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    1. Remind me again who acts like that when people say things they don't like? Spoiled brats perchance?

    2. ' And I said to him: 'Tell me: what it is that is falling out on the Earth that the Earth is in such evil plight and shaken, lest perchance I shall perish with it?' And thereon there was a great commotion on the Earth, and a voice was heard from Heaven, and I fell on my face; And Enoch my grandfather came and stood by me, and said to me: 'Why have you cried to me with a bitter cry and weeping And a command has gone out from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell on the Earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learnt all the secrets of the angels, and all the violence of the demons, and all their powers, the most secret ones, and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole Earth, and how silver is produced from the dust of the Earth, and how soft metal originates in the Earth; For lead and tin are not produced from the Earth like the first; It is a fountain that produces them, and an angel stands in it, and that angel is pre-eminent

    3. After they went out out of paradise, Adam took Eve his wife, and went up into the east; And he remained there eighteen years and two months; and Eve conceived and brought out two sons, Diaphotus called Cain, and Amilabes called Abel; And after this, Adam and Eve were with one another; and when they lay down, Eve said to Adam her Lord: My Lord, I have seen in a dream this night the blood of my son Amilabes, who is called Abel, thrown into the mouth of Cain his brother, and he drank it without pity; And he entreated him to grant him a little of it, but he did not listen to him, but drank it all up; and it did not remain in his belly, but came out out of his mouth; And Adam said to Eve: Let us arise, and go and see what has happened to them, lest perchance the enemy should be in any way warring against them

    4. “Since god is troubled over the state of human affairs, perchance he will intervene personally on our behalf

    5. ' And I said to him: 'Tell me: what it is that is falling out on the Earth that the Earth is in such evil plight and shaken lest perchance I shall perish with it?' And thereon there was a great commotion on the Earth and a voice was heard from Heaven and I fell on my face; And Enoch my grandfather came and stood by me and said to me: 'Why have you cried to me with a bitter cry and weeping And a command has gone out from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell on the Earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learnt all the secrets of the angels and all the violence of the demons and all their powers the most secret ones and all the power of those who practice sorcery and the power of witchcraft and the power of those who make molten images for the whole Earth and how silver is produced from the dust of the Earth and how soft metal originates in the Earth; For lead and tin are not produced from the Earth like the first; It is a fountain that produces them and an angel stands in it and that angel is pre-eminent

    6. After they went out out of paradise Adam took Eve his wife and went up into the east; And he remained there eighteen years and two months; and Eve conceived and brought out two sons Diaphotus called Cain and Amilabes called Abel; And after this Adam and Eve were with one another; and when they lay down Eve said to Adam her Lord: My Lord I have seen in a dream this night the blood of my son Amilabes who is called Abel thrown into the mouth of Cain his brother and he drank it without pity; And he entreated him to grant him a little of it but he did not listen to him but drank it all up; and it did not remain in his belly but came out out of his mouth; And Adam said to Eve: Let us arise and go and see what has happened to them lest perchance the enemy should be in any way warring against them

    7. 8 Have you not seen here what has befallen Zion? 9 Or do you perchance think that the place had sinned; And that on this account it was overthrown? Or that the land had wrought foolishness; and that therefore it was delivered up? 10 And know you not that on account of you who did sin; Those who sinned not were overthrown; And on account of those who brought wickedness; Those who brought not foolishness was delivered up to their enemies?' 11 And the whole people answered and said to me: 'So far as we can recall the good things which the Mighty One has done to us we do recall them and those things which we do not remember

    8. Or am I not entitled to do with what is mine what I choose? Or is your eye perchance evil because I am good? So shall the last ones be first and the first last

    9. and after that he appeared to two of them on that day and while they were going to the village which was named Emmaus and whose distance from Jerusalem was sixty furlongs; And they were talking the one of them with the 41 other of all the things which had happened; And during the time of their talking and inquiring with one another Jesus came and reached them and walked with them; But their eyes were veiled that they should not know him; And he said to them What are these sayings which you address the one of you to the other as you walk and are sade One of them whose name was Cleopas answered and said to him Are you perchance alone a stranger to Jerusalem since you know not what was in it in these days? He said to them What was it? They said to him concerning Jesus he who was from Nazareth a man who was a prophet and powerful in speech and deeds before God and before all the people and the chief priests and the elders delivered him up to the sentence of death and crucified him; But we supposed that he was the one who was to deliver Israel; And since all these things happened there have passed three days; But certain women of us also informed us that they had come to the tomb and when they found not his body they came and told us that they had seen there the angels and they said concerning him that he was alive; And some of us also went to the tomb and found the matter as the women had said: only they saw him not; Then said Jesus to them you lacking in discernment and heavy in heart to believe! Was it not in all the sayings of the prophets that the Messiah was to suffer these things and to enter into his glory? And he began from Moses and from all the prophets and interpreted to them concerning himself from all the scriptures; And they drew near to the village where they were going and he was leading them to imagine that he was as if going to a distant region; And they pressed him and said to him Abide with us for the day has declined now into the darkness; And he went inside to abide with them; And when he sat with them he took bread and blessed and brake and gave to them; And straight away their eyes were opened and they knew him and he was taken away from them; And they said the one to the other Was not our heart heavy within us while he was speaking to us on the way and interpreting to us the scriptures?

