Используйте «plane down» в предложении
plane down примеры предложений
plane down
1. He set the biplane down
2. The pilot drove the plane down a bumpy tarmac for a short distance, paused and then drove it down a flat but dusty runway
3. ―You have to shoot that plane down!‖
4. In Ingrid’s case, her retro-rockets, fired at the lowest point of her trajectory, simply slowed her space plane down enough that it would go lower than 120 kilometers of altitude, where the atmosphere’s density would be high enough to start braking her
5. Otherwise, they never would have forced our plane down; especially here
6. “Because my enemies would like to shoot the plane down out of the sky, with me in it,” he told her with a matter-of-fact shrug of his broad shoulders
7. He powered his plane down the runway, lifted off, and flew over the beach and into the darkness
8. Strong’s B-24 was nearly cut in two, and the mine’s parachute deployed, dragging the plane down
9. As Louie spoke, the pilot dropped the plane down over an island and landed