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    1. Though pecuniary wages and profit are very different in the different employments of labour and stock ; yet a certain proportion seems commonly to take place between both the pecuniary wages in all the different employments of labour, and the pecuniary profits in all the different employments of stock

    2. Both the pecuniary income and expense of such families have increased considerably since that time through the greater part of the kingdom, in some places more, and in some less, though perhaps scarce anywhere so much as some exaggerated accounts of the present wages of labour have lately represented them to the public

    3. The pecuniary recompence, therefore, of painters and sculptors, of lawyers and

    4. the public opinion or prejudice ever alter with regard to such occupations, their pecuniary

    5. should he more nearly upon a level than the pecuniary wages of the different sorts of labour

    6. It may, too, be of some use to the public, in regulating the pecuniary reward of some of its inferior servants

    7. If this rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing to a fall in the value of silver, their pecuniary reward, provided it was not too large before, ought certainly to be augmented in proportion to the extent of this fall

    8. But if this rise of price is owing to the increased value, in consequence of the improved fertility of the land which produces such provisions, it becomes a much nicer matter to judge, either in what proportion any pecuniary reward ought to be augmented, or whether it ought to be augmented at all

    9. The public taxes, to which they were subject, were as irregular and oppressive as the services The ancient lords, though extremely unwilling to grant, themselves, any pecuniary aid to their sovereign, easily allowed him to tallage, as they called it, their tenants, and had not knowledge enough to foresee how much this must, in the end, affect their own revenue

    10. The pecuniary advantages which they receive from one another are mutual and equal, and such a tenant will expose neither his life nor his fortune in the service of the proprietor

    11. So very heavy a tax upon the first necessary of life-must either reduce the subsistence of the labouring poor, or it must occasion some augmentation in their pecuniary wages, proportionable to that in the pecuniary price of their subsistence

    12. Speculative systems, have, in all ages of the world, been adopted for reasons too frivolous to have determined the judgment of any man of common sense, in a matter of the smallest pecuniary interest

    13. This is especially evident among those whose pecuniary origins are well below standard

    14. “The traditional common law holding is that a corpse does not have pecuniary value”

    15. In the event of default by a broker which results in pecuniary

    16. Some publishers of radical sheets quietly accepted pecuniary aid from agents of the Directory, but

    17. It was not like him to be this soft-hearted, but then again, Stazl was one of the reasons Grobut was here now, and he deserved some form of pecuniary compensation … His train of thought was interrupted by the elevator slowing down

    18. And I have become an infinite warehouse of thieves and a uniprofitarian temple of monergic priests filling my mind with trivial pecuniary transactions, while everything dies and I'm being monopolized by the agents of avaricious commerce

    19. Without knowing anything of the circumstances, of the secret disgrace of the affair, of the blank undesirability in any case of such a son-in-law, of the extraordinary inconvenience and pecuniary loss of Ingeborg's marrying at all, she had taken up Herr Dremmel to an extent that was positively near making her ridiculous, supposing that, humanly speaking, were possible, and had rammed him down the county's throat till at last it believed that of the two husbands Ingeborg had secured the better

    20. If any man has seen fit to rear his sons with a view to their living idle lives, or, what is highly commendable, has instilled in them the sentiment that they are in a position to labor for public ends without reference to pecuniary considerations, then, of course, the duty of the parent is to see that such are provided for in moderation

    21. "That's no matter," answered Porfiry Petrovitch, receiving his explanation of his pecuniary position coldly, "but you can, if you prefer, write straight to me, to say, that having been informed of the matter, and claiming such and such as your property, you beg

    22. I do not know whether he is well off now, and precisely what Marfa Petrovna left him; this will be known to me within a very short period; but no doubt here in Petersburg, if he has any pecuniary resources, he will relapse at once into his old ways

    23. want of money, he tried to induce me to accept of pecuniary aid; but this offer I absolutely rejected, though it was made with such delicacy, I could not be

    24. He would then have suffered under the pecuniary distresses which, because they are removed, he now reckons as nothing

    25. The young Mohican bent over the track, and removing the scattered leaves from around the place, he examined it with much of that sort of scrutiny that a money dealer, in these days of pecuniary doubts, would bestow on a suspected due-bill

    26. Noirtier; I will suffer, without complaint, the pecuniary deprivation to which he has subjected me; but I shall remain firm in my determination, and the world shall see which party has reason on his side

    27. d'Epinay will be frightened at this pecuniary loss

    28. d'Armilly; she had frequently observed the contemptuous expression with which her daughter Now, Madame Danglars feared Eugenie's sagacity and the influence of Mademoiselle looked upon Debray,—an expression which seemed to imply that she understood all her mother's amorous and pecuniary relationships with the intimate secretary; moreover, she saw that Eugenie detested Debray,—not only because he was a source of dissension and scandal under the paternal roof, but because she had at once classed him in that catalogue of bipeds whom Plato endeavors to withdraw from the appellation of men, and whom Diogenes designated as animals upon two legs without feathers

