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    quantity примеры предложений


    1. But even then I didn't know what quantity

    2. Nourishing Food, those produced only with the interaction of soil, water and sun, in moderate quantity

    3. He spills a quantity of soggy wallpaper on the floor as his grip on the bags slips; together, Liz and I rush over to take some of his burden from him

    4. ’ I said, feeling completely stuffed by the small quantity of food I have ingested

    5. At the same time, they were secreting their fear pheromones in quantity

    6. ‘You were very much an unknown quantity, Lintze

    7. Seems pretty frightful to me, but I daresay the quantity of water in the wasteg does the job without pollution being a problem

    8. instead a “quantum”, or a quantity of something that

    9. ways (have quality over quantity

    10. she smiled at him and very sweetly told him that she was a chartered quantity surveyor

    11. And with that is found quantity over quality which is the potency of

    12. He watches as I tentatively spoon a small quantity of the semi-frozen gloop into my mouth

    13. Quantity should be handled and organized

    14. quantity of coastal defences had been erected

    15. ‘They appeared to show that there was a small quantity of titanium on the site

    16. ‘Somehow she ingested a quantity of Cicuta virosa, commonly known as cowbane or water hemlock

    17. His brew was a decent yellow, a little earthy in flavor but granting a decent buzz when consumed in any quantity

    18. Finding my first seed did not grow, which I easily imagined was by the drought, I sought for a moister piece of ground to make another trial in, and I dug up a piece of ground near my new bower, and sowed the rest of my seed in February, a little before the vernal equinox; and this having the rainy months of March and April to water it, sprung up very pleasantly, and yielded a very good crop; but having part of the seed left only, and not daring to sow all that I had, I had but a small quantity at last, my whole crop not amounting to above half a peck of each kind

    19. Accordingly, the next day I went to my country house, as I called it, and cutting some of the smaller twigs, I found them to my purpose as much as I could desire; whereupon I came the next time prepared with a hatchet to cut down a quantity, which I soon found, for there was great plenty of them

    20. In this state of things, the whole produce of labour belongs to the labourer; and the quantity of labour commonly employed in acquiring or producing any commodity, is the only circumstance which can regulate the quantity of labour which it ought commonly to purchase, command, or exchange

    21. They are, however, altogether different, are regulated by quite different principles, and bear no proportion to the quantity, the hardship, or the ingenuity of this supposed labour of inspection and direction

    22. Neither is the quantity of labour commonly employed in acquiring or producing any commodity, the only circumstance which can regulate the quantity which it ought commonly to purchase, command or exchange for

    23. An additional quantity, it is evident, must be due for the profits of the stock which advanced the wages and furnished the materials of that labour

    24. The real value of all the different component parts of price, it must be observed, is measured by the quantity of labour which they can, each of them, purchase or command

    25. As in a civilized country there are but few commodities of which the exchangeable value arises from labour only, rent and profit contributing largely to that of the far greater part of them, so the annual produce of its labour will always be sufficient to purchase or command a much greater quantity of labour than what was employed in raising, preparing, and bringing that produce to market

    26. If the society were annually to employ all the labour which it can annually purchase, as the quantity of labour would increase greatly every year, so the produce of every succeeding year would be of vastly greater value than that of the foregoing

    27. The market price of every particular commodity is regulated by the proportion between the quantity which is actually brought to market, and the demand of those who are willing to pay the natural price of the commodity, or the whole value of the rent, labour, and profit, which must be paid in order to bring it thither

    28. The whole quantity of industry annually employed in order to bring any commodity to market, naturally suits itself in this manner to the effectual demand

    29. It naturally aims at bringing always that precise quantity thither which may be sufficient to supply, and no more than supply, that demand

    30. But, in some employments, the same quantity of industry will, in different years, produce very different quantities of commodities ; while, in others, it will produce always the same, or very nearly the same

    31. But the same number of spinners or weavers will every year produce the same, or very nearly the same, quantity of linen and woollen cloth

    32. It is only the average produce of the one species of industry which can be suited, in any respect, to the effectual demand ; and as its actual produce is frequently much greater, and frequently much less, than its average produce, the quantity of the commodities brought to market will sometimes exceed a good deal, and sometimes fall short a good deal, of the effectual demand

    33. The price of the one species of commodities varies only with the variations in the demand; that of the other varies not only with the variations in the demand, but with the much greater, and more frequent, variations in the quantity of what is brought to market, in order to supply that demand

    34. A rent which consists either in a certain proportion, or in a certain quantity, of the rude produce, is no doubt affected in its yearly value by all the occasional and temporary fluctuations in the market price of that rude produce; but it is seldom affected by them in its yearly rate

    35. A public mourning raises the price of black cloth ( with which the market is almost always understocked upon such occasions), and augments the profits of the merchants who possess any considerable quantity of it

    36. It sinks the price of coloured silks and cloths, and thereby reduces the profits of the merchants who have any considerable quantity of them upon hand

    37. The whole quantity brought to market, therefore, may be disposed of to those who are willing to give more than what is sufficient to pay the rent of the land which produced them, together with the wages of the labour and the profits of the stock which were employed in preparing and bringing them to market, according to their natural rates

    38. Whatever part of it was paid below the natural rate, the persons whose interest it affected would immediately feel the loss, and would immediately withdraw either so much land or no much labour, or so much stock, from being employed about it, that the quantity brought to market would soon be no more than sufficient to supply the effectual demand

    39. They would have been produced by a smaller quantity of labour ; and as the commodities produced by equal quantities of labour would naturally in this state of things be exchanged for one another, they would have been purchased likewise with the produce of a smaller quantity

    40. But though all things would have become cheaper in reality, in appearance many things might have become dearer, than before, or have been exchanged for a greater quantity of other goods

    41. Let us suppose, for example, that in the greater part of employments the productive powers of labour had been improved to tenfold, or that a day's labour could produce ten times the quantity of work which it had done originally ; but that in a particular employment they had been improved only to double, or that a day's labour could produce only twice the quantity of work which it had done before

    42. In exchanging the produce of a day's labour in the greater part of employments for that of a day's labour in this particular one, ten times the original quantity of work in them would purchase only twice the original quantity in it

    43. Any particular quantity in it, therefore, a pound weight, for example, would appear to be five times dearer than before

    44. Though it required five times the quantity of other goods to purchase it, it would require only half the quantity of labour either to purchase or to produce it

    45. If by digging the ground a whole day he can get what will purchase a small quantity of rice in the evening, he is contented

    46. Wages, therefore, being highest when this expense is lowest, it seems evident that they are not regulated by what is necessary for this expense, but by the quantity and supposed value of the work

    47. The quality of grain depends chiefly upon the quantity of flour or meal which it yields at the mill ; and, in this respect, English grain is so much superior to the Scotch, that though often dearer in appearance, or in proportion to the measure of its bulk, it is generally cheaper in reality, or in proportion to its quality, or even to the measure of its weight

    48. The real recompence of labour, the real quantity of the necessaries and conveniencies of life which it can procure to the labourer, has, during the course of the present century, increased perhaps in a still greater proportion than its money price

    49. The quantity of these, however, which the labouring poor an under any necessity of consuming, is so very small, that the increase in their price does not compensate the diminution in that of so many other things

    50. It will be found, I believe, in every sort of trade, that the man who works so moderately, as to be able to work constantly, not only preserves his health the longest, but, in the course of the year, executes the greatest quantity of work

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    amount measure quantity aggregate mass bulk number