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penurious примеры предложений
1. their bottom line - better a profitable death than a penurious life
2. Fox, along with the sad fact that Alwyn died alone in a Hammersmith hostel for penurious old men, bragging till the end that he had ‘discovered’ Michael Caine
3. And its young king was captive to the treacherous king of Ophir, who hesitated between restoring him for a huge ransom, or handing him over to his enemy, the penurious king of Koth, who offered no gold, but an advantageous treaty
4. For the first time, I had seen the unheard scenes in my life, the helpless and the hapless lives of penurious people
5. That would bring some income and relieve my penurious ness bringing on my situation of destitution and
6. The most penurious, the skinflints would be despised as the lowest, while the most generous would enjoy the highest prestige
7. The greediest, most possessive, most envious, most penurious Jews, the most selfish, most rapacious, most cheating, most avaricious of them; cover themselves in layers of public religiosity and sanctity
8. Thousands of penurious, selfish, and rich men are doing this daily
9. When, eventually, he arrived to claim the inheritance, and found that its sum-total only amounted to twenty-five roubles in notes, he refused to believe it, and declared that it was impossible that his sister-a woman who for sixty years had had sole charge in a wealthy house, as well as all her life had been penurious and averse to giving away even the smallest thing should have left no more: yet it was a fact