    29. Added to which of course would be the pecuniary emolument by no means to be sneezed at, going hand in hand with his tuition fees

    30. Jekyll, I could enter on that of Edward Hyde without pecuniary loss

    31. What Vronsky attacked first as being the easiest was his pecuniary position

    32. I told him frankly about my pecuniary difficulties and my impending ruin, and I asked his advice—though I hoped for something more solid

    33. Moreover, he was well aware that the twenty roubles that would be asked for the journey were a serious matter for her; Darya Alexandrovna’s pecuniary affairs, which were in a very unsatisfactory state, were taken to heart by the Levins as if they were their own

    34. The Petersburg attitude on pecuniary matters had an especially soothing effect on Stepan Arkadyevitch

    35. to me within a very short period; but no doubt here in Petersburg, if he has any pecuniary resources, he will relapse at once into his old ways

    36. There’d been a string of more successful fires in the same area, Amory recalled, but in this case no pecuniary motive could be discerned; the building spared from flame had already been condemned

    37. At Times, I readily confess, I have flasht false Lightning from my Eyes, fetch’d Sighs from my Bosom (which none could have heard unmov’d) altho’ I did not wholly mean ’em, and carelessly dropp’d the Handkerchief from my Bosom, in order to win some Point in Discourse, either philosophical or pecuniary

    38. After that, I was restrain’d there under Lock and Key; and finally, knowing myself with Child and knowing now of Lancelot’s great Need of me, I remain’d in order to obtain pecuniary Benefits for myself in the only Way I thought open to me

    39. Sure, I had felt Stabs of Envy (as any other Mortal Soul hath done), but always I seem’d to know that all the divers Destinies of Humankind have their own Pains as well as their own Pleasures, and e’en the Greatest Lord who suffers no pecuniary Want, may be tormented with the Gout, or Devastation at the Loss of Love, and feel his Suff’rings as keenly as the poor Gin-soakt Beggar

    40. The Age had granted him Pleasures unabated, had indulged his ev’ry Whim—whether lustful or pecuniary; thus he had ne’er learnt Self-Control, Self-Rule, or Moderation of his Passions: Married young to a timid Heiress who could not raise her Voice to him, school’d in Scandal amidst Whores and Rakes, how could he practise that Humility which manifests itself in Kindness? I fervently believe that the Rules I impos’d upon his Impulsive Nature did his Soul more good, i’faith, than his whole willful, Pleasure-seeking Life before he found me in the Hell-Fire Caves!

    41. Although they also have a pecuniary interest in the transactions of their customers, their advice is much more likely to be painstaking and thoroughly impartial

    42. Formerly all pecuniary questions, especially requests for money to which, as an extremely wealthy man, he was very exposed, produced in him a state of hopeless agitation and perplexity

    43. The necessity of the measure in a pecuniary light, and the hope of its utility to his son, reconciled Sir Thomas to the effort of quitting the rest of his family, and of leaving his daughters to the direction of others at their present most interesting time of life

    44. will be known to me within a very short period; but no doubt here in Petersburg, if he has any pecuniary resources, he will relapse at once into his old ways

    45. It is certain that a prisoner who has some pecuniary resources suffers ten times less than the one who has nothing

    46. I was acquainted with all Simon's pecuniary circumstances

    47. A man need only not desire to profit by another man's labour by serving the government and possessing land and money, and he will never have that superfluous “fool's money,” the fact of possessing which made those who wanted money ask me for pecuniary assistance which I was not able to satisfy, and called forth in me the consciousness of my unrighteousness

    48. And everyone taken separately, especially if one's remarks are directed at someone else, not himself, will answer, No! And yet the very man who sees all the baseness of those actions, of his own free will, uncoerced by anyone, often even for no pecuniary profit, but only from childish vanity, for a china cross, a scrap of ribbon, a bit of fringe he is allowed to wear, will enter military service, become a magistrate or justice of the peace, commissioner, archbishop, or beadle, though in fulfilling these offices he must commit acts the baseness and shamefulness of which he cannot fail to recognize

    49. Does the gentleman mean to assimilate a tribute exacted by Great Britain with that paid to Algiers? Or does he mean to be understood as advising us, because we purchase peace with barbarians, involving no honorable consideration, to barter for a pecuniary reward, with Great Britain, our rights, our honor, and our independence? Detestable as this inference is, it results from his arguments

    50. But how long, sir, can that be maintained, when it is known that we have no longer the means, allowing us to possess the disposition, to fulfil our pecuniary engagements? When you cannot collect a cent upon imposts, and dare not lay a direct tax, how far you will be able to obtain money on loan, is, to say the least of it, very questionable

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    Синонимы для "pecuniary"

    monetary pecuniary financial fiscal commercial nummular