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postulate примеры предложений
1. ‘Darling!’ psychologists postulate the overdose of
2. We know now that the structure of DNA and processes in a single cell are extremely complicated and that it cannot be ascribed to mere chance, even if the Universe was 100 times older than scientists postulate
3. With that water removed, and the Earth’s electro-mechanical function adversely affected, and because we can today measure a continuous decline in Earth’s magnetic field strength, we can postulate that gravity would have overcome the magnetic field’s influence on the layer of water above the atmosphere as a result of the rotational core mechanics being altered
4. ―Objective‖ pursuits such as ascertaining the validity of a mathematical or legal postulate or some other undemonstrated proposition, for example, are conditioned rather than perfected by scholastic examination
5. It is not entirely without logic to postulate that since we have witnessed only one sun, this is perhaps the reason for its inability to move, and hence the standing shadows and the continuous light
6. It was a postulate
7. So, which is it? If we accept the postulate given to me by Ms
8. Now, she recognized that this particular postulate didn't exist
9. beyond what you know? You may postulate a world beyond the
10. Therefore, I postulate a process that has three phases, as follows:
11. Therefore, physicists postulate that there should be some structure between 10-15 cm and 10-33 cm which is the Planck length
12. string theories postulate that every standard particle we observe has a mas-
13. therefore to postulate that there is a mirror universe which restores overall
14. 11 If the universe were only material and man only a machine, there would be no science to embolden the scientist to postulate this mechanization of the universe
15. Similarly, they postulate that when the temple was destroyed in 70 A
16. If my mind is merely the accumulation of chemical chance and selection, why should I have any “faith” in its ability to calculate, evaluate and postulate upon reason? Selection may create a conscious that is suited for survival, but it does not necessitate a conscience that is reasonable or logically valid
17. progressed into a linearity of thought where a specific postulate is staked out, promulgated
18. ” I’ve heard Christians postulate that when the time comes it
19. Locke could easily postulate whom Hamilton wanted to make his fifteenth and sixteenth victims
20. If we move upwards or forwards (positional metaphors implying improvement), it is more Brownian Motion jerking us to and fro from discovery, insight and conjecture to postulate something, to test that something, to pursue that something, to create that something, rather than being a sequential climb up a preordained ladder of hierarchical discoveries, inventions, and their rationally entailed intentions (how we should, must act, or what we ought to do)
21. What you postulate and how you live interact to recalibrate your true ideal – the one you are actually creating through compromise – away from your hypothetically predicted Game's End Winner's Reward, that is theoretically awaiting every l ive a ction r ole p laying hero questing for The iDeal
22. This leap, like us, will have its parallel crisis of identity and purpose and will fail and try new solutions, postulate new attractors that will bend the gravity of its evolution
23. One postulate of the bigbang theory is formed by an actual observation about
24. Thus one cannot prove that love is a, b, or c (actualized knowns), but rather can postulate that it could be x, y, and z (idealized unknowns) and then try to manifest those beliefs in one's acts – making the impossible real
25. When you postulate your ideal world is it a heaven of equality or hell's caste of saved haves and damned have nots? It seems rather than choosing life for all, we prefer stealing from the tree of knowledge and calling what we've taken mineonly
26. This led him to postulate a healing principle:
27. That they manipulate and postulate to gain
28. A conversational postulate is simply where
29. The Governor as President of the Council would open the new session and would review the last series of sittings and postulate on the future
30. All in all, this is revolution! What I say may be called either idiocy (nonsense without any proofs), or axiom (the truth that doesn’t require any proofs), or postulate (a statement accepted as a true one although unprovable), or real sensation, that is, a form of conveying new Knowledge that can change the picture of the world and traditional conceptions of human capabilities
31. Universalism has no locus standi in dogmatics until it has established its psychological postulate: and this is precisely the work, which its psychologers steadfastly decline to undertake
32. Some researchers postulate that this theory also forms the basis for market intuition
33. If it is the buying of institutions that “carves” out the bottom of a constructive base from which a stock may break out to new highs later on, then we can postulate that the clues of their buying and accumulation in the lower parts of a stock’s chart base should be evident, and could offer optimal, low-risk entry points to begin taking a position, particularly if the stock is a proven market leader
34. One of O’Neil’s overwhelming traits is his intense dedication and passion for the markets, something that led us to postulate the Tenth and Final Commandment, “Always maintain insane focus
35. Gentlemen, it would not be an exaggeration to postulate, to prepare ourselves for the possibility, that the Western economy could effectively collapse on Monday, when the Market will reopen
36. Crazy legal theories, have proliferated, exemplified by fraud-on-the-market lawsuits, which postulate that plunges in OPMI market prices are evidence of insider fraud because the common stock never would have achieved high prices in efficient markets in the first place if insiders had made full disclosures
