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pushy примеры предложений
1. Moreover, he shows his interest in me, he makes a kind compliment about my appearance, he accosts me without getting pushy, ridiculous or vulgar
2. He wasn’t at all pushy about it, just friendly
3. “It will be no more pushy than usual and that’s a fact
4. Soldiers who would have pounced on a fleeing prisoner avoided eye contact with a pushy vendor
5. But they still preferred the pushy white-collar jobs in the big cities
6. Before they could continue, a pushy blond woman with a ponytail and a clipboard grabbed Torhan by the arm
7. Exercise the dog? That was it, by being pushy, Suzy was making sure he didn’t rot away
8. Demonstrate a genuine interest in the business, but try not to come across as pushy or overbearing
9. However, there is a fine line between being attentive to the needs of the potential customer and acting like a pushy salesman
10. Don’t be overly pushy
11. It’s not rude, pushy or spammy, and if you have included a link to an article on your website, they are free to check it out at their own leisure
12. However, he warned me that this could turn nasty if I did not bend over backwards to humor pushy females, mostly Hispanics
13. pushy, and even though she hated being seen as a ball-
14. He was also extremely pushy toward Lucy about
15. Barbara still detests the pushy testosterone types of
17. She can be pushy and sometimes act like a private investigator… not stopping until she gets the information she’s looking for
18. Oh, he was so pushy
19. Lewis points to his chest; “It has become very painful since then, last week Sharon got a bit pushy with me so I pushed her back
20. How to Create an Effective Signature - I will show you how to create a signature that will grab people's attention without being too "pushy"
21. But not for long, mother was and still is, quite a pushy sort of person and before a year was out, she herself had also acquired a post as the junior French teacher
22. Pushy writers who call and call, insist
23. Justin had been so pushy, so assured that everything would be fine
24. that she was a little too pushy
25. And the men who did meet with her were too pushy for sex, they lied to her about dating other women, and sometimes they were closet alcoholics
26. Don't be too pushy at this stage, because they'll respond to you, if your
27. wondered, Was Hope really behind it, forcing her mother to call and float the idea of her affections for me? Or is her mother just that pushy?
28. anything, particularly by pushy strangers who took his coffee without
29. how pushy her mother could be, especially in pursuit of publicity, but that didn’t
30. Honest and real always wins over brash and pushy
31. I could tell Jennifer was uncomfortable talking about her family, so I switched gears in hopes of not coming off as pushy
32. She wasn’t the pushy sort usually
33. He was a bit pushy about that exhibition
34. Yesterday she surprised me by being so sexy and this morning she annoyed me by being bloody pushy and argumentative
35. “There goes Elizabeth! She loves pulling the wool over people’s eyes, especially nosey, pushy reporters
36. We're not pushy or extroverted
37. She sounded insane and absurd as far as I was concerned, especially for her pushy style and aggression that did not even allow me any space to say a word or two
38. She wasn’t a pushy person
39. As a security guard he would have shoved such kids away from himself and into the crowd if they got too pushy, maybe even knocked them to the ground (knowing that his colleagues would come running, only too happy if there were any signs of a real fight)
40. He was certainly good looking and he had been polite and not too pushy even though it was she who taken the first step and had made it pretty obvious she found him interesting and was prepared to see where things went
41. mother, and a pushy fed-up big sister, it was time to
42. In a nutshell," Alf took up smoothly, "what are you proposing to do with this information, Ken, and can we help any further?" It was a bit early to be that pushy, but the reference to a second opinion was puzzling
43. He was pushy and intrusive but I didn"t want to be offensive to a silly priest just after the Resurrection of our Lord
44. I am easy going and considerate and I achieved my primus inter pares status not by being pushy but through my hard work, dedication and talent
45. cinema entrances a half hour before the screening had already formed; noisy, exuberant, physically pushy, males in the main
46. The North may be pushy, but they’re not silly enough
47. pushy, self-important, gruff and uncompromising
48. I wanted to explain to her, but I hadn’t taken her number, didn’t want to seem pushy, gave her mine
49. There is mildew velvet and vinyl helmets, water cushions, woven hairs and cinnamon chairs for the pushy ones
50. It’s a great way of sending out a reminder without being too pushy