    10. And the Shepherd asked the virgins if perchance the master of the tower had come; and they replied that he was about to come to examine the building

    11. But if He find anyone of these sheep strayed woe to the shepherds! And if the shepherds themselves have strayed what answer will they give Him for their flocks? Will they perchance say that they were harassed by their flocks? They will not be believed for the thing is incredible that a shepherd could suffer from his flock; rather will he be punished on account of his falsehood

    12. If, perchance, she’d stroked my chest and cock while writhing and squirming in anticipation

    13. Would such a map perchance exist—as doth, indeed, this sacred text—

    14. This said, perchance ‘tis obvious how Mankind’s thoughts, if dark, could skew the very balance of Earth life necessitating warning thee

    15. That he, perchance, though grief be unavailing,

    16. But Jesus would only say to his anxious and grieving mother: "Mother-Mary, sorrow will not help us; we are all doing our best, and mother's smile, perchance, might even inspire us to do better

    17. 2 The young man was disinclined to talk, and so Jesus made a second approach to his soul, saying: "I understand you come up in these hills to get away from folks; so, of course, you do not want to talk with me, but I would like to know whether you are familiar with these hills; do you know the direction of the trails? and, perchance, could you inform me as to the best route to Phenix?" Now this youth was very familiar with these mountains, and he really became much interested in telling Jesus the way to Phenix, so much so that he marked out all the trails on the ground and fully explained every detail

    18. " Would this sort of presumption, this defiance of his Father's laws of gravity, be justified in order to protect himself from possible harm or, perchance, to win the confidence of his mistaught and distracted people? But such a course, however gratifying to the sign-seeking Jews, would be, not a revelation of his Father, but a questionable trifling with the established laws of the universe of universes

    19. Not that I would have secrets from my brethren, but I have a troubled spirit, and if, perchance, I should deserve a rebuke from my Master, I could the better endure it alone with you

    20. On the third day Jesus visited with Zebedee and Salome while he sent his apostles off to "go fishing, seek carefree change, or perchance visit your families

    21. You can perceive that it would be like the Father to do just such things because which one of you, having a favorite animal that fell in the well on the Sabbath day, would not go right out and draw him up?" And since no one would answer him, and inasmuch as his host evidently approved of what was going on, Jesus stood up and spoke to all present: "My brethren, when you are bidden to a marriage feast, sit not down in the chief seat, lest, perchance, a more honored man than you has been invited, and the host will have to come to you and request that you give your place to this other and honored guest

    22. The angels are immortal unless, perchance, they become involved in sin as did some of them with the deceptions of Lucifer

    23. " And they so answered the Master because they had reasoned among themselves: If we shall say from heaven, then will he say, Why did you not believe him, and perchance will add that he received his authority from John; and if we shall say from men, then might the multitude turn upon us, for most of them hold that John was a prophet; and so they were compelled to come before Jesus and the people confessing that they, the religious teachers and leaders of Israel, could not (or would not) express an opinion about John's mission

    24. in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be

    25. Perchance a brief nap would clear her cluttered wits and remove any doubt still lurking unconsciously beneath the surface

    26. perchance become apparent as the investigation proceeded and he learned more about the suspects in this second murder

    27. To sleep, perchance to dream, but for the lady this was no dream

    28. If perchance we should never meet again I shall remember these two days and know that somewhere in Time you revere my memory

    29. That is of God's revelations perchance they will remember

    30. "Do you perchance imagine that a starved and badly treated body can ever harbour that most precious gift of the gods, a clear, sane mind?"

    31. “Would you believe in pixie dust? Dragon’s blood? Or, perchance a magical potion?”

    32. “If he’d asked her, as you said, perchance she’d refuse

    33. Perchance it is the abundance of

    34. thanked me in return and asked if perchance I was a virgin

    35. And this takes no account of that which ought not to be forgotten in describing the genesis of the opinion—the action of 'seducing spirits and the teaching of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy,’ which may nevertheless be believed to have been concerned in re-establishing that primeval philosophy whispered in the ear of Eve, 'You shall not surely die! ’ If a few energetic preachers, in our own generation, reckless in uncritical assertion, ruthless in their treatment of opponents, and moderately well convinced of the truth of the tremendous doctrine they have espoused, are able to persuade so many modern multitudes of its truth, with the printed Bible under their eyes, it is easy to understand that the few scattered protests of the Ante-Nicene ages were feebly matched against the influence of numberless Christian teachers, maddened by the cruelty of the Roman Emperors, and thirsting for some vengeful threatening of hell-torment which might perchance scare the heathen into silence or submission

    36. "How have I not?" replied Sancho; "was he whom they blanketed yesterday perchance any other than my father's son? and the alforjas that are missing to-day with all my treasures, did they belong to any other but myself?"

    37. At this hole the two demi-damsels posted themselves, and observed Don Quixote on his horse, leaning on his pike and from time to time sending forth such deep and doleful sighs, that he seemed to pluck up his soul by the roots with each of them; and they could hear him, too, saying in a soft, tender, loving tone, "Oh my lady Dulcinea del Toboso, perfection of all beauty, summit and crown of discretion, treasure house of grace, depositary of virtue, and finally, ideal of all that is good, honourable, and delectable in this world! What is thy grace doing now? Art thou, perchance, mindful of thy enslaved knight who of his own free will hath exposed himself to so great perils, and all to serve thee? Give me tidings of her, oh luminary of the three faces! Perhaps at this moment, envious of hers, thou art regarding her, either as she paces to and fro some gallery of her sumptuous palaces, or leans over some balcony, meditating how, whilst preserving her purity and greatness, she may mitigate the tortures this wretched heart of mine endures for her sake, what glory should recompense my sufferings, what repose my toil, and lastly what death my life, and what reward my services? And thou, oh sun, that art now doubtless harnessing thy steeds in haste to rise betimes and come forth to see my lady; when thou seest her I entreat of thee to salute her on my behalf: but have a care, when thou shalt see her and salute her, that thou kiss not her face; for I shall be more jealous of thee than thou wert of that light-footed ingrate that made thee sweat and run so on the plains of Thessaly, or on the banks of the Peneus (for I do not exactly recollect where it was thou didst run on that occasion) in thy jealousy and love

    38. "And is he in love perchance?" asked Sancho

    39. Let it not be seen that thou art (even if perchance thou art, which I do not believe) covetous, a follower of women, or a glutton; for when the people and those that have dealings with thee become aware of thy special weakness they will bring their batteries to bear upon thee in that quarter, till they have brought thee down to the depths of perdition

    40. Whence came this insufficiency in life—this instantaneous turning to decay of everything on which she leant? But if there were somewhere a being strong and beautiful, a valiant nature, full at once of exaltation and refinement, a poet's heart in an angel's form, a lyre with sounding chords ringing out elegiac epithalamia to heaven, why, perchance, should she not find him? Ah! how impossible! Besides, nothing was worth the trouble of seeking it; everything was a lie

    41. achievements of my valiant knight;--no burden for his shoulders, nor subject for his frozen wit: whom, if perchance thou shouldst come to know him, thou shalt warn to leave at rest where they lie the weary mouldering bones of Don Quixote, and not to attempt to carry him off, in opposition to all the privileges of death, to Old Castile, making him rise from the grave where in reality and truth he lies stretched at full length, powerless to make any third expedition or new sally; for the two that he has already made, so much to the enjoyment and approval of everybody to whom they have become known, in this as well as in foreign countries, are quite sufficient for the purpose of turning into ridicule the whole of those made by the whole set of the knights-errant; and so doing shalt thou discharge thy Christian calling, giving good counsel to one that bears ill-will to thee

    42. The proper handling of an unsinkable ship, you see, will demand that she should be made to hit the iceberg very accurately with her nose, because should you perchance scrape the bluff of the bow instead, she may, without ceasing to be as unsinkable as before, find her way to the bottom

    43. Then, Adeimantus, I said, the worthy disciples of philosophy will be but a small remnant: perchance some noble and well-educated person, detained by exile in her service, who in the absence of corrupting influences remains devoted to her; or some lofty soul born in a mean city, the politics of which he contemns and neglects; and there may be a gifted few who leave the arts, which they justly despise, and come to her;--or peradventure there are some who are restrained by our friend Theages' bridle; for everything in the life of Theages conspired to divert him from philosophy; but ill-health kept him away from politics

    44. You, a deputy procureur, to found an accusation on such bad premises! Did I ever say to you, when you were fulfilling your character as a royalist, and cut off the head of one of my party, 'My son, you have committed a murder?' No, I said, 'Very well, sir, you have gained the victory; to-morrow, perchance, it will be our turn

    45. Yet perchance to-morrow deception will so act on me, that I shall, on compulsion, consider such a contemptible possession as the utmost happiness

    46. Such of my readers as have made a pedestrian excursion to the south of France may perchance have noticed, about midway between the town of Beaucaire and the village of Bellegarde,—a little nearer to the former than to the latter,—a small roadside inn, from the front of which hung, creaking and flapping in the wind, a sheet of tin covered with a grotesque representation of the Pont du Gard

    47. ' The old man died, as I have told you; had he lived, Mercedes, perchance, had not become the wife of another, for he would have been there to reproach her infidelity

    48. It is not perchance a French compliment? Mr O'Madden Burke asked

    49. Yet he was young and perchance he might learn to love her in

    50. Accordingly he broke his mind to his neighbour, saying that, to express his notion of the thing, his opinion (who ought not perchance to express one) was that one must have a cold constitution and a frigid genius not to be rejoiced by this freshest news of the fruition of her confinement since she had been in such pain through no fault of hers

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    maybe mayhap peradventure perchance perhaps possibly by chance