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    presence of mind примеры предложений

    presence of mind

    1. categorises it to be presence of mind when you

    2. He scrambled backwards crab-wise away from the water, but had the presence of mind to bring the pack with him

    3. He reminded them that it was only in humility and in the confidence of their presence of mind which would allow them to progress along the journey

    4. ‘No,’ Torbin insisted, trying to retain some presence of mind, holding to the logic that even the Elusivers had their limits

    5. She did, however, have the presence of mind, to dash into the house before the ¾-ton departed and obtain her sons’ identity papers, which she handed to them at the last minute

    6. Instinct, not presence of mind, pushes me into a dive

    7. Moreover, overtaken by the process of bankruptcy and the relentless pursuit by the Board of Equalization to collect taxes, he overlooked some possibilities within his reach and did not even have the presence of mind to ask for some legal advice

    8. I had the presence of mind to rush back the next day before the tailor had started on the alterations and cancel the purchase, getting a refund on my Visa card

    9. God knows what I did with the negatives, or why I did not have the presence of mind to have made and kept for litigation purposes duplicate prints

    10. Duncan is glad that, after the disaster of losing the mind-cane, he has at least had the presence of mind to bring his captive here

    11. even being as terrified as I was, I still had the presence of mind

    12. I have no idea who had the presence of mind to close the hatch

    13. Tell him he showed enormous presence of mind in swinging the car round, dodging the cyclist and not careering down the hill to both your dooms

    14. Eddie screamed with the pain from the burns, but had the presence of mind to know what he had to do

    15. 15 The finite universe of matter would eventually become uniform and deterministic but for the combined presence of mind and spirit

    16. The term for that is presence of mind

    17. myself, without my presence of mind

    18. The priest had turned as white in the face as his surplice, but stood his ground and with a surprising presence of mind asked Miss Jones on the piano to turn to an unscheduled hymn: ‘Lord dismiss us with Thy blessing’

    19. adamant about getting his hands on it? He’d never really explained that, and Dan hadn’t had the nerve or the presence of mind to ask him

    20. He hadn’t been there to see it, but some people had the presence of mind to film the action on their mobile phones

    21. He congratulated himself on having the presence of mind, the physical strength, the sheer brainpower necessary to coming to this point in his life

    22. Three men had had the presence of mind to dive for cover, but Shoop had

    23. Garcia barely had the presence of mind to meet the man amicably when he came to their table seemingly uninvited

    24. He was weightless and sick at his stomach, but he had the presence of mind to release the second stage

    25. He also had the presence of mind to secure the coffee cup, so the Met’s forensic lab in Lambeth should be able to identify what was used

    26. Having at least the presence of mind to stay low, Ben raised his head high enough to look for the bird

    27. Andrew, the only person on that stage with even a modicum of common sense, had the presence of mind to run for the sand bucket to smother the flames before they spread too far

    28. Presence of mind keep you alert, focused on a relaxed state and action oriented and it helps dispel fear

    29. Sam couldn’t help being impressed with such presence of mind in the throws of passion

    30. I was weak and helpless, but I surprisingly had presence of mind that enables me to hear voices and observe what was happening around me, but could not lift my hands

    31. While lying weak on the floor unable to neither scream nor make any movement, I realised somehow that I had presence of mind

    32. It was a moment before Elandria had the presence of mind to retrieve her fallen toast

    33. 'I haven't seen it written,' I said, restored so far by my relief--for Dolly had saved me--that I had the presence of mind to hedge

    34. I was in such shock that I hadn’t the presence of mind to shut the door on him

    35. She soon would, though, he told himself; and he went over to her determined and confident, lifted her unresisting hand, kissed it with all the fervour of happy reunion, and said with what he felt was immense tact and presence of mind, "I would have known you _anywhere_

    36. Gazing, therefore, at the curl lying in his hand, he screwed his lips into the shape and sound of a kiss, and then said with what even Solomon, he felt, would have admitted was immense tact and presence of mind, "Pretty

    37. The only thing I felt was a great need to laugh until my sides ached, but Bethanie managed to keep our face straight and our presence of mind under control

    38. He quickly, however, recovered the necessary presence of mind and the bell was rung for Richards; who, when she came, knelt down and undid Ingeborg's travel-worn blouse, and something on a long chain fell out jingling

    39. And once when Ilse had the misfortune to be stung by a wasp on one of her admirable legs, Ingeborg, with immense presence of mind, seized the dinner and emptying it into a fair linen cloth bound it over the swollen place; so that when Herr Dremmel arrived, as it happened hungrily that day, about two o'clock and asked for his dinner, he was told it was on Ilse's leg and had to eat sandwiches

    40. I didn’t know which spell he had cast, or what he had done to me, but I retained enough presence of mind to call out from within, my cry echoing to all the McAllisters

    41. And he had the presence of mind not to catch her to his heart

    42. For me he has already laid several traps that I have only just escaped falling into by an extraordinary presence of mind and a nimbleness in dialectic almost worthy of a born rogue

    43. I regret that I did not have the presence of mind to inform myself that I do not know how to make the design for that kind of a thing and I promptly promised her such a device

    44. They immediately had the presence of mind to hit the record

    45. At least Constable Hanks, left on duty at the gate, had shown some presence of mind

    46. “I realize this is a futile question,” he said to no one in particular, “But I don’t suppose any of you had the wherewithal to notice this nice li’l pile of skins someone left for us? And I further suppose that no one had the presence of mind to come and tell me about it?”

    47. His presence of mind saved the kid

    48. It was discouraging that he couldn't make a proper fireball, but Eric didn't have the time, energy or presence of mind to spare on failure

    49. Confused, but sensible that something might depend on his presence of mind, he commanded himself, and was silently attentive

    50. The cunning, the presence of mind of the young dog! One can hardly credit it; but it's his own explanation, he has confessed it all

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