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popping примеры предложений
1. " he made a popping noise with his lips into his mic
2. From drawing images on a canvas, to creating a whole new world with a few different colored markers, most of the images that are posted on the company's feed use a variety of colors, show images popping up off the screen and show some form of creativity flowing off the page
3. Her husband was not impressed when she eventually returned home minus the shopping trolley, without any money and too scared to make amends for her failings by popping down to the off-licence for him
4. I carry it back into the kitchen and rinse it under the tap, popping the Devil’s Ivy into it and taking it upstairs
5. Omi said, popping a candy from the jar into his mouth
6. Chrissie glanced at him – he was staring at the body on the floor, his eyes nearly popping out of his head
7. Sometimes she even went so far as to chew on the bubble wrap, and she could hear loads of popping noises inside her head
8. The fat man stayed on his feet though, and with no other strategy popping into that
9. popping up in a sixty-degree day once or twice, only to return to its winter chill the
10. wrapped around throats and to see eyes almost popping out of heads
11. popping his eyes out of their sockets
12. "She does have a way of popping up where she doesn't belong
13. " Jake answered, to what he thought, was her calling him, popping his head into the shabby dimly lit room in the basement
14. replay that ball popping out of my mitt
15. However, before the bones began popping beneath his flesh Alec released him
16. Theodorous, the brown-eyed Death Guard, recoiled in shock, his eyes nearly popping out of his black hood
17. "We should have thought of this before we got here," Viktor said, popping back to animation
18. Her gray eyes darted to the left where a large chunk of wood levitated above the heads of the other demons, then, before they could reach her -- with an ear popping THUD!, the shard of doorway slammed to the earth, crushing them
19. Who knows what kind of world they’re living in now, with demons popping up on the street? The sooner Sebastian made more progress on his research the better
20. Scott pushed the power-driver into each screw, popping out with a whine
21. Shelley felt her ears popping as much of the air within the shelter was sucked out through the open door
22. “That’s good Billy Boy she will be glad to see you she knows your home and has been looking forward to you popping in on her after all you were always her favourite
23. My feet like everyone else’s were blood raw and as I marched along I could feel the blister popping and filling my socks with their blood mucus and liquid
24. Popping unbidden into his mind: an archive film of the hapless hero being faced with diffusing a bomb, with no time to wait for the expert to identify the correct wire to be cut
25. It felt like small rocks popping against his furry-covered cap and tender ears
26. Cursing, Terry eased himself from the car, popping the bonnet to look at the engine
27. It did not really explode in the sense that there was no bang but rather a popping sound
28. Once the popping has slowed, remove the pot from heat
29. (There, I‘ve said it!) Isn‘t it peculiar how many young boys (now grown men) traumatized some thirty to forty years ago seem to be popping out of the woodwork with such alacrity; the suppression of (such) painful matters buried for years suddenly provoking a reawakening of Conscience or whatever else you may choose to call it? Could it be that the promise of financial gain may be a (chief) motivating factor in their decision to tell all? I believe that a number of these accusations have been trumped-up or are simply the product of overactive or ―extended‖ imaginations that have seemingly lost their perspective over time
30. Bru used his telephoto lens to look into the shelter’s interior, popping off a few shots with his flash
31. ‘Just popping in to renew old acquaintances,’ that’s what the bastard chirped, chatting away as though we were long lost friends, but my blood ran cold at the sight of him
32. “Should have brought some marshmallows to cook over the fire later,” she said, popping a burger into a roll and handing it to Troy
33. Steve shot me a look of surprise, like a rabbit popping up from his hiding place only to find out the hunting season is still on
34. Six guys and two women all wearing heavy headphone style protectors were popping away at varying regularity
35. One thought kept popping into his head
36. Popping the trunk button, father leapt out and began to pull out my stout luggage and pile it up behind the car, in the street
37. After popping into existence in the alley, and then shooting off up to my room, I was so shaky and scared
38. "I told her you were just popping out to buy her a villa as a thank you present for going out with you tonight
39. Popping shots, drilling the table clean
40. They scrambled, popping the slots with shells
41. If any of my neighbors can see in, there’s going to be a popular YouTube video popping up soon
42. I often find beautiful flowers popping up in my garden which have had only nature’s encouragement and nutrition to grow
43. “Aiight niggas, here’s what’s popping,” Quan started after taking another pull of the black
44. For a long time the only sound was the crackling fire and the popping embers
45. Popping sounds fill the air as everyone in the Pit starts to fire at one another, young and old, the cameras momentarily forgotten
46. Selena stared at the three friends on the floor, popping her hip out
47. So what happened in the time immediately following their celebration on the rim of the crater? Jaro remembered Bruce popping open the warm champagne
48. She could hear Sven’s voice mingled with the popping of flaming
49. A small plate and smaller menu concept is also all the rage, with nordic influences popping up here and there
50. We’ll have armies of people popping our pills for the rest of their lives, all so they can eat like piggies without looking like them