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    piece of news

    1. looked even more thoughtful with this piece of news

    2. took in this piece of news – first surprise, then confusion,

    3. a piece of news the fact that, sometimes, some experts

    4. We had a meeting about you the other day, in fact,” he admitted, watching her react to this piece of news

    5. The most important piece of news, without which the telling of the story would have become pointless and would have disappeared from the lexicon of storytelling, was this: that there had been a flood of monumental proportions at some time in the ancient past of the original storytellers

    6. recognize each piece of news as new and grasp the meaning of this in-

    7. Nancy was with the other female staff, eating at a table next to the long table used by the female recruits, when a piece of news from the Kabul Central Radio Station echoed around the mess hall

    8. They were just finished giving their order to the waiter when a piece of news appearing on the television set caught the attention of both men: reports from Afghanistan were now quite rare, due to the more urgent situations in and around 162

    9. A piece of news just played on television, a report made by the BBC in Afghanistan about a stinging defeat suffered there by the Taliban

    10. When the Mossad connected it to the piece of news on Laplante from Afghanistan, they sent a team to her home town in Boucherville, Canada, to search her condo and bug it

    11. Jack shook his head gravely, understanding the magnitude of the shock this piece of news would cause to Farah ‘B’

    12. The other piece of news is about Misses Tomi Kern herself: she has publicly announced her intention to run for the post of Global Chief Administrator

    13. Fernand, not liking this piece of news one bit, looked at Grot-Rowecki questioningly

    14. When you return to Leningrad, you may give this piece of news to General Chernikov: two days ago, I served an ultimatum to the High German Command to either start withdrawing on all fronts back into Germany by noon of this Saturday or face total destruction

    15. Genda was digesting that piece of news when a young officer brought a message for Nagumo, who read it quickly

    16. Yamamoto stayed silent for a moment as he digested that piece of news, then looked around at his grim-faced staff officers

    17. The President has ordered that this piece of news be kept confidential, in order not to hurt public morale

    18. Feltus was glad to hear this vital piece of news that seemed to confirm his ledge theory substantially, though the question remained as to how the murderer knew the windows were open

    19. � Whoever had written that article had produced a very convincing, powerful piece of news

    20. Seeing the reaction of the main American newspapers to this piece of news this morning, I don’t even want to imagine what kind of circus we will see tonight on TV and on radio news

    21. That piece of news had in fact come rather late and in small bits at a time, as if the Israelis had something to hide in this case

    22. She wasn’t even fully sitting before she froze with alarm on seeing a flash news scroll across the bottom announcement strip: Anderson Cooper had been kidnapped in Afghanistan! Deadly worried at once, she raised the volume and listened on to the CNN news anchor, who was in fact talking about that precise piece of news

    23. Ingrid took that piece of news grimly: they were going to be heavily outnumbered

    24. That piece of news

    25. The arrival of those planes was going to be a very bad piece of news for the Arab air forces attacking the Jewish holdings in Palestine

    26. As Jefferson expected, that piece of news did not bring out screams of joy from his seven Soviet prisoners

    27. When she was convinced in his newfound sight, the woman grabbed her son in joy, thanked Nikolai Andreevich and all of us for the help, and ran to her building to tell her husband about this piece of news

    28. This piece of news took Lin Xian Town by storm

    29. give the pig credit; he hadn’t spilled that little piece of news

    30. what she held in her hands was a piece of news that only she

    31. This piece of news ushered a couple of nightmarish weeks for Robbie

    32. Scott held her and told her what he knew of the tragedy: that Randy had murdered Dixon and Lon Kolk (this piece of news did nothing to abate Ingrid's tears), but had morbidly left Varion alive to grieve

    33. “No, Brad, I was not expecting that piece of news…but

    34. Owen slowly folded up the piece of newspaper he had been reading and put it into his pocket

    35. "Because," said Albert, laughing, "one piece of news follows another, and there is often

    36. I never shall forget the radiant face with which he came home one afternoon, and told me, as a mighty piece of news, of his

    37. "It's an extraordinary thing," said he, "that all my life I have been collecting other people's news, and now that a real piece of news has come my own way I am so confused and bothered that I can't put two words together

    38. Among the American forces, a horrifying piece of news had just surfaced

    39. This piece of news irritated Levin

    40. Now this Piece of News was scarce soothing to my Ears; it but inflam’d my senseless Passion more

    41. “An’ ye’ll ’ave others, too, Lass, young as ye are,” said the old Tar, as if this Piece of News would soothe me

    42. This piece of news is so amazing I have trouble believing it

    43. He also expected a multi-screen set up with CNBC in the background and Rich Trader frantically trading on every piece of news

    44. And here is an incredibly exciting piece of news!

    45. THE first thing Tom heard on Friday morning was a glad piece of news—Judge Thatcher's family had come back to town the night before

    46. Moreover, toward evening, as if everything conspired to make Petersburg society anxious and uneasy, a terrible piece of news was added

    47. ” The housekeeper and her husband were both of that decent phlegmatic order of people, to whom one may at any time safely communicate a remarkable piece of news without incurring the danger of having one’s ears pierced by some shrill ejaculation, and subsequently stunned by a torrent of wordy wonderment

    48. As you saw, there is usually some significant piece of news that is the cause

    49. As Elinor and Marianne were walking together the next morning the latter communicated a piece of news to her sister, which in spite of all that she knew before of Marianne’s imprudence and want of thought, surprised her by its extravagant testimony of both

    50. Accoulina met me and told me a sad piece of news

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