep, who wakes up ravenous to eat only when a Plate is set before its Mother and she would eat, who partakes of no Polite Conversation but only pushes its Tongue in and out of its Mouth like a very stupid Puppy, and drools and pukes and shits all the livelong Day and Night!

    19. ” It partakes to some extent of the nature of a depreciation charge

    20. But a hybrid partakes of only half of the nature and constitution of its mother; it may therefore, before birth, as long as it is nourished within its mother's womb, or within the egg or seed produced by the mother, be exposed to conditions in some degree unsuitable, and consequently be liable to perish at an early period; more especially as all very young beings are eminently sensitive to injurious or unnatural conditions of life

    21. Lying between the earth and the heavens, it partakes of the color of both

    22. Begin this system of abstract legislation, and where are you to stop? Sir, it partakes too much of the character of disturbed, revolutionary times

    23. But we are told, sir, that this question partakes of the character of a self-evident proposition

    1. Besides, it is our duty to return fire if being shot at by anyone, including your terrorist clients who were committing a crime in our presence…like attempting to murder members of the police (us), and having unlicensed assault rifles with ammunition and partaking in terrorist activities

    2. overhear what he was partaking to his companions,

    3. partaking of liquids, as the Holy spirit leads

    4. I panicked, how did Adrinius know, was he in my head? Only vampires highly skilled could infiltrate the heads of others, partaking and changing their dreams, and in extreme cases their physical actions

    5. But even so it is to find joy in partaking of the same humanity that has soared so high

    6. And as partaking

    7. Unfortunately, partaking in my addictions really turned around

    8. One realizing he is at total choice of his experience after partaking of death can

    9. There are others who insist on partaking from the prey that swim here

    10. Join with us in partaking of the fruits of your labor

    11. 3 And it was at this time, just before partaking of the evening meal, that Jesus experienced one of those rare moments of emotional ecstasy which his followers had occasionally witnessed

    12. 6 And when Jesus had finished speaking at Nathaniel's table, he went out of the house without partaking of food

    13. Such conduct would not only render them ceremonially unclean and thereby debar them from partaking of the afternoon feast of thanksgiving but would also necessitate their subjection to purification ceremonies after sundown, before they would be eligible to partake of the Passover supper

    14. came from the fact that by partaking of

    15. We got to the residence hall and saw a few Jesuits partaking in dessert

    16. Award-winning filmmaker Hurt grew up partaking of the soul food cuisine – his mother prepared it for him and their family

    17. It is quite plain that by partaking of this fruit (truth) one is made ‘as gods’ but we are

    18. It is quite plain that by partaking of this fruit (heretical truth) one is made 'as gods' but

    19. The overbearing snide attitude wasn’t in attendance today, as he thanked the officers for coming and insisted upon them partaking in light refreshments which had always been part of Sir Alex Clegg’s routine in the event of visitors

    20. Which one is it he asked himself although he had been assured of the answer as recently as now, by Eileen Cauldron? The dead man might easily have been dozing, or partaking of an afternoon nap

    21. Partaking of bread and wine was

    22. This is true for the individuals partaking of the educational

    23. For example if a child behaves well in a situation where he is amongst a group of adults partaking in a special activity then his reward should not be something unrelated like sweets

    24. Although usually referred to in speech as a male being, Mayan priests, if pressed, will aver that Kawa Tzul Taka has no sex; or perhaps is a dual deity partaking in nature of two of the nine Mayan gods of the earth (namely the Creators-Formers Gucumatz, the feathered serpent; and his consort Tepeu, the Conquerer)

    25. Specifically, the date was um, 2270, and Spock was here partaking of the Kolinahr

    26. of partaking isn’t necessarily the same one you will have after you

    27. " And when I turn to the New Testament, I find children mentioned there as partaking in public acts of religion as well as in the Old

    28. Thus, instead of adoring the one true God and partaking of his divinity,

    29. “From our lips to your lungs and your mouths to our hearts, let us revive, resuscitate, resurrect each other with breaths of love, each partaking in the personal inhale of gift that exhales as communal sharing

    30. This is why the mind speaks the blessing to both the body it is partaking of and its own body which is about to 489

    31. as a tree of knowledge, the partaking of which would

    32. ” Chas and Adrian joined the rest of the congregation, partaking of blood as the victims slowly died

    33. The ski areas partaking in the prohibition,

    34. Together in this age the believing Jews and Gentiles partaking of the one root form a new hybrid variety called the Ecclesia, the New Testament Church, the Bride of Yeshua, which was a mystery locked away in the heart of God but revealed to the New Testament apostles and prophets

    35. The Gentiles have entered into the covenants of promise by faith and are partaking of the nourishing sap that comes from the root of the good olive tree

