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    precariously примеры предложений


    1. ’ I said, stunned by her fantastic head gear which towers a good foot above her head and wobbles most precariously every time she moves her head

    2. Here was a sense of lost innocence, of delicious isolation precariously clinging to the warm air itself

    3. Breathing heavily, she laboured to lift the stone, swivelling it on one corner and, leaving it balanced precariously resting against a smaller rock, she bent to retrieve the broken corpse of the bird

    4. precariously on the loose stones and slippery grass

    5. ” Harry replied and walked forward to the garden gate which hung precariously on a single hinge

    6. the workers – precariously carrying two buckets hanging

    7. the plates and bowls of food that had been precariously

    8. was clutching precariously to its side and was within an

    9. " Morton held up a tee with a ball balanced precariously upon it

    10. He panicked when he found that Chris was on the ledge from the waist up but his legs dangled precariously over the drop

    11. ‘Therefore you surmise the discovered object must be that craft, which is precariously near the TE wave zone

    12. The nearer my deadlines loomed, the more monsters Amadeus would spot in my precisely arranged and precariously teetering stacks of papers

    13. Keeping its rear end on the top rail, Chuckles slid its front paws down the side slats of the cot, balancing precariously until its front paws were on the mattress and it could drop down without frightening the occupant

    14. I was left contemplating the small black dot perched precariously at to the top of the radio mast

    15. " He was hanging on precariously to the apex of the frost-covered roof, shivering with the cold

    16. And that's where the soldiers found us, after they had stormed the chateau, tied to an old garden bench, precariously perched on the top of an antique wardrobe, both snoring loudly in an alcoholic stupor

    17. Now, in the shadows of one of those empty sockets, he was watching the slow passage of events and squirming to find, for the long hours ahead, reasonable comfort while squatted precariously atop an unstable stack of charred wood

    18. His body was awkwardly positioned now and precariously balanced, openly inviting hits of retribution

    19. He was given a colossal task that was daily compounded with the burden of the ministry’s schizophrenic tendencies that balanced precariously between gross, outright denial and a maniacal urge to have everything done and ready, armed merely with ink

    20. Cracks in the ground made the heavy and totally un-sprung little machine trundle precariously along as it gained a couple of knots

    21. On recollection it seemed to Ursempyre that the Patriarch was somehow swinging this whole affair, precariously navigating between duplicity and lawfulness, trying to rewrite the Law and everything it had stood for since the very founding of the Territories

    22. ” AJ started snorting through his nose and convulsing so much I had to hold his back to stop him from accidentally stepping on two spectators who were precariously close behind us

    23. From the “Be not afraid” message meant to assuage the wondering terror that still haunted Man from out of the vulnerability of his precariously uncertain past as he encountered these seemingly otherworldly experiences, to the modern versions of angels, meant only to help an individual overcome the “stumbling stones” of life; these have also evolved over that great expanse, from prehistoric through prebiblical and biblical times, to the present-day elucidations

    24. McKenzie returned with the drinks a few minutes later, balancing them somewhat precariously on a tray

    25. tonnes of water pushed against the side of the building, forcing it to lean precariously to

    26. precariously on the edge of extinction

    27. was dim, slats of the ceiling dangled precariously, and the main console was cluttered

    28. They moved quickly to the front, where they could see the road and the pipe-smoking boy and the Major standing precariously on the seat

    29. It seemed to Maggie that she was balanced precariously on a heap of dead branches, holding a flame in her hands that would ignite the whole thing if she just let it go

    30. He looked at the wall where the black Porsche leaned precariously, the left-hand door bent completely back on its hinges

    31. Ken could not help but feel that his whole career was precariously and unfairly on the block

    32. the wedding party, and it rocked even more precariously

    33. He scrambled up so his legs balanced precariously on the crumbling window ledge

    34. behind the highest part of the rocky outcrop and some greenery that clung precariously to it

    35. look, wobbling precariously in the waves

    36. He turned at bay, shield and sword raised, his backside precariously nestled between the head of one ox and the rump of another

    37. hanging out the door while boxes and crates of vegetation were stacked precariously on the

    38. Precariously perched gardens bloomed with olive trees and rosebushes

    39. started toward the door, her knees precariously unstable, and both

    40. Grabbing hold of her mate"s curly hair, she dragged herself halfway up his back, swinging about precariously as she tried to grab the painting

    41. The great horn tumbled upon the battlement and hung precariously, and another robed figure rushed to seize it, shrieking in horror

    42. "Rosa! The beautiful Rosa," he said, with his arms outstretched and his drink sloshing precariously in his glass

    43. Carries her thinning white hair precariously,

    44. what trees there were clung precariously to small fissures

    45. Mitchell then heard the elevator bell ring before both entered precariously; and then he caught a glimpse at the number 9 illuminating on the panel, as she pushed the button

    46. Her obvious sincerity drew a tinge of self-pity deep within; the long tattered rope that represented his sanity had suddenly become precariously short and tight

    47. ” He rocked precariously on his heels and thought he heard the muffled but distinct bellowing of Lord Ashburn in the lobby

    48. position perched precariously on the edge

    49. It was nearly dark by the time they managed to extricate Ken’s body out of the rocks with the aid of the precariously closely hovering helicopter

    50. tiny Christian enclave of only a few thousand still existed – although precariously

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