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plating примеры предложений
1. In the manufactures of Birmingham alone, the quantity of gold and silver annually employed in gilding and plating, and thereby disqualified from ever afterwards appearing in the shape of those metals, is said to amount to more than fifty thousand pounds sterling
2. Another illusion, of course, fed into him by the wealth of telemetry regarding its state, reporting any abrasion to the primary plating
3. “Our hull plating will withstand the impacts with ease, sir
4. His form was not grotesque in a conventional sense: the exoskeleton had a perfect symmetry, a perfectly integrated system of servos overlaid with chrome plating, a design that bespoke maximum efficiency
5. ” I noticed that further down a Vickers machine gun had been sited in its own nest of sandbags and armour plating
6. ” He muttered and grumped as he patted the old hulk’s side plating
7. welding and bolts along the outer plating were brown with rust
8. The armoured plating of their pallid blue Security Division
9. In reality what was behind the viewscreens were many layers of extra-thick armor plating, but it was easy to forget that and believe you were out there in this room
10. Reinforced bows, strong wood (oak) frames, and iron plating prepared the early cutters for Alaskan patrol duty
11. “That’s some solid armor plating,” said Miles
12. All the wiring is encased in armoured plating and we have three back up generator systems if any one fails
13. After running for less than a minute, he again heard the now familiar clicking sounds on the deck plating
14. Their muscles stretched their armor plating, but the wires held them on their grotesquely growing forms
15. Almost a year after his return home, having sold the silver candlesticks and the heraldic chamberpot-which at the moment of truth turned out to have only a little gold plating on the crest-in order to eat, the only distraction of José Arcadio was to pick up children in town so that they could play in the house
16. A Japanese fighter barely missed his ramming attack as Tom ran out of ammunition for his rail gun, the aircraft actually grazing the top of the scoutship’s hull and ripping off the hull plating along a good four meters
17. “Commodore, have your defensive laser batteries sweep close to the hull plating of the upper section: there may be an unwanted fly stuck there
18. When done, if you’re bored with the usual plating
19. The two B-25s only had time to get out of the way as complete gun turrets flew in the air, along with pieces of deck and hull plating
20. and had the armor plating and bullet-resistant glass, that the original Humvee’s did not have
21. A harpoon barely missed Carla, clanging against the steel plating of the wreck
22. Unfortunately, he discovered too late that the floor plating between the two anular fields had no artificial gravity
23. helicopters use "boron" armor plating, which is stronger than steel and
24. “Using my neural implant, I am able to access the computer program and alter the gravity in the deck plating below me
25. That would make it easier to unmold prior to finishing and the final plating
26. All that remained was the final plating
27. glint from the excessive silver and gold plating that surrounded the administration
28. Thankfully, the enemy had neglected to put plating over their wooden hulls, which made Tuvalin�s job a little easier
29. Sorren tried to divert the monster’s attention by slashing at its body, but he could not penetrate the worm’s rocky plating
30. in the seeding, harvesting, and plating of a wild heirloom idea:
31. We carry two types of material in our ferrules: either stainless steel, or steel with copper plating -- this varies on the specific brush
32. noticeable sudden expansion of hull plating, the Shiffvic erupted along her structural bulkheads
33. All the towers had been rebuilt, but in lower profile and more thickly stoned than before, with iron plating on their outsides
34. I dove the last few feet as the shells chasing me slammed into the thick steel armor plating that the kitchen cabinets and counters were inlaid with
35. They tore away at the heavy steel plating in an effort to make a way through to the ship’s interior
36. plating his image in the mirror
37. So it was imperative to make contact with whatever beings were confined inside the plating of this machine
38. Its plating can't give way; it's self–adhering and not dependent on the tightness of its rivets; and due to the perfect union of its materials, the solidarity of its construction allows it to defy the most violent
39. I heard its plating grind against the limestone roughness of that coral base
40. The hatch lids fell back onto the outer plating
41. Equipped with picks, some ten men climbed onto the Nautilus'ssides and cracked loose the ice around the ship's lower plating, which was soon set free
42. It was no ordinary misanthropy that kept Captain Nemo and his companions sequestered inside the Nautilus's plating, but a hate so monstrous or so sublime that the passing years could never weaken it
43. And when I compared this deep calm of the elements with all the fury seething inside the plating of this barely perceptible Nautilus, Ishivered all over
44. The Maelstrom! Could a more frightening name have rung in our ears under more frightening circumstances? Were we lying in the dangerous waterways off the Norwegian coast? Was the Nautilusbeing dragged into this whirlpool just as the skiff was about to detach from its plating?
45. There was a reason warships had historically avoided well-sited land batteries, and while it was possible the heretics’ introduction of armor plating might have changed that, it was unlikely it could have changed the balance between shore and ship enough
46. Even solid thirty-pound round shot probably won’t be able to break through without pounding a lot of hits into the same piece of plating, and I’m none too sure standard six-inch shells will penetrate it as readily as we’d all like, either
47. I don’t want our kitchen to be a plating kitchen; it is just too uncompromising for that
48. “But the neuromorphic electronics are deep inside the torso, encased in armor plating
49. strained and had opened; and, as the plating in those days was not of sheet iron, the vessel had sprung a leak
50. When this kind of electricity was discovered, people began to apply it: they invented a way of gold and silver plating by means of electricity, and electric light, and a way to transmit signs from place to place over a long distance by means of electricity