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    put by

    1. Those pumps will now have to shut down for much of the year, reducing water output by up to a

    2. you, and put by Esau, and so Jacob became a great multitude

    3. Or that either of our Queens Mary or Elizabeth, had they married any of their Subjects had been put by thus text into a political Subjection to him? Or that he thereby should have had Monarchical rule over her? God, in this text, give not, that I see any authority to Adam over Eve, or to men over their Wives, but only fortels what should be woman’s

    4. As for Jacob you did choose him to you and put by Esau and so Jacob became a great multitude

    5. If it was put by a human being, there must be a man more thinking and more genius than him that can repeal his statute and establish new legislations

    6. She had just finished doing that when Frank DeSoto cautiously stuck his head out of the cloakroom, where he had been put by Carmine’s gunmen

    7. Churchill had then secretly ordered that the best British cryptographers break the password put by Nancy on her hidden computer files

    8. He scanned the house from top to bottom and waved to his yes men to stay put by the sidewalk

    9. “One of the chaps on the International Clearing computer section has been heard in the gents boasting to a chum that he doesn’t really need to work, since he has plenty put by for a rainy day - or words to that effect

    10. Brilliant with computers, but on a pretty basic salary, and although he’s been working extra night shifts lately, he’s hardly been earning enough to have ‘plenty put by for a rainy day

    11. question once put by a friend to Rowland

    12. Molly hesitated, off-put by his eerie question, but trusted her gut

    13. Output by the minerals industry in 1997 was the same as in 1970, although it has range both above and below this level since 1970

    14. questions the third question was put by Ashwalayan of Koshal who asked - “O Lord! Wherefrom

    15. Compassion is a force put by the spirit to do the reversal of heartless for positive outcomes

    16. applying God's judgment on the thief, so these sublime results which are resulted in the society as a whole and individuals through considering this Divine lesson (cutting of the thief's hand) will be put by the Almighty God as a good deed in the deeds' sheet of that cut off-handed thief

    17. Why, how do you suppose we could get all we need out of our hundred pounds a year--I translate our marks into your pounds for your greater convenience--if we had to give a servant more than eight of them and for our house more than fifteen? Papa and I do not like to be kept hungry in the matter of books, and we shall probably spend every penny of our income; but I know a number of families with children who live decently and have occasional coffee-parties and put by for their daughters' _trousseaux_ on the same sum

    18. His wife is thrifty; they have only the one son; they live frugally; long ago they must have put by enough to keep them warm and fed and clothed without his doing another stroke of work

    19. Nothing could stop this party but a death in the household--any death, even Richards' might do, but nothing short of death, thought the afflicted lady, wondering how she was to get through the afternoon; and as she crept on to her sofa at a quarter to four to be put by Richards into the final folds and knew that as four struck a great surge of friends would pour in over her and that for three hours she would have to be bright and happy about Judith, and sympathetically explanatory about Ingeborg--who looked altogether too odd to be explained only by a long past dentist--she felt so very low that she was unable to stop herself from thinking it was a pity people didn't die a little oftener

    20. It kept them occupied as well as took their minds off the proposition put by Venki, and it taught them skills they had never had to master in their friendly forest but which would stand them in good stead in unfamiliar situations

    21. but increased output by two or three times

    22. In fact, it was determined that the increase in speed of work, using the same method of doing the work, and trying to work faster, could only increase output by 28% above normalpace

    23. The case put by the Sadducees was the conduct of a righteous man

    24. "The order shall go signed in the same book," said Don Quixote, "and on seeing it my niece will make no difficulty about obeying it; as to the loveletter thou canst put by way of signature, 'Yours till death, the Knight of the Rueful Countenance

    25. Nor the young woman who died and was put by his side,

    26. "Why, you pile up your hands, choose a number, and draw out in turn, and the person who draws at the number has to answer truly any question put by the rest

    27. To which pathetic appeal daisy would answer with a coo, or Demi with a crow, and Meg would put by her lamentations for a maternal revel, which soothed her solitude for the time being

    28. Twenty times a day she sent for him, and he at once put by his business without a murmur

    29. The readers of THE ENGLISH REVIEW, who cast a friendly eye nearly six years ago on my Reminiscences, and know how much the merchant service, ships and men, has been to me, will understand my indignation that those men of whom (speaking in no sentimental phrase, but in the very truth of feeling) I can't even now think otherwise than as brothers, have been put by their commercial employers in the impossibility to perform efficiently their plain duty; and this from motives which I shall not enumerate here, but whose intrinsic unworthiness is plainly revealed by the greatness, the miserable greatness, of that disaster

    30. little more talking that the question should be put by the porter

    31. The question put by Le Renard had been calm, and with all the dignity of an Indian; but it was quite apparent, by the thoughtful expression of the listener's countenance, that the answer was most cunningly devised

    32. He should be put by an intelligent and interesting dinner partner and we should shift from the practice of putting him by the best looking one

    33. They could easily have big establishments whole thing quite painless out of all the taxes give every child born five quid at compound interest up to twentyone five per cent is a hundred shillings and five tiresome pounds multiply by twenty decimal system encourage people to put by money save hundred and ten and a bit twentyone years want to work it out on paper come to a tidy sum more than you think

    34. Put by the curtains, look within my veil,

    35. ‘Well, God be with you,’ she said at the door of the study, where a shaded candle and a decanter of water were already put by his armchair

    36. She remained at her father's house during the winter months, plucking fowls, or cramming turkeys and geese, or making clothes for her sisters and brothers out of some finery which d'Urberville had given her, and she had put by with contempt

    37. "I must give you the ninety-two pounds that I have put by for Alfred's premium," said Mrs

    38. As long as the stock didn’t drop below the strike price of the put by more than the premium received this trade would be profitable

    39. That means that lowering the strike price of the Put by $1 should save you about 50 cents in premiums, while increasing the strike of the Call by $1 would do the same

    40. Example 2: A trader wants to buy a Protective Put, 28 days before expiration and offset the cost of the Put by selling a Call option, seven days before expiration

    41. They can close their naked put by buying it back, or hedge by shorting stock, or they can also roll the put down or out or both

    42. "Ninthly: it is a fact that any day gendarmes can be overheard relating in the court-yard of the prefecture the interrogations put by the magistrates to prisoners

    43. Douglas looked at the food put by in baskets on the deck and remembered a Chicago museum once, years ago, where he had seen an Egyptian tomb and toys and baskets of withered food placed in that tomb around a small carved boat

    44. “That was a strange question to be put by his darling

    45. The morning had been a quiet morning enough—all except the brief scene with the lunatic: the transaction in the church had not been noisy; there was no explosion of passion, no loud altercation, no dispute, no defiance or challenge, no tears, no sobs: a few words had been spoken, a calmly pronounced objection to the marriage made; some stern, short questions put by Mr

    46. While the session is shared both parties not only can they see the same screen, but they both provide input by typing

    47. If you want a simple “digital” output, just amplify the input by a large amount

    48. The eager mariners but ask him who he is, and where from; whereas, they not only receive an answer to those questions, but likewise another answer to a question not put by them, but the unsolicited answer is forced from Jonah by the hard hand of God that is upon him

    49. "Well, God be with you," she said at the door of the study, where a shaded candle and a decanter of water were already put by his armchair

    50. There are indications, too, if I am not mistaken, that you confessed this yourself to some one, I mean that the money was Katerina Ivanovna's, and so, it's extremely surprising to me that hitherto, that is, up to the present moment, you have made such an extraordinary secret of the fifteen hundred you say you put by, apparently connecting a feeling of positive horror with that secret

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