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    racial discrimination примеры предложений

    racial discrimination

    1. In subsequent opinions over a slow century or so the Court justified slavery, and validated racial discrimination through separate treatment of the black and white races even after slavery had ended

    2. The citizens of Wisconsin appreciated him and he took stands against corporations, monopolies, the trusts, racial discrimination, the Ku Klux Klan, World War I, the League of Nations and anti-Semitism

    3. Whereas in Ephesians 4:11 Jesus gives gifted biblical leadership to the Church without regard to race, white and black churches maintain the racial discrimination that whites originally implemented and enforced

    4. In addition and as part of the spiritual warfare, the black-white divides among Christians widened because of racial discrimination, politics, and money issues

    5. Since white racial discrimination prevented most African Americans from obtaining professional jobs, Washington wanted to train them for agriculture work

    6. Marriages suffered because racial discrimination prevented many African Americans from achieving these ideals regardless of how hard they worked

    7. It’s difficult to describe our feelings of the “respectable” white Christians who sang in church choirs, served as deacons, trustees, and elders in downtown churches, who joined the Boy Scouts, and sat on city councils, court benches, and in the Congress, yet felt no shame in endorsing this whole-sale racial discrimination

    8. However, I think it was a reflection of his life and troubling times: the assassinations; civil unrest; Vietnam in the 1960s; the racial discrimination even a century after the Civil War; his life of travel

    9. If a religion changes position on something as large as racial discrimination, then it can be thought of as Agnostic, not fully knowing of God’s will, open to change through revelation, reason, whatever

    10. It was the first time he had experience of formal racial discrimination

    11. A jurist has asked for your assistance with a case involving possible racial discrimination

    12. President Truman had made a start on the civil rights issue by outlawing segregation in the armed forces and government service and setting up a commission to report on racial discrimination in the rest of society

    13. The Red Cross is about a lot more than first aid: In 1864 it drew up the first Geneva Convention, binding signatories to proper treatment of prisoners of war and in the twentieth century the Convention was progressively extended to cover racial discrimination and hostage-taking

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