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    personal belongings примеры предложений

    personal belongings

    1. They made arrangements to have her personal belongings moved to her new quarters at the palace

    2. and men of the Euphrates had packed their personal belongings and had used their own whaleboats to transfer over to the

    3. It turned out that they had two units stacked full of personal belongings, clothing and furniture that they accumulated from their constant changes of address between all the places they lived

    4. he would sleep there, afraid of having his personal belongings stolen

    5. When you see the Abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel standing in the Holy Place flee to the mountains do not collect any personal belongings out of your house just flee Woe to those who have babies hope and pray that flight is not in winter or on the Sabbath day

    6. As he handed over his personal belongings, a man white button down shirt and black slacks placed Richard’s things into Ziploc bags labeled with his booking number

    7. Personal belongings got stolen, he and his wife got lost a few times, and the food and exhibits were not always enjoyable

    8. personal belongings into cardboard boxes

    9. comes to insuring your personal belongings within a house share it is definitely better to

    10. Go pack your personal belongings and come back here after, with your luggage

    11. � Just before supper, Wilson�s men moved her personal belongings to the WAAFs barrack, where a small room had been given her

    12. � In the light provided by the fires, they could see and hear dozens of civilians running around, either trying to put out the fires or to save some of their personal belongings

    13. Most recently, he had sensed this type of unpleasant sensation upon visiting the home of the deceased where he was surrounded by the personal belongings that were suddenly left without their owner

    14. Her personal belongings were packed in cases ready to go, but what she was doing now could not wait until the morning; and maybe she wouldn’t go back: not until this strange situation was resolved

    15. “ I’ve traveled to many antique auctions and have been fortunate enough to pick up personal belongings and novelties for a mere pittance

    16. “ I’ve traveled to national and international antique auctions and have been fortunate enough to pick up many personal belongings and novelties for a mere pittance

    17. This was his home and these were his personal belongings

    18. I focused on the few personal belongings that he had left behind

    19. When they arrived they each had a smal valise of their personal belongings and nothing else

    20. I am afraid I was not above searching her personal belongings and I found your letters

    21. The security officers searched the home and seized personal belongings such as a computer, CDs containing films of Christian seminars and teachings, Christian books and Bibles, and family photo albums

    22. The bathroom was always a sight—makeup everywhere, personal belongings everywhere

    23. "On Tuesday afternoon a meeting of the uninjured survivors was called in the main saloon for the purpose of devising means of assisting the more unfortunate, many of whom had lost relatives and all their personal belongings, and thanking Divine Providence for their deliverance

    24. “Davout,” says Ségur, “entered Orcha with 4000 men, all that remained of 70,000! The Marshal lost all his personal belongings; he had no linen, and was literally dying of hunger

    25. I returned to my own part of the flat and went to bed in the spare room to which Sanders had hastily moved my personal belongings

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