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    pass as

    1. “If you ask me, it’s more of a Hamlet than a Village, though maybe it could pass as a borough

    2. “This spell will pass as well

    3. But there was no other man with them there who could possibly pass as her parent

    4. Yet the slow-down penumbra had expanded to encompass as far as the orbit of Mars

    5. I drank my cup of tea and then went to see the Transportation Officer about my rail pass as I had no money apart from a few pennies

    6. A country abounding with merchants and manufacturers, necessarily abounds with a set of people through whose hands, not only their own capitals, but the capitals of all those who either lend them money, or trust them with goods, pass as frequently, or more frequently, than the revenue of a private man, who, without trade or business, lives upon his income, passes through his hands

    7. "You are correct my friend, although I did not chose the name to pass as an Elf, in fact I did not choose the name at all

    8. Minorities could either flee to avoid mass murder and sterilization, hide in remote areas, or if possible try to pass as white

    9. That means as many as 16 million nonwhites may be sterilized, executed, or have to flee, hide, or pass as white

    10. If she had forgotten about that detail, there was no chance he would pass as an officer

    11. “Well, the grazing commons and ocean reefs aren’t ‘expandable’ while governmental budgets are! As long as it is in the politicians’ interest, they can continue to pass as many funding bills as they wish, resulting in the persistent deficits that led to the Balanced Budget Amendment proposals

    12. 6 And it came to pass as they came, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, that the women came out of all

    13. Her face is turned, not toward the people sitting around me, but toward the city we pass as the bus lurches forward

    14. 18 And it came to pass as the man of God had spoken to the king, saying, Two measures of barley for a shekel, and a measure of fine

    15. ” She give up on any evil name that she could have told Gabitha to pass as

    16. 3 In his days the cistern to receive water, being in compass as the sea, was covered with plates of brass,

    17. Fiqua then tried to track down the witch Hitto told her about, she knew she would find her in one of the kingdoms in the South, but it took her a long time to do it and she found many women trying to pass as witches, but who were fakes

    18. Trevor eyed the abode that could pass as a new starter home

    19. ” After Warhol, says Teachout, anything could pass as art from hardcore porn to “gangsta rap

    20. 36 And it came to pass as he interpreted to us, so was the event; there fell not to the ground any of his words

    21. “Back then, the age of marriage had grown, and even though it wasn’t a big deal for wizards, we still needed to be able to pass as humans if needed

    22. 35 And it came to pass as they emptied their sacks, that, looking, every man's bundle of money was in his sack: and when both they and their father saw the bundles of money, they were afraid

    23. 35 And it came to pass as they emptied their sacks, that, behold, every man's

    24. It was also necessary for him to pass as someone of importance to the monsters

    25. There, goodness was despised and wickedness praised, so they discussed the idea that Ijyu could pass as a lawyer

    26. 36 And it came to pass as he interpreted to us so was the event; there fell not to the ground any of his words

    27. 27 It came to pass as He said these things a certain woman out of the multitude lifted up her voice and said to Him "Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts which nursed You!"

    28. “Slow down,” said the voice that could pass as Dr

    29. She turned her back on the thick-skinned warrior, watching the bushes slowly pass as they moved further along the rising path that brought a heavy and unwelcome snow fall

    30. Everything came to pass as He had said, but Abram knew the realities of life

    31. Peter's eyes followed the gold pass as the driver waved it in his face, back and forth went his eyes

    32. I would pass as a pretty woman anywhere

    33. It was not a place the Khmer Rouge patrols would trespass as the Angkor grounds and temples were considered taboo, because Khmers held a great fear of ghosts and thought the temple at Ta Prohm to be haunted

    34. Atlai’s companions knew that it would pass as well and by the time

    35. 2 "A sower went forth to sow, and it came to pass as he sowed that some seed fell by the wayside to be trodden underfoot and devoured by the birds of heaven

    36. He would switch on his computers and allow the grief to pass as if the first sight of the colourful screen gave him a reason to continue his lonely life

    37. 9 And all of this came to pass as the result of an understanding arrived at between the Master and John Mark during the afternoon of the preceding day when they were alone in the hills

    38. He let the lie pass as he knew Von Cruyt was raising the asking price

    39. Eckhart listened to Joseph’s perfect English accent and smiled, his boss could pass as an Englishman all day long

    40. Several times Suzy stopped her story and made more coffee, the hours pass as Suzy had a lot to say

    41. C said I shouldn’t be worried as he was sure it was a stress reaction and would pass as soon as I took my retirement and left all the stress behind me

    42. Romeo Khan was a character and a half, he specialized in “export and import,” this is the story he told to pass as a respectable citizen

    43. them to pass as objective truth because this would only reinforce them as

    44. After he ate what he expected was enough food to pass as normal, Toby got up and walked toward the front of the cafeteria to send his tray away

    45. Joey threw the compass aside

    46. She looked and acted in fact, like a person much older than her true age and might now, rather than my daughter, almost pass as a sister

    47. The captain then gave the order to immediately turn 180 degrees to port and fired his four aft tubes in succession, watching the boat’s compass as he did to spread out his four aft torpedoes

    48. At least, the language should not be much of a problem: it sounded very close to Neo-English and she figured that she would probably pass as someone with a strong provincial accent

    49. “I was perfectly prepared to let this pass as an act of misadventure, until one of the guests who knew the victim, Faye Underwood, said she thought the husband, Terence, had killed her

    50. Letting the matter pass as trivial, Lord Ashburn resolved, “In light of that, Inspector, I don’t see that I can protest your decision to arrest him, but I still believe much of your evidence is circumstantial and not likely to serve conducively to a conviction in your courts

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