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    pronounced примеры предложений


    1. If there was a pronounced military presence inside, outside it’s 10 times worse

    2. ’ He answered, his resemblance to a weasel more pronounced than ever

    3. The finishing touches were put on the cave, and after checking everything, Kate pronounced it finished

    4. "Major Husband," he pronounced slowly

    5. "We are at war," Glayet pronounced slowly and carefully

    6. “We are going to be exterminated,” Kelvin pronounced

    7. The man pronounced her name more like ahVah than Ava, but it was close enough that she knew what was going on

    8. features were more pronounced than he remembered

    9. She was big, with a bigger skull than even Enjteen had, and she appeared to be a very pronounced grey, at least from what she could see in this light, with thick wrinkled skin, what she could see of it

    10. Determination is one of Maggie's more pronounced character traits and is one of the things that Jock loves about her

    11. ” Olivia pronounced as they were seated

    12. Why she chose to ask about the way he’d pronounced the small house's description like a name, she wasn't exactly sure; after all, it belonged to her and she could call it anything she wanted

    13. You ought to stay here in Yoonbarla for the dark,” she pronounced it carefully, like he probably hadn’t heard it before

    14. grew more pronounced, and my senses began to react to

    15. "He doesn't hang around here a lot if he's been by here at all," Dyinholm pronounced after carefully examining the picture

    16. Those spots on his cheeks were more pronounced, the eyes shone more brightly out of darker eyes, and a cold sweat glimmered upon his brow

    17. In fact, her beauty was even more pronounced when contrasted with the coarse, dull fabric of the robe

    18. The Mayor pronounced that a recount should take place after which a new vote would be taken the following week end

    19. pronounced A – U – M, accenting each syllable

    20. ” Homer pronounced his enemy’s name with

    21. As for the interior, the noise was even more pronounced and unsavory, with a continual, disruptive, disjointed chattering taking place up there between the ears of the citizens of Hubbub

    22. "Well, I really don't see that there is any cause," he pronounced

    23. ” She pronounced “devil” to rhyme with “evil

    24. After only a few minutes of despair a thought in his head so pronounced he almost heard the words: I must leave this ship

    25. The closeness of the room only made the odors of the wine, unwashed bodies and food more pronounced

    26. The infallible decrees of the church had pronounced the Latin translation of the Bible, commonly called the Latin Vulgate, to have been equally dictated by divine inspiration, and therefore of equal authority with the Greek and Hebrew originals

    27. pronounced now he was standing up

    28. Only if he was pronounced dead beyond any hope of revival

    29. So I kept on walking and as I did so my limp became more pronounced so the by the time I turned into the gate of 123 General Gordon Street I felt as though I only had one leg

    30. that is pronounced as ‘Tar poor lee’ when one moves in the right

    31. Shortly after, my mother was pronounced fully recovered by her doctor

    32. A few weeks and no kittens later, the vet pronounced “healthy cat, just fat

    33. If you don't have a childhood background in dance or ballet, or you don't have a nearly perfect body with matching symmetry, try to select music with a pronounced beat where you can clearly put your strongest poses

    34. A chink in the greyness becoming more pronounced

    35. point, the trembling became more and more pronounced, until Imbrahim was fearful they’d be

    36. pronounced he same way, but admitted that I did work there

    37. He pronounced that it wasn’t fatal, but still would require a doctor’s care—and soon—or else it could go septic

    38. The voices grew more pronounced as Amaranthe neared it

    39. Annexation by force he will resent; but with Cuban institutions founded, and the Island pronounced free and independent, he will desire the closest ties with the United States, if not admission in some form to the Union

    40. It has a pronounced fresh and distinctive flavour

    41. One male slave had been named Coquita, which was pronounced “kaw-KEE-ta,” however, if at any time a man asked what the name meant, he was to immediately kneel and tell the man that it was a shortened form of “Cock Eater” and he would be happy to provide a sample of his skills

    42. This is especially pronounced if one set of children live with you and the other does not

    43. I taught Nechama some Polish songs, which she quickly learned and pronounced the words with the correct accent

    44. “The sea air will clear our heads,” pronounced Teri, filled so completely with happiness that one more ounce would pour over the brim of her cup

    45. “The same,” he pronounced grimly

    46. Elizabeth pronounced the papers satisfactory, and handed Tomek $200

    47. “This is it,” Jorge pronounced, indicating a road from the shore that wound up between the houses

    48. Jesus the waiter, (Jesús pronounced Ha'sus)

    49. pronounced, and dialed a funeral home to wrap the remains

    50. The steps sounded different than before; more quiet, less pronounced

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    Синонимы для "pronounced"

    marked pronounced noticeable clear notable obvious prominent salient striking