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    protect from примеры предложений

    protect from

    1. Curry: Made into a paste painted on trunk of plant to protect from insects and can also be made into a liquid and sprayed

    2. Consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers

    3. Fortunately it was a cool day and he’d opted for leggings, which would protect from the worst of the grazing

    4. Every broadcast media centre gave out a repeated warning to head for the nearest temporary shelter – which at least would protect from radiation, if not intense heat – until transport arrived to ferry the panic-stricken, the terrified, and the angry to their assigned subterranean compound

    5. He reminded himself to be wary though; perhaps the pale man was a ruinous force in disguise, a servant of those that would always be evil, seeking to corrupt men and everything good and wholesome that the Pilgrim tried to protect from their rotting grasp and their insidious machinations

    6. ‘’And what about my actions? Are some second-guessing assholes going to play the 20/20 hindsight card to pretend that I didn’t need to kill those pirates? I had 32 children to protect from bastards who had already murdered the whole crew of this ship in cold blooed

    7. After all, China had sent an invasion force of close to a quarter million men to take Indochina, which we had promised to protect from external military threats

    8. They had a city to protect from its citizens…

    9. denim jacket, which was supposed to protect from the wind on

    10. However it wasn’t designed to protect from any attack from the outside

    11. Most mountaineers are prepared for this, and wear special glasses that also protect from the sides; the better-prepared mountain hunters follow their example

    12. They have a unique damage type, mainly because it takes a special kind of armor to protect from a gun

    13. This isn't the sort of power most superheroes want because it doesn't protect from guns or knives but elephants have it

    14. We’ve learned that a combination of price support violation with either key moving average or trend-line violation can be a powerful indicator of trend change, and proper stops should be set under those levels with a bit of leeway to protect from whipsaws (getting stopped because the stops were set too close to those levels and then watching the stock snap back sharply, reestablishing the existing trend right after your stop took you out)

    15. • you could provide a clean, sustainable source of water for ten children in India each month—that’s 120 children per year that you personally protect from a waterborne illness; or

    16. Cloth wrapping is NOT enough to protect from spines

    17. Rub it on to protect from sunburn, and chafing from saltwater, to repel insects, as a salve for sores and blisters or, mixed with wood ash, as a substitute for soap

    18. If the detonation is sufficiently distant not to produce total destruction, the trench and earth will protect from blast, heat and radiation

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