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1. 15 And Pharaoh was astonished at this dreadful vision, why the kid should preponderate over all, and Pharaoh awoke and note it was a dream
2. 15 And Pharaoh was astonished at this dreadful vision why the kid should preponderate over all and Pharaoh awoke and note it was a dream
3. Since the heads of each system detest the other system, therefore the reaction will be crucial when the one of them notice that the other system begins to preponderate it
4. He could but smile at the liberality of the gentleman, in giving Canada to New York, in order to strengthen the Northern balance of power, while at the same time he forewarned her that the Western scale must preponderate
5. Its analysis has never been attempted by chemists; but the earthy sediment which is the result of its accumulated deposition, proves that it is a compound of earthy particles in a peculiar state of aggregation, and in which alumine appears to preponderate, rather than calcareous or silicious earths or oxides
1. In the Scotch coin, before the union with England, the gold preponderated very little, though it did somewhat {See Ruddiman's Preface to Anderson's Diplomata, etc
2. 14 And he took a milk kid and put it into the other scale, and the kid preponderated over all
3. 14 And he took a milk kid and put it into the other scale and the kid preponderated over all
4. On the other hand, the women broke out of the lodges, with the songs of joy and those of lamentation so strangely mixed that it might have been difficult to have said which passion preponderated
1. In the British coin, indeed, the value of the gold preponderates greatly, but it is not so in that of all countries