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    personal possessions примеры предложений

    personal possessions

    1. It's amazing how seldom people back up their personal possessions

    2. The only inheritance was the small terraced house that they had grown up in and a few personal possessions

    3. That left us with the 72 Gran Torino (like Clint Eastwood drove in the recent movie of the same name) in which to transport ourselves, dragging a U-Haul trailer with our most immediately needed personal possessions behind it, to Pascagoula for the Navy OGC job which I had obtained by answering an ad in the WSJ’s classifieds and interviewing with Dave James at the GD missile plant in Pomona where I had assumed that I would be employed

    4. These disparate lands were the personal possessions of the emperor

    5. Sweettower would otherwise rent for less per suite than those two, and furnishing it with your personal possessions will increase the rent it can command

    6. It appeared that he had packed and removed most of his personal possessions as if he did not intend to return

    7. All visitors have to follow eleven rules that were practiced by all living in the ashram when he started it in 1915 - non-violence in thoughts, words and deeds; always tell the truth, no stealing, no personal possessions, manual labor, simple healthy diet, fearlessness, treat followers of all religions the same, use locally made clothes and other items, spin cotton, accept people of all castes, etc

    8. Well, to cut a long story short, they only want her personal possessions and her car, which the police have

    9. Not much to it really, his clothes, a little bedding and a few personal possessions

    10. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the guard standing over Gary, and Gary collecting his personal possessions

    11. He tried hard to think of where the Big Indian might be, and more importantly, what was John-Paul's connection with the missing gold bullion and the Tsar's personal possessions

    12. Nicola looks at him thinking of all the other personal possessions she is leaving behind; the teapot from her mother, the clock from granddad, photographs of times gone by; Stef interrupts her thoughts by grabbing hold of her arm; �We haven't got much time

    13. First, before any evolution can take place, the goal should be understood to not make personal possessions the reason for existence

    14. The patrol car stopped at Whittier Police Department, where she was searched, relieved of all personal possessions, photographed, and electronically fingerprinted

    15. � Her name is now disgraced in the time we just came from; she lost most of her personal possessions and she has been separated from her new husband and adopted daughter, who are still back in the year 1941

    16. The only personal possessions he’d been allowed to retain on his arrest were a set of underwear, socks and a pair of shoes

    17. You have to account for the destruction of at least half your personal possessions

    18. Transitioning to a shareconomy extends the genius of sharing when we are limited in our personal possessions by the necessity of rationing what is truly scarce

    19. I told her to keep your lipstick and distribute the rest of your personal possessions to the poor and needy

    20. He had certain of their personal possessions stored along with his papers and I've managed to do DNA tests on them and make perfect match comparisons

    21. " The place looked immaculate but there were very few personal possessions

    22. That is unless a single person uses their superior moral authority to galvanize a large enough majority to become actively outraged at the evils and pure irrational craziness of personal ownership, and throw away all their personal possessions and create a new way of life without greed, without money, without the concept of ownership, without the jealousy and possessiveness which the imaginary concept of ownership creates

    23. These less fortunate cultures, having very few personal possessions or personal wealth; greeted them more honestly, more happily, more generously, and more warmly than those of their own race-creed and religion ever did

    24. There were no notes, no personal possessions except the boots, no writing on the wall

    25. Caris returned to the front half of the house and saw that Mattie ’s personal possessions had also disappeared: her sewing box, her polished wood cups for wine, the embroidered shawl she had hung on the wall for decoration, the carved bone comb she treasured

    26. No books, no cigarettes, no food, no personal possessions, nothing in your locker but uniforms, boots, knife, polish

    27. When any debts have been paid, the deceased’s personal possessions – clothing, furniture, food and drink – will be divided up among the neighbours, and any cash given to the parish church

    28. And scattered about the floor were a number of personal possessions; for, being alone, Crooks could leave his things about, and being a stable buck and a cripple, he was more permanent than the other

    29. At work ‘casual’ thieves may be more interested in cashboxes and employees’ personal possessions

    30. And scattered about the floor were a number of personal possessions; for, being alone, Crooks could leave his things about, and being a stable buck and a cripple, he was more permanent than the other men, and he had accumulated more possessions than he could carry on his back

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