37. But it is very hard to postulate that without Leasco, or someone like Leasco, in the picture the market values attributable to Reliance common would have been in the 80s in the fall of 1968 and over 100 in late 1968 and early 1969
38. enhanced by drugs, which is in agreement with the postulate of the dopamine
39. Yurgelun-Todd (1999) postulate that a washout period of 3 days is the minimum
40. To keep things simple we postulate the following general principle of criteria creation: The higher the criterion value, the better the profit potential of any given option combination
41. So, in order to justify current valuations one has to postulate that earnings and dividends will begin to rise faster than they have in the past
42. The system of Descartes was causing a stir among learned men, and James Flower, too, determined to reduce all philosophy to a basic postulate
43. He laid out paper and a number of fine pens at his side, but he could never come on his postulate
44. I speculated with a kind of wonder on the strength of the individuality of journeys and stopped on the postulate that people don’t take trips—trips take people
45. They also cited increased market activity as a reason to postulate that gaps were becoming less frequent in the market
46. The misapprehension springs from the fact that the learned jurists, deceiving themselves as well as others, depict in their books an ideal of government,—not as it really is, an assembly of men who oppress their fellow-citizens, but in accordance with the scientific postulate, as a body of men who act as the representatives of the rest of the nation
1. If required this can go on ad infinitum and never truly end, at least according to the postulated maxims of Zeno of Thrace who proposed that if you continue to halve the distance between yourself and your destination you will never arrive at your destination
2. “I'm thinking the Captain of this ship,” Reia postulated, “if it is in fact the same goof who tried to keep the Boss from her freedom, he may have an ulterior agenda regarding his little fleet's ultimate objectives
3. postulated that she had tried to over-rule its recommendation, and in a fit of pique had attempted to disable it in a violent manner
4. Dirac postulated holes in space stuffed with electrons of negative mass, and Heisenberg replaced determinism by uncertainty and causality by statistics
5. Consistent with a somewhat later episode of this last deglaciation, it has been postulated, similar violence-related changes occurred in those other places as well
6. Is it possible for it to invoke some kind of condition that could render it capable of a separate existence beyond the brain, as has been postulated for the soul?
7. and he postulated that children had the capacity to teach themselves, other students and
8. When Gallileo developed classical relativity he postulated the laws of physics were the
9. There were even those who postulated that
10. So physicists have postulated quantum spin networks, while others have
11. also postulated the belief in original sin, and the efficacy of Jesus’ death on the cross as atonement for original sin
12. ’ Apparently Cayce was interpreting the collective subconscious mind long before the psychiatrist C G Jung postulated his concept of the collective unconscious, according to Dr Daniel Condron
13. scientists went further and postulated that dark plasma
14. tists today according to her, the existence of such regions is postulated by
15. leonard ravitz says that electric fields (which were earlier postulated
16. The Prefect kept on speaking about the benefits she would enjoy if she postulated like future missis Farfan
17. forward when one expert postulated a transvestite but the theme was not
18. little boys and perhaps adult men when he postulated the presence of castration
19. Zeke postulated, ‘If this guard was floatin somewhere out in deepest outer space, a long way from anythin, it would start acceleratin, ever so gradually, even though it was only generatin the minutest amount of lift in the super cold environment of space
20. It is postulated that the Soviet Union would have capitulated if Moscow had fallen
21. called the “net operating income” method and postulated that the extra return from
22. Early in the century, in 1809, Frenchman Jean-Baptiste Lamarck had presented a theory of evolution in which he postulated that plants and animals differed based on different environmental conditions shaping their development
23. Some of those splinter groups could easily see the evil nature of the Jewish God, Yahweh, of the Old Testament, and they postulated that the god called Yahweh was the evil creator god, and the New Testament god was the pure god of love
24. postulated a body/mind dualism
25. moving to flatter country which they had not hitherto populated, Runt postulated, they would
26. It was Einstein who first postulated the theory, with his famous E=MC2 equation
27. Such is the character of varn postulated by the Geeta
28. An event occurring now is a succession of past events, and it is impacted by the future: the teleologically postulated possibility that is an attractor effecting the present, like the gravity of past mind effects the trajectory of current act
29. fancifully briefly postulated that he was somehow a
30. to list, but among the ones postulated were
31. However, they postulated that time travel was possible but extremely hazardous
32. They postulated that if a society could achieve a healthy balance between order and chaos, it would develop and evolve effectively
33. The Great Old Ones postulated that such a society would be inevitable before maximum entropy were achieved
34. Freud who postulated traditional dogma of psycho-
35. I postulated that it should be none of those "ten minutes in the air" affairs
