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    private property

    1. As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce

    2. As soon as land becomes private property, the landlord demands a share of almost all the produce which the labourer can either raise or collect from it

    3. "But there are hundreds of nations that do allow private property

    4. In both regulations, the sacred rights of private property are sacrificed to the supposed interests of public revenue

    5. Such land, indeed, is in North America to be had almost for nothing, or at a price much below the value of the natural produce; a thing impossible in Europe, or indeed in any country where all lands have long been private property

    6. The tribunes, when they had a mind to animate the people against the rich and the great, put them in mind of the ancient divisions of lands, and represented that law which restricted this sort of private property as the fundamental law of the republic

    7. In ever country where the unfortunate law of slavery is established, the magistrate, when he protects the slave, intermeddles in some measure in the management of the private property of the master ; and, in a free country, where the master is, perhaps, either a member of the colony assembly, or an elector of such a member, he dares not do this but with the greatest caution and circumspection

    8. But in a country where the government is in a great measure arbitrary, where it is usual for the magistrate to intermeddle even in the management of the private property of individuals, and to send them, perhaps, a lettre de cachet, if they do not manage it according to his liking, it is much easier for him to give some protection to the slave; and common humanity naturally disposes him to do so

    9. He could only identify it by the high fence, the private property sign that gave no indication of any business

    10. When the crown lands had become private property, they would, in the course of a few years, become well improved and well cultivated

    11. Consequently, he permitted all hands to go ashore with their private property

    12. That’s on private property

    13. Two Falls was on private property

    14. Searches are also being conducted on private property fronting on McKerlie Line

    15. Pilar is no exception, of course, for in the Philippines there are two types of land: the “transferable land” that gives rights to private property and inheritance, and the “inalienable land” which cannot be transferred because it only belongs to the government, such as mountains, rivers and marshes…

    16. private property that the land owners no longer can control

    17. be paid to sue and interfere with private property while claiming to be protecting the environment

    18. Don‘t you remember, there is no private property to steal in Communism? His father tried to renew his company but the Communist would not have it

    19. He ran onto the private property

    20. Private property is recognized and protected by law at one end of the scale, state ownership or control prevails at the other

    21. Next came the stealing of private property, precious metals, and production goods,

    22. Our businesses are much more able to take care of our land and forests and water resources and we need to remove the laws that enable these environmental groups to be paid to sue and interfere with private property while claiming to be protecting the environment

    23. complete abolition of private property and the disappearance of the state but instead envisioned Socialism more as a form of society in which fully democratic control would be exercised over wealth, and production would be controlled by a group of responsible experts

    24. a general overthrow of the system of private property is inevitable, when the revolt of the poor against the rich becomes a necessity that can no longer be postponed

    25. Essentially, all private property is now controlled by a government entity

    26. Under Socialism, the purpose of the Law is to expropriate as much private property as possible

    27. Thus they agree with John Locke regarding the primacy of private property; they only differ in how it is to be distributed

    28. Therefore retention of private property is illegal

    29. 8 Frederick Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, trans

    30. Socialism did not require expropriation of all private property and that Hungarian

    31. That means especially the family (see Engel’s Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State), and any laws or traditions that might lend support to family or any other normative

    32. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, trans

    33. Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, The, 222, 306

    34. To accomplish this, they both work to abolish the ownership of private property, gradually by the socialists, rapidly by ‘revolution’ with the communists

    35. On the other hand, François Babeuf, an early French social theorist and reactionary, as well as Fourier, Engels, and Marx all insisted that the collectivization of private property could only be achieved through the power of the state

    36. There was no private property, and the participants lived as one large family, even to eating meals at large communal tables

    37. The Republicans basically try to adhere to this principle of private property as conservatives, and firmly believe that it is so elementary that there can be no question

    38. On the other hand, Socialism is the philosophical, esoteric, and unsuccessful societal system based upon central control of the means of production and abrogation of private property

    39. The philosophy of Socialism relies on the undermining of the stability and intention of responsible, representative government and moral community action that is supported by the Rule of Law and the importance of the individual’s ownership of private property

    40. The following is a list of the important features of each: Positive Features of Capitalism: 1) It provides for the wants and needs of consumers in the best and most efficient way, 2) It is based on private ownership of the means of production and the ownership of private property

    41. one’s personal private property, because the love object is a Person and not a

    42. becoming the other’s private property, and ensures that the profound

    43. exchange of private property

    44. The husband acquires a right of private property

    45. After all they were not an army; they were security guards looking after private property

    46. inclined to create more private property than they

    47. agreement the private property of the money

    48. Bill: The place Michael is referring to was private property

    49. “Hundreds like you trespass on this, again, private property every year

    50. Don't they know of private property?

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