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    personal property

    1. I explained to him I was in the service and had not been out this way for several years and didn‘t think it was anyone‘s personal property

    2. That the confiscation of personal property and private fortunes promotes wealth creation is a non sequitur!

    3. (A slave was not to be treated as a piece of personal property

    4. Personal property is a higher

    5. - the personal property of another:

    6. That ship out there is my personal property

    7. Would there be a limit to the amount of personal property you could leave in the

    8.  Personal property can not be borrowed without the express

    9. He had seen that same crazed look in other men’s eyes and could recall their having wagered everything on them then forgoing personal property

    10. Often the real property (real estate) assets are governed by the laws of the state in which they sit, whereas the personal property (bonds, stocks, money, possessions) are controlled by the laws of the state that is their final residence

    11. There will be no pillaging nor plundering of the city stores nor personal property

    12. They want us to respect their personal property rights while the rest of us poor slobs have our rights taken away

    13. She had stolen his personal property including an expensive telephone

    14. If this were to happen, the estimated costs to New York, not counting personal property, would be upwards of one to two billion plus dollars

    15. At one point of time it was a personal property of a person named Jalli

    16. The property of the company is not the personal property of its shareholders

    17. They were well aware that larceny is "the unlawful taking and carrying away of personal property with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of his property permanently"

    18. I felt and acted as if the salon was my personal property

    19. This tax called carucage only lasted for a while, collected only six times because it was eventually replaced with income and personal property taxes

    20. Include in your calculation all costs and expenses, such as the costs for packing and moving your personal property to your new place of residence, gas, lodging, and other travel expenses, food storage for up to a month, and other legitimate expenses

    21. He divined that one of his enemy's purposes was to secure the personal property, as well as the estate, to his son: or rather himself; yet why he did not wait till his decease was a puzzle to my master, because ignorant how nearly he and his nephew would quit the world together

    22. enter the train, and no railway ticket was found in his pocket, neither were there any markings upon his linen, nor papers nor personal property which might help to identify him

    23. I have said that there was no personal property which might help to identify him, but it is true that there was one peculiarity about this unknown young man which was much commented upon at the time

    24. After her father's death Eugenie learned from Maitre Cruchot that she possessed an income of three hundred thousand francs from landed and personal property in the arrondissement of Saumur; also six millions invested at three per cent in the Funds (bought at sixty, and now worth seventy-six francs); also two millions in gold coin, and a hundred thousand francs in silver crown-pieces, besides all the interest which was still to be collected

    25. Out of the nine states that don’t have personal income taxes, Florida does place a tax on intangible personal property

    26. The reasoning, however, seems illogical when one considers that most people willingly purchase insurance to protect their personal property

    27. He divined that one of his enemy’s purposes was to secure the personal property, as well as the estate, to his son: or rather himself; yet why he did not wait till his decease was a puzzle to my master, because ignorant how nearly he and his nephew would quit the world together

    28. First of all Nekhludoff explained his views in regard to personal property in land

    29. In the eighties, he resigned from military service and sold for a trifle his 400 dessiatines of land, the only personal property he had at the time, to the peasants of the village of Pavlovok; in 1889, on account of his propaganda against religion, he was exiled by administrative order to Zakavkaz

    30. This was the personal property of the old princess, a part of her dowry

    31. By the laws of most, perhaps of all the States, aliens are not permitted to hold real estate; but in all they are free to hold personal property of every kind, and particularly bank stock

    32. But he believed, when the people, who were to pay all, and receive nothing, come to see that we had spent for them the last year upwards of twenty millions of dollars, and that notwithstanding all the moneys we had received, by double duties, and otherwise, that we had increased the national debt, in that year, ten millions six hundred thousand dollars, and that we want, for the expenses of the present year, agreeably to the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, $31,925,000, exclusive of the expense of the contemplated increase of our Navy, and for losses and war contingencies—that when they should put those sums together, and apportion them to the several States, agreeable to the constitution, and see that but few individuals, and not many States, would have personal property sufficient to pay their proportions—that this delusion as to those who have eventually all this money to pay would at least vanish

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