36. postulated a connection between traders’ intuition in market situations and a specific ability known in the literature as theory of mind (ToM)
37. Sheelah Kolhatkar in an article for NY Magazine, “What If Women Ran Wall Street?” postulated that our banking crisis might not have happened if there were more female traders because they handle risk more responsibly
38. Finally, a cost of capital is postulated for each period, and the net present value of cash flows is calculated from today to eternity, using the second period parameters to calculate a terminal value at the end of the period of rapid growth
39. Creditors, it is postulated, just want to receive back principal plus interest even if it bankrupts the company, but such a view is unrealistic
40. We believe the real roles of cash dividends tend to be different from those postulated in traditional theories
41. 4 percent return must have seemed modest during this period, because Leasco was a dynamic market performer; one could just as soon have postulated a public offering for the Leasco package at 95, 105, or 115, rather than at 85
42. Instead of the former divinely appointed aims of the Jewish, Greek, or Roman nations, which ancient historians regarded as representing the progress of humanity, modern history has postulated its own aims- the welfare of the French, German, or English people, or, in its highest abstraction, the welfare and civilization of humanity in general, by which is usually meant that of the peoples occupying a small northwesterly portion of a large continent
43. It was postulated that the further k exceeds 1, the higher the criterion effectiveness is
44. Instead of the former divinely appointed aims of the Jewish, Greek, or Roman nations, which ancient historians regarded as representing the progress of humanity, modern history has postulated its own aims—the welfare of the French, German, or English people, or, in its highest abstraction, the welfare and civilization of humanity in general, by which is usually meant that of the peoples occupying a small northwesterly portion of a large continent
1. John Hammaker, a research scientist in Massachusetts, postulates that each ice age in the history of the earth regenerated its topsoil
2. of complexity correspondence thinking postulates that events occur in associations with each other, linked by
3. The components of Absolute Truth consist of a collection of partial truths woven together to form a completed truth, much in the manner of working out the solution to a geometry problem consisting of postulates, theorems and axioms, each a mathematical law (or truth) in itself however an (incomplete truth) as each relates to a (higher truth) that having been brought together, however, provides the solution (Absolute Truth) to the problem
4. or postulates different from the ones used by Euclid
5. 3 Freud postulates something similar in his theory of the Oedipal event
6. hypotheses and postulates to explain all the unanswered mysteries of the universe
7. desired points): Take any one of the postulates and apply it to an issue of interest to you
8. any one of the postulates and apply it to an issue of interest to you
9. desired points): Take any one of the postulates and apply it to a situation of change that interests
10. One perspective in population genetics postulates that a concern for relatives is "really" just an
11. systems are mythological rather than existential, and that those who have promoted such postulates
12. The Big Bang Theory postulates that in the beginning of this Universe there was a point of energy that burst into the expanding Universe we see today
13. It postulates that the
14. This theory postulates
15. Some research postulates that sugar/fat combinations can lead to enhanced production of blues-busting endorphins
16. The general rule is that the best answer requires the least number of assumptions and postulates the fewest entities
17. They also conspire to hatch up counter postulates and float conflicting and diverting ideas
18. This postulates a further point
19. The genii postulates rather than angels under a conscious form in mistakes and unprotected form
20. proofs, postulates, and possibilities
21. We use conversational postulates in our ever day communication, and they are
22. So he postulates that ‘Quality’ has no definition
23. “Prizzi postulates that she may have taken shelter along the way
24. semistrong form EMH A variant of the efficient markets hypothesis that postulates that all publicly available information is incorporated in price
25. Corbit (1974) postulates that whenever there is a departure from a state of homeo-
26. But to arrive at these laws, resulting from the sum of all those human wills, man’s mind postulates arbitrary and disconnected units
27. PT simply postulates the leaning S shape of the value function
1. A child at school had the best idea, when postulating that they were producing toilet paper
2. In short, knowing (perceiving, postulating, framing) good and evil creates good and evil, i
3. Often the enemies of true religion attempt to elevate their position by postulating that the claims of religion have no place among the esteemed truths of history
4. It was effaced as easily as it had been evoked by an allocution from Mr Candidate Mulligan in that vein of pleasantry which none better than he knew how to affect, postulating as the supremest object of desire a nice clean old man
5. "Whatever may be the truth," said he, "it must depend upon some bizarre and rare combination of events, so we need have no hesitation in postulating such events in our explanation
6. Postulating some generalization as the goal of the movement of humanity, the historians study the men of whom the greatest number of monuments have remained: kings, ministers, generals, authors, reformers, popes, and journalists, to the extent to which in their opinion these persons have promoted or hindered that abstraction