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    play with

    1. The times that you’re playing games, watching television or any other time waster could be used to exercise, to read a book, to play with your kids or learn a new skill

    2. The opportunity to enjoy them, spend time with them, teach them your values and beliefs, play with them, show them how much you love them, that opportunity is happening

    3. He hadn't met her yet, but she was practical and could cook and helped a little with the garden and had a nice enough body and wanted to play with his

    4. Herndon went to play with his portable terminal on the boat and Ava took a camp quilt to the beach

    5. They had way more money than sense and a bunch of crazy notions, but other than that, they were just big guys who liked to play with motors

    6. Do not allow children to play with anything you make from this manual

    7. "All from my parents," she said in response, tilting her head as a signal to come play with her

    8. Neither was ready to play with a cherub yet, though Ava was talking about it

    9. " She had to play with drivers and things on screens only visible from her side for awhile to get a voice channel open from a mortal on the ground to Ava's universe here on this idealized Carribean beach

    10. Those screens did not block her view of the latest boat Ava had generated to play with

    11. If you let me borrow Barney occasionally to play with, that would be great, but it is not the be all and end all

    12. Although between us two the stories and the jokes and the games continued unabated, nonetheless the days merged together and we all grew tired of this necessary but wearing role-play with the guards

    13. Anyway, she would have to tell everyone to keep their limbs out of the water and not play with the crossbows

    14. come play with me

    15. But the sheep are too woolly to play with

    16. “I think I’m just someone to play with while he’s lost in those signals if you want the truth

    17. Alan would probably play with one or more of the village cherubs this evening if the weather stayed pleasant

    18. actually offer fun games that you can play with the potential partner, even chartrooms where

    19. He wanted to say, 'go play with yourself,' but refrained

    20. "So you let me go there alone so you could play with one of Alan's cherubs?" She said it nice and calmly but it still had the sound of cold, sharp, steel

    21. 'Whenever I play with concentration, my head starts hurting, Ali said

    22. Rayne spotted Tarak and Kai in heated swordplay with several of the large bugs

    23. power of the emotionally manipulative games they could play with each other

    24. 'I could not play with them

    25. whore, play with me,' Mama said as he danced around Ali, just out of the striking

    26. On Dad’s instructions, we’d sold the house and invested the money in the Trust Fund, then Mum had moved into one of the flats and we had let the other out on a long term tenancy, the idea being that the interest from the Trust Fund together with the rent on the second flat would give Mum some money to play with in addition to whatever she could earn

    27. Graham can never resist a chance to play with a new electronic toy

    28. play with toys or other children, and she could not

    29. “I am weary of this cat and mouse game we play with Boras

    30. “You have children? Can they play with me?”

    31. “We do this sometimes to play with people when we see that they have jumped to conclusions

    32. Three months of observation and a renewed reading of my earlier writings, led me to play with them one evening

    33. It was also still stuck in three-d reality, but it was a fun place to play with cherubs, and a few female members of the crew who came by now and then

    34. Go and play with him

    35. If she does, I’ll entertain her, but I’d prefer you to take Red Hawk to play with Song Bird’s children, before she arrives

    36. It’s Jock’s call, not his, and if she wants to play with the Devil, then that’s up to her

    37. I couldn’t play with myself, even if I wanted to

    38. He could see that Ava thought so, but she knew how eager he was to play with this, so she didn’t tease him about it

    39. ‘Come and play with Mickey

    40. She was too intelligent and knew to much of the Kassikan to play with like this wasn’t she? “Ava, I can’t discuss the case

    41. Kaha had leaned forward so her tits could play with his knees while her friend leaned in

    42. We had this little tiny football and try and play take-a-way where you would have the football and would be running around and then all of your fellow sixth-graders would be running around so you throw the football to them while the seventh-graders were trying to intercept it and then they could play with it with their teammates

    43. That your sweet voice calls, “Come play with me”—

    44. They lengthened their vowels more and Ava had to play with some adjustments on the translators before she could understand some of the conversations

    45. The turtle was filled with eggs and he let the dog play with these and eat them as he wished

    46. Out in the lower flats of the Dos basin where she used to play with that gypsy-party band Yiheeng, about a third of the audience was pretty much part of the tribe or 'with the tour' in some way

    47. She’d tie long linen threads to their feet, then he could play with them

    48. myself, “I cannot let her play with my heart any longer

    49. “Okay,” he said again as he continued to play with is crayon

    50. play with the lives of the Greeks and, if

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