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    Используйте «permanency» в предложении

    permanency примеры предложений


    1. M: Permanency is a mere idea, born of the action of time

    2. attention towards an intended outcome, we help that consciousness attain permanency of form in

    3. tinuity, permanency, these are illusions created by memory,

    4. okay but it didn’t carry the importance or permanency of being a child bearer

    5. And this had a good deal to do with the permanency of his cure

    6. So that we see that Things in themselves have no origin, permanency, or reality

    7. This facility, which they quickly learned was called Camp Edwards, had a distressing sense of permanency to it

    8. Virginia creeper is the recommendation if you require a plant with more permanency

    9. Then as the visits had continued over more than two years, and his brother’s status in prison had gelled to a permanency that seemed unshakable, Puller increasingly could think of nothing to say

    10. Anxious for some permanency, I guess I needed to be reminded how temporal permanency is

    11. As the dangers thickened round the San Tome mine this illusion acquired force, permanency, and authority

    12. First as a comfort to Fanny, then as an auxiliary, and last as her substitute, she was established at Mansfield, with every appearance of equal permanency

    13. "Without entering into the broad field of the debatable question about the innate ability of man, we only see that the child can have no innate concepts and ideas about real things,—they have to be formed, and on the skill with which they are formed by the educator and teacher depends both their regularity and their permanency

    14. unless combined with a greater proportion than is consistent with the highest degree of permanency, afford a black more or less inclining to a reddish brown

    15. Its permanency has been completely tested by long exposure to the sun and the weather; but no doubt can exist on this head, if the position of Berthollet be true, that permanent blacks are formed only by the combination of iron and tannin

    16. In contemplating the nature of the interest to be protected, three prominent features strike the eye, and direct the course of reflection, viz: its locality, its greatness, and its permanency

    17. By recurring to the permanency of this interest, the folly and madness of this negligence and misplaced meanness—for it does not deserve the name of economy—will be still more distinctly exhibited

    18. the permanency of this interest exhibits the folly and madness of its neglect, 501;

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    permanence permanency