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payoff примеры предложений
1. It was to no avail as far as Sonia was concerned; and now it was about to payoff
2. “Here is the payoff
3. Hadn’t it before? Then maybe this desire is a rational consideration merely hidden in the accruing complexity, the chaos that would eventually order itself into a clear payoff
4. Once they sent her up north, there’d be no escape, no coming back to retrieve up her payoff, no trip to Ireland - nothing but pain and abuse
5. Ford's pardoning of Nixon for his crimes during the Watergate Scandal, defended by Ford as best for the country, were seen by many as a quid pro quo, a payoff, with the pardon being exchanged for being appointed Vice President and then becoming President
6. His payoff, together with cash for entertaining the others, must be returning in tuna cans
7. George followed Leon up to his suite more to humor him than anything else, but once there, the sight of numerous payoff checks, in addition to a semi-cryptic receipt from a downtown bank for eleven million dollars in cash ‘Ed’ claimed he had just delivered, all of which appeared authentic, sobered him
8. He could have Dearling forcing his way into his room… seeing the payoff checks and threatening him – with a gun
9. Jimmy Carter created it in 1979 as a payoff to the teachers’ unions
10. the big payoff was so close! But I ruined it for them
11. ” The whole concept of “protected class” was a payoff by the Jewish Left to its clientela, the Black masses whose votes are necessary on the first Tuesday of November
12. He was proud of the recognition but did not want the honor to look like a payoff
13. they pay it off, inflation and other advantages makes the loan payoff to be peanuts
14. The way to buy is more than dollars and cents; it really is what the payoff is in terms of:
15. There has to be a personal or emotional payoff
16. Raises, bonuses, promotions, recognition, and stock options are all examples of types of personal payoff
17. A payoff to Heaven for a secular crime
18. She then collects her secret payoff
19. They then collect their secret payoff
20. In this case, the payoff is more complex: i) In the case of the government, they have a vested interest in keeping as many tame, drug-free, consumer/producers in the system as possible
21. The feeling that others respect and revere you is a very common payoff
22. A stronger payoff is the feeling that others fear you
23. The payoff on part of that comes when you find out that your services and skills can complement others and vice versa
24. what the reader has waited for all this time, the Payoff, the
25. Cash Payoff - opposite of annuity, the prize is paid out at one time, instead of
26. think a lot of it is cerebral initially but the payoff is emotive
27. We can depend on them because they know that if they get through there’ll be a big payoff
28. The big payoff came as soon as I rested myself and my carcass onto a chosen branch
29. However, only A has a positive payoff overall
30. And yet, because the losing trades are relatively small compared to the losing trades, this strategy produces a positive payoff
31. Mike added, “I think you could devote an entire study to payoff as opposed to investment
32. I experienced that compromise again with a much bigger payoff and much more effort not that long ago
33. In the McDonald’s verdict, the payoff was less than a quarter of the court settlement
34. Half of the outcomes are unfavorable and of the other two, the payoff is reduced in one case
35. What we have is a payoff with the promise of the payee keeping his mouth shut and not suing, ever
36. This may not seem like much of a payoff in a First World or well off country, but considering the abject poverty of much of the population, it’s a lot of money, and because lemur trade is illegal in Madagascar and on the international level, the money is under the table
37. I’m the plaintiff – one of many – for a possible whopping payoff of $45 – actually it’s more like $20 and a $25 E-store credit, whatever that is
38. In a previous book, I mentioned my involvement in a lawsuit as a plaintiff – for a possible payoff of $45 – and the details aren’t important
39. You should always take the time to verify the information, including numbers such as payoff amounts, etc
40. an obvious payoff), and pacification of their own group was their
41. Another form of risk is evident in “gambling,” where the gambler is willing to lose his or her entire investment in pursuit of a huge payoff
42. “Was that money a payoff for some kind of services rendered to
43. pretty safe to say there was some sort of financial payoff or compensation
44. greater when the payoff from an investment occurs faster, but the risk of the loan is
45. Finally, there was the possibility that the money was a payoff for something—silence or a business or political favor
46. The payoff would be more certain and based on
47. want to own a stock unless they are sure of a payoff
48. rapid payoff, the investor risks being “eaten alive” by the competition who may already
49. Now, was the money graft for getting the plans, or was that his compensation for the arms deal or for handling the land deal or payoff for the keeping his mouth shut about Peter Gordon’s project or some combination of all these things? At some point, he gets involved with his secretary for a little tryst that we seem to think is tied in with the notorious Mr
50. on leverage and analysts predict comparatively higher earnings, the payoff is expected to