    36. Gentile believers of this current ‘Church Age’ are partaking of the blessings that were promised in the Abrahamic covenant

    37. This is not an end, but rather it is the beginning of something that will go on into eternity without end, an eternity where I want to have you right by my side, seeing and partaking in all that has been prepared for those who are faithful to believe

    38. (3) It is inconceivable 'that Christ would, under such solemn circumstances, have used words of comfort to the dying sinner, which can be prevented from conveying the idea of immediate entrance into some blessed state only by an argument on the dissipation of the soul, which was quite beyond the capacity of the thief, or of any except cultivated men—an argument partaking more of the nature of an intellectual riddle than of the serious significance fitted for the lips of a dying Savior, whose own Spirit was certainly not about to sink into nothingness

    39. If it can be shown, as perhaps it can, that some of these words had been occasionally used, in highly emotional passages of the poets, in a strained and tropical sense, in which the idea of misery and pain leading to death is the prominent thought, such a reader would at once decide that in a grave philosophical or religious treatise these words must be taken in their proper and obvious meaning; especially in sacred writings partaking of the duality of public legislative documents, in which important words are to be always taken in their strictest and most direct definition

    40. ’ 'For the substance of life comes by partaking of God, and to partake of God is to know God and enjoy His goodness

    41. ridden as he was, the expressions of his animal passion, partaking

    42. For his part, instinctridden as he was, the expressions of his animal passion, partaking something of ferocity, were rather worrying than kisses, intermixed with ravenous love-bites on her cheeks and necks, the prints of which did not wear out for some days after

    43. ” But I added, “before partaking thereof, wel’ll hae in our bill frae the landlord, and settle it,”—and it was called accordingly

    44. Nostromo recognized that noise partaking of a hiss and a rustle which spreads out on all sides of a steamer making her way through a smooth water on a quiet night

    45. It presented itself to his fifty-years' old eyes in the shape of a little woman in a soft dress with a long train, with a head attractively overweighted by a great mass of fair hair and the delicate preciousness of her inner worth, partaking of a gem and a flower, revealed in every attitude of her person

    46. The guys were clearly bored and only partaking in this tourist activity for my sake

    47. "I have been out commiserating with them for partaking in this wicked enterprise," he said, and added quickly, "Oh, not the wedding, for sure

    48. And from the mouths of the people partaking of this tide came the sound of a river

    49. Nevertheless, many whalemen have a method of absorbing it into some other substance, and then partaking of it

    50. The chief difference in this respect between the view of the peasants and that of the County Council is this: the peasants, according to the more or less favourable local conditions, introduce schools of a better or worse quality, but always in such a way that there is not a single locality where some kind of instruction is not offered; while with the arrangement of the County Council a large half of the population is left outside every possibility of partaking of that education even in the distant future

    1. he also partook of it

    2. Klowee had her first decade and was introduced to the privileges and responsibilities of a one decade in the native tradition with only a vedn cake frosted with whipped sugar froth to mark customs of Earth, a token of which only he and Beeta partook

    3. Kofi AwoonorWhen our tears are dry on the shoreand the fishermen carry their nets homeand the seagulls return to bird islandand the laughter of the children recedes at night,there shall still linger here the communion we forged,the feast of oneness which we partook of

    4. The elf happily partook as the Breton looked on, that trademark smile broad once more

    5. During the French war, which began in 1755, their arms partook of the general good fortune of those of Great Britain

    6. holiday guests, partook of the strong dishes of those old days of

    7. US were either stayed faithful to their wives, partook of the numerous prostitutes that followed Union armies, or found more than a few willing southern women, both prostitutes and simply willing girlfriends

    8. on repeated entreaties of his Guru Swamiji partook the food at the

    9. 31 Then they who were before despised and near to Hades, yes, rather advanced into it, partook of the

    10. He partook of a drink and a light supper, read a little without really understanding what he was looking at, then sat pondering the information he had been given that day

    11. Servers with trays of food and drink danced smoothly through it all, and those who partook of their offerings did so without interrupting the flow

    12. 31 Then they who were before despised and near to Hades yes rather advanced into it partook of the cup of salvation instead of a grievous and lamentable death

    13. 17 Having arrived at Ptolemais called from the specialty of that district Rose-bearing where the fleet in accordance with the general wish waited for them seven days; 18 they partook of a banquet of deliverance for the king generously granted them severally the means of securing a return home

    14. The other travelers partook of the baked goods and complimented the baker as he lumbered through the group

    15. Even though neither of them partook of that habit before this mess hit them, he

    16. Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, 15

    17. From this time on human affection for Jesus partook more of the nature of worshipful and adoring regard

    18. 7 That evening about twilight these four sat down and partook of the first Passover feast ever to be celebrated by devout Jews without the paschal lamb

