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    1. It looked like the Sundown residents had been able to get a barricade of sorts together, made of trailers, cars, trucks, and whatever else they could find to surround the area, but they were fooling themselves if they thought it would be successful in stopping even a small number of freaks on a rampage

    2. We responded from everywhere with the full intention to assist the detective and only when we arrived found out we are dealing with a murderer on the rampage

    3. Judging by the size of the hangover, he must have drunk a whole goddamn bunch before Sylvia went on her berserk rampage and busted every bottle in the place

    4. Then, in a dizzying avalanche of events cascading out of control, Truman showed up, returned from the dead, Edgar was brutally murdered before his very eyes, and now, here’s his cousin cocaine trafficking on a grand scale for a major politician! Added to this parade of horrors was the knowledge that the American CIA sponsored their bloody rampage through his country by drug smuggling

    5. Once Salisbury had committed the first murder, many of the members thought it would be hilarious to kill more prostitutes and give the impression that a serial killer was on the rampage in the East End

    6. Tim leaned out and began to join the rampage

    7. I chambered my gun and continued my rampage

    8. On a cold, damp day she noticed the young girl who defiantly stared at her during her father’s killing rampage

    9. The farmers and ranchers who avoided the open roads under the rampage of the Lykanthros now crowded the city gates

    10. on the rampage? [Pp

    11. “What would you do if you had to report a doctor on a rampage with a knife?"

    12. “Because they are on a cleaning rampage," he continued

    13. The dry desert floor and nearby mountains funneled the rainwater into a rampage of floodwater worthy of biblical comparison

    14. The shooting rampage

    15. violently interrupted me and then went on a verbal rampage

    16. Otherwise, a horrendous rampage and convergence upon Town would

    17. I will go on a rampage, and there isn’t anyone in this country that could stop me

    18. theft on the rampage, some kind of proactive measure is warranted to lesson

    19. Mayne was refused leave to attend the funeral resulting in him embarking on a drinking binge and rampage in central Cairo

    20. and after the Night of the Long Knives murder rampage, there would be no more public

    21. After receiving the false confessions to justify the murderous rampage, Stalin went back on his word and had the families of the accused executed as well to limit the possibility of reprisal

    22. Perhaps he could generate enough wind resistance to slow down the horse’s rampage enough that he could safely jump off

    23. “Then they claim they saw me spin my entire body around again giving the storage room door another kung fu kick breaking the door off its hinges even more! Then they said that’s when I went inside the storage room like a lunatic on a rampage and damaged the storage room by ransacking it! Then they claim they saw me on the fifth floor hallway of the next building coming down the hallway angrily looking inside the patients’ rooms as I was coming towards the receptionists’ desk area where they were

    24. “I was angry because I didn’t like the way those security guards were rough handling Miranda and Bernice causing pain on them! And while my soul or spirit was out there floating around in space wandering the universe, the police officers and security guards claim to everyone, that’s when I went around like a lunatic on a rampage assaulting them, giving them kung fu kicks to the groin injuring three of them for life! And while my soul or spirit was still out there wandering the universe, that’s when the correction officers inside the jail claim to everyone that I was a lunatic inside the jail cell trying to attack them as well and they had a hard time trying to keep me inside the jail cell! They also claim to everyone that they kept poking my ribs with a ten feet pole while I was on the floor of the jail cell trying to hold me back and keep me in there, then claimed that I literally punched and bent the ten feet pole knocking the ten feet pole right out of their hands, then claimed when they escaped out of the jail cell into the hallway and quickly closed the door, they kept hearing me throwing and banging my body against the cell door so hard that they can feel the vibration! Again, I have no recollection of any of that! But when I woke up inside the jail cell the next day in the afternoon, I do remember feeling pain all over my physical body and I do remember seeing a bent ten feet pole laying on the floor, but I didn’t know that I had anything to do with it! I did not know that the correction officers were poking my ribs with that ten feet pole, and I did not know that I punched and bent that ten feet pole knocking it right out of their hands! I didn’t even know anybody was capable of punching and bending a ten feet pole until my family told me about it when I released from jail three months later!”

    25. He then went on a rampage that alienated and united all the Greeks against him

    26. My contribution was about twenty as Vandre went on the rampage

    27. in a rampage across the entire Martial Fraternity for my entire life

    28. '” Traxas proclaimed from its theophany that was materializing in front of NuFaith, much to her surprise, but more so to her pleasure, since his virility was distilled from Revenger's Rampage, the third in the Traxas the Tyrant: Reimbodied series

    29. We hit the blogs with outrage, rather than the streets with rampage

    30. father, or rather Cecil Taylor, was on the rampage

    31. She hates the smell of butterscotch, and goes into this berserk and angry rampage the second she scents the stuff

    32. peared and went on the rampage

    33. It was burnt down in the Wat Tyler rebellion when the mob went on the rampage

    34. Lead singer Tony “Stripehead” MacNally and backing singer-cum-reality TV star Natalie Pearson are both serving two year sentences for aggravated assault following what the judge famously described as “the greatest rampage in the history of popular music

    35. “You and your little tin-soldier posse got all skew whift that you were had by a couple'a convicts, and you went on a rampage

    36. There are times when circumstances intervene, such as an increase in family activities for example, which will change a killer’s life and he will in fact bring an end to his rampage

    37. “It makes me sick that the police just stood back and allowed these blacks to rampage through our city

    38. Tabitha was the one in control of that murderous rampage all along

    39. Why? Because it kept most of their soldiers broke, eager to fight and kill and rampage and get more loot

    40. For millions of years: these foul things went on rampage after rampage… destroying LIFE, with utter abandon… drunk on their secret hidden ‘powers’…Perfectly smug and at ease

    41. Sharon are on the rampage

    42. The best course of action, he decided, was to send Shap on a rampage of

    43. lame excuse to continue his rampