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plight примеры предложений
1. In the station, under a huge steel sky, the two children sat quietly amid the hustle and bustle of bags and feet that rumbled by oblivious to their plight
2. Again, I am struck by the plight of the planet – what will happen if I failed to find the Elements? It doesn’t bear thinking of
3. Little Red Gangsta was so touched by the plight of this
4. and the plight of our Brother Knights Templar that it won’t
5. The moment was short-lived as a peal of thunder deafened us, and our thoughts snapped back to the plight of our missing family
6. Professor Goa’s plight is particularly poignant as his only daughter and granddaughter were coming for his wife’s funeral
7. plight of children – a situation that sometimes had its
8. Given the plight of his father it
9. You have the intolerable and stubborn spirit of your mother Hera: it is all I can do to manage her, and it is her doing that you are now in this plight: still, I cannot let you remain longer in such great pain; you are my own offspring, and it was by me that your mother conceived you; if, however, you had been the son of any other god, you are so destructive that by this time you should have been lying lower than the Titans
10. But given the state of the universe, not to mention their current plight, birthing a simulacrum would be a bad decision – for both Ome, and the child as well
11. was with the plight of her daughter
12. He rested his arms by his side to show her that he bore no animosity towards her or her family and that he was willing to listen to her plight
13. For the Nord could not shake a sense of responsibility, of culpability when it came to the Breton’s most current plight
14. Normally she’d never consider an impromptu visit but the plight of Scott had gained some media coverage, and refusing help would reflect badly on herself
15. Without his memory it has no sympathy for our plight
16. for the plight of others and will hurt whoever stands in their way without conscience
17. The men on the Barracuda sympathized with their plight, but could do nothing else to help
18. The Generals had ordered a tactical withdrawal to the docks in the hope that the boats would see their plight and come to collect them
19. Had injudicious censorship allowed news of the plight of our forces to reach Madrid, Spain would have hurled its strength towards the city's defences, to save a national disgrace by assault at frightful sacrifice
20. One of those wagons filled with food each day would have saved much suffering to the men at the front and to the refugees, for whose plight we were morally if not legally responsible
21. After being unceremoniously dumped on the ground, where he lay coughing and gasping for breath, the large badger who had pulled him from his plight, glared down at him and wrinkled his snout in anger
22. Thesa stood pressed against one of the walls under a slight overhang, desperately seeking some way out of their plight
23. All of a sudden William realized that he had allowed himself to think more about the plight of Thomas than his own
24. I hold the whirlwind in My fingers! The breath of The Lord blows upon the waste places! The name of The Lord shall be exalted! The name of the Lord shall be spoken aloud, and all in the earth shall tremble! For the cause of the widow I know, and the plight of the needy is before My eyes
25. With a cold shock, Darkburst suddenly realised that the badgers had no intention of rescuing him from his plight and became increasingly desperate as he slipped ever deeper into the mire
26. Cobbs was a simple; humble; uncomplicated man; speaking out about the plight of the poor and downtrodden capitalist-aristocrats of Wall Street
27. She stood with her horse between them, watching over its back to hide her smirk as she explained, in a voice that conveyed no awareness of Kevin’s plight that they should loosen the saddles while they rested
28. It was thrilling to see that influential people from other countries understood so well their plight and sympathized
29. I've explained our plight and the reason why I think this is a place worth saving
30. shared my plight, he commented that it was good that i met him because
31. myself and began to share with glenn my unique plight
32. as i was sitting in the bitterness of our plight, the Holy spirit spoke
33. This program is one answer to our plight for churches,
34. awareness of the plight of the homeless families with children and
35. There were many women in the village who would have been glad to come and help, but Aunt Martha refused to let her plight be known
36. When Rondon was told the plight of the first two professors, it became clear to him that Jaro had not acted dishonorably, as the rumor circuit had it
37. He could certainly understand our plight, as could that most generous sovereign, Inka Pachacutec
38. He also has an obligation to understand the plight of a female professional, whether it is his wife or a colleague, and to extend his cooperation to help her fulfill her responsibilities
39. specimen’s plight; He had taken the advantage of a recess to stay
40. All were very sympathetic to his plight and there wasn’t a soul that passed the comment that maybe he should get some more rest
41. Be humble in every instance Mallika, and you will be victorious in every plight”
42. ' And I said to him: 'Tell me: what it is that is falling out on the Earth that the Earth is in such evil plight and shaken, lest perchance I shall perish with it?' And thereon there was a great commotion on the Earth, and a voice was heard from Heaven, and I fell on my face; And Enoch my grandfather came and stood by me, and said to me: 'Why have you cried to me with a bitter cry and weeping And a command has gone out from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell on the Earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learnt all the secrets of the angels, and all the violence of the demons, and all their powers, the most secret ones, and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole Earth, and how silver is produced from the dust of the Earth, and how soft metal originates in the Earth; For lead and tin are not produced from the Earth like the first; It is a fountain that produces them, and an angel stands in it, and that angel is pre-eminent
43. White power can then be charged as the cause of the felt inequality, and whites made to feel guilty for the plight of blacks
44. in a sad plight indeed
45. His leaders didn’t noticed his plight because they were
46. That man's experience in total darkness is hard to comprehend, and to understand his plight, one would have to be placed into similar circumstances
47. More learned men there are still who in identical plight
48. He told Josie about Consuelo’s plight in Managua
49. Nyla suddenly felt overwhelmed with the plight of the
50. The reported story is as follows: The plight of Texas border patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose
1. She thought he had been going to say engaged to be married, for though she had known even at Redchester, in spite of the care taken to shut such knowledge out, that the world included wicked persons who loved without engagements or marriages, sometimes indeed even without having been properly introduced, persons who were afterwards punished by the correctly plighted by not being asked to tea, they were, the Bishop informed an anxious inquirer once when he had supposed her out of the room, in God's infinite mercy numerically negligible
2. But besides all this, he reminded him that if he prided himself on being a gentleman and a Christian, he could not do otherwise than keep his plighted word; and that in doing so he would obey God and meet the approval of all sensible people, who know and recognised it to be the privilege of beauty, even in one of humble birth, provided virtue accompany it, to be able to raise itself to the level of any rank, without any slur upon him who places it upon an equality with himself; and furthermore that when the potent sway of passion asserts itself, so long as there be no mixture of sin in it, he is not to be blamed who gives way to it
3. Don Quixote, when he saw that not one of the four travellers took any notice of him or replied to his challenge, was furious and ready to die with indignation and wrath; and if he could have found in the ordinances of chivalry that it was lawful for a knight-errant to undertake or engage in another enterprise, when he had plighted his word and faith not to involve himself in any until he had made an end of the one to which he was pledged, he would have attacked the whole of them, and would have made them return an answer in spite of themselves
4. A thousand thoughts at once suggested themselves to him on the subject of this new adventure, and it struck him as being ill done and worse advised in him to expose himself to the danger of breaking his plighted faith to his lady; and said he to himself, "Who knows but that the devil, being wily and cunning, may be trying now to entrap me with a duenna, having failed with empresses, queens, duchesses, marchionesses, and countesses? Many a time have I heard it said by many a man of sense that he will sooner offer you a flat-nosed wench than a roman-nosed one; and who knows but this privacy, this opportunity, this silence, may awaken my sleeping desires, and lead me in these my latter years to fall where I have never tripped?
