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    preferential treatment

    1. By the end of Obama’s first year in office anger over the huge costs of his new federal government, greatly aggravated by this preferential treatment of unions, was beginning to show

    2. the allegations of some opponents of this title, there is nothing in it that will give any power to the Civil Rights commission or to the court to require hiring, firing or promotion of employees, in order to meet a racial quota or to achieve a certain racial balance,” adding later, “in fact, the title would prohibit preferential treatment for any particular group

    3. then He would be unfair in showing preferential treatment to some

    4. After going through one transfer and one junior officer, the Polish general answered in a polite but guarded tone: while the Polish resistance was most thankful for the Time Patrol having all but booted the Germans out of Warsaw, tensions had been starting to appear about the alleged preferential treatment the Jews of Warsaw were getting from the Time Patrol, compared to the help given to non-Jewish Polish citizens

    5. thought it might garner them preferential treatment, but he was a public

    6. I might add, I made quite a lot of money off my speculations; especially when you came in third at the Galactic Games," he suddenly paused, and then said, "but that's of the least importance,” as if he realized he shouldn’t be wasting Ben’s time with such trivia, and then he said, “What you're going to find in the Outer City is that the Tarmorians give Grand Master's preferential treatment

    7. From their clothes, it was evident that the children were a mix of Carolingian and star people, yet there didn’t seem to be any apparent preferential treatment in favor of the children from the stars, while mothers from both eras conversed on apparently amiable terms while watching their respective kids

    8. Before you ask why my wing got a preferential treatment, the reason is simple and straightforward: I was tasked by General Arnold to develop new air doctrines and tactics in the context of joint operations

    9. Your preferential treatment of James, that he gets to see more than some higher gens, that you refused to let the Council reassign him last year

    10. Favoritism in the family or in the work place creates hostility and antagonism since there is preferential treatments or partiality bestowed to a special individual or group

    11. She normally would scoff at any preferential treatment due to her gender, but the fatigue let her accept it willingly

    12. The government salary was a pittance so the good doctors made their living by reputation, taking cash for preferential treatment in a state hospital

    13. He made it clear that not only wasn’t I getting any preferential treatment—any Congressman would have been (and had been) treated the same way in similar circumstances—he also thought, as a practical matter, what I was suggesting would completely backfire and not only hurt my plea agreement but further hurt my reputation

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