    19. Ganid had imbibed the idea, and rightly, that Jesus was a man of high ideals, and that he abhorred everything which partook of uncleanness or savored of evil; accordingly he spoke sharply to these women and rudely motioned them away

    20. And as the prasadam they partook expended itself to energize their interaction, they got up to go to Shanti Sadan for rejuvenation

    21. And this was the first time that Jesus and all of the twelve partook of the bloodless Passover feast

    22. 8 In these days they celebrated the Lord's Supper after the manner of its establishment; that is, they assembled for a social meal of good fellowship and partook of the sacrament at the end of the meal

    23. If the trap held pigs, the crusty old boar would lift the trap and go under, let it fall in place and dine on the smaller trapped pigs while ignoring the bigger ones; who partook of this serendipitous largess with ill-concealed gusto

    24. Now that it was cooked, was it just meat that the diners partook in? Was there some essence of fishiness that survived death and was transmitted to them in their food? It wouldn't surprise me

    25. who were not following the leadership of Moses that partook in evil

    26. The night that Elliot was to meet John and Michelle, Denny brought some drugs over and they partook of them

    27. Afterwards, people conversed and partook of refreshments and it was agreed that each neighborhood needed to enlist more men, women and children in this endeavor

    28. ‘No he never partook

    29. happy meal in front of her and she partook in the food

    30. What Adrian partook of last night is a dangerous brew, meant to polarize Nancy’s brainwaves to one signal, that being from her father, of course

    31. all partook of their blood, and then the keeper was killed and his blood sprinkled on the holly bushes and stones set around the holy well

    32. Between his influence online, and the popularity of the individuals that partook in the writing, publicity

    33. Ingrid partook in this exercise without indulgence, not liking the feel of the cold water on her skin, or the slimy mud of the bed on her feet

    34. before the girls swapped positions and partook of their new meal

    35. "Since then the children are sharers in flesh and blood, he also himself in like manner partook of the same; that through death he might bring to naught (nothing) him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and might deliver all them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage" [Hebrews 2:14-15]

    36. The author of Hebrews says of Christ, who was immortal from all eternity, "Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He

    37. There was a pleasing inequality in the table, which produced many mishaps to cups and plates, acorns dropped in the milk, little black ants partook of the refreshments without being invited, and fuzzy caterpillars swung down from the tree to see what was going on

    38. He turned round on their coming in, and his countenance showed that he strongly partook of the emotion which overpowered Marianne

    39. There was a great fire, and that was all the light in the huge apartment, whose floor had grown a uniform grey; and the once brilliant pewter dishes, which used to attract my gaze when I was a girl, partook of a similar obscurity, created by tarnish and dust

    40. But she already partook of the pervading spirit of neglect which encompassed her

    41. And I partook of the infinite calm in which she lay: my mind was never in a holier frame than while I gazed on that untroubled image of Divine rest

    42. While the diligent woodsmen were employed in this manner, Cora and Alice partook of that refreshment which duty required much more than inclination prompted them to accept

    43. Do you know what gave him strength?—do you know what consoled him? It was, that another partook of his punishment—that another partook of his anguish—that another was to die before him

    44. The space interposed between myself and them partook of that expansion, and our marshes were any distance off

    45. As a rule, they partook of this without stopping work: they had it on the floor beside them and ate and drank and worked at the same time - a paint-brushful of white lead in one hand, and a piece of bread and margarine in the other

    46. The delegation partook of luncheon at the conclusion of which the dusky potentate, in the course of a happy speech, freely translated by the British chaplain, the reverend Ananias Praisegod Barebones, tendered his best thanks to Massa Walkup and emphasised the cordial relations existing between Abeakuta and the British empire, stating that he treasured as one of his dearest possessions an illuminated bible, the volume of the word of God and the secret of England's greatness, graciously presented to him by the white chief woman, the great squaw Victoria, with a personal dedication from the august hand of the Royal Donor

    47. "That's it, Pip," said Joe; "and they took his till, and they took his cash-box, and they drinked his wine, and they partook of his wittles, and they slapped his face, and they pulled his nose, and they tied him up to his bedpust, and they giv' him a dozen, and they stuffed his mouth full of flowering annuals to prewent his crying out

    48. But her lover consoled her and brought her a bright casket of gold in which lay some oval sugarplums which she partook

    49. They seldom, it would appear, partook of the religious zeal that brought other emigrants across the Atlantic

    50. “Perhaps there was,” said Joan, “but those who partook of it were poor deranged Souls, doom’d to imitate the Things of which they stood accus’d by their Inquisitors

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