5. stifled the enticing emotions, and respected the plighted faith you outraged
6. "I was simple enough to think, that because my faith was plighted to another, there could be no danger in my being with you; and that the consciousness of my engagement was to keep my heart as safe and sacred as my honour
7. I was, maybe, such an one as yourself when I plighted my faith to Alice Graham, the only child of a neighboring laird of some estate
8. "Monsieur, you have the plighted faith of 'un gentilhomme Francais', for your safety," returned Montcalm, laying his hand impressively on his heart; "it should suffice
9. But Sonya? And his plighted word? That was why Rostov grew angry when he was rallied
10. Trusotsky, this is what I wish to observe,” he continued to Pavel, the latter still standing in front of him; “we, that is Nadejda Fedosievna and myself, have long loved one another, and have plighted our troth
11. But Sónya? And his plighted word? That was why Rostóv grew angry when he was rallied about Princess Bolkónskaya
12. What made even greater sorrow for the poor girl, and for the district judge who spoke the sentence, was that these two young people had solemnly plighted their troth but a few short weeks before, in the rectory of Veilbye
13. But the advocates of the measure now proposed, say that we cannot abandon it, because our faith is plighted
14. Yes, sir, our faith is plighted; and that, too, to that scrupulous gentleman, Napoleon; a gentleman so distinguished for his own regard of faith; for his kindness and mercies towards us; for angelic whiteness of moral character; for overweening affection for the American people and their prosperity
15. On account of our faith, plighted to him, it is proposed to continue this non-intercourse
16. Speaker, we may be allowed, I presume, to inquire whether any such faith be plighted
17. Now, as he neither performed the act required by the law of May, 1810; nor produced the effect; nor accepted the terms it proposed; whence arise our obligations? How is our faith plighted? In what way are we bound again to launch our country into this dark sea of restriction; surrounded on all sides with perils and penalties?
18. And if we, by adopting this amendment, condescend to justify the Emperor, in his insult upon the plighted faith of our Government, in my opinion we shall furnish the American people and the world with just ground to say Amen to the declaration of Cadore in that respect
19. Indeed, to believe the contrary, would be an insult to the plighted faith of the Executive
20. How, then, is the national faith plighted to France by that law? Sir, I know of but one way in which the faith of this nation can be pledged to another, and that is, by a treaty approved and ratified by the constituted authorities; and surely, sir, no gentleman will contend that this law amounted to a treaty
21. I trust, sir, I have fairly shown that our faith is not plighted, that we are under no obligations to Napoleon
22. Surely, sir, they will require strong evidence of the fact that your faith is plighted to France, before they will be satisfied with the measure you are about to adopt
23. But, sir, after having their property plundered by France, by Denmark, and Sweden, will they not, when they learn that from a scrupulous regard to your faith plighted to France, a faith, however, which has no existence, you seize, with a few exceptions, all which return; will they not, I repeat it, endeavor to land their cargoes so as to escape the vigilance of your officers? Have you no apprehension that, when they have once learnt the art of smuggling to save their property from seizure and confiscation, they will afterwards practise it, to avoid the payment of duties? I fear that this system will have a tendency to corrupt the morals of your merchants, and from them it will extend throughout the country
24. While all is uncertainty and embarrassment with France; while her decrees remain merely suspended and not revoked; while your merchants, trusting to the plighted faith of the Emperor, have been drawn into the French ports and there betrayed and sacrificed; while commerce is bleeding at every pore under the merciless gripe of Napoleon, we are called on to go farther to conciliate France, than she was entitled to, had she faithfully revoked her decrees
25. The great question now is, does the fact on which the proclamation was alone to issue, and on which its legitimacy solely depends, exist, or does it not? The very doubt ought to decide the question—the burden of proof unquestionably ought to rest on those who call on us to pass this law; and in their own language, execute the contract, and violate not the faith so solemnly plighted to "Napoleon the Great"—unfortunately the evidence on which they rely disproves the fact, and we are enabled to do what can seldom be done, and ought never to be required—prove a negative
26. its advocates say we cannot abandon it, for our faith is plighted, 372;
1. When the ceremony of plighting troth was over, the beadle spread before the lectern in the middle of the church a piece of pink silken stuff, the choir sang a complicated and elaborate psalm, in which the bass and tenor sang responses to one another, and the priest turning round pointed the bridal pair to the pink silk rug
1. with an intimate understanding of the plights facing fami-
2. The many advantageously erased the plights of
3. plights are an essential element of the human condition
4. The Bible consists of interpretations of the people’s sacrifice to God and their rules and laws to live by, their plights, their kings, their wisdom writings, their stories about suffering and their exaltations to God
5. ‘The servant of God, Konstantin, plights his troth to the servant of God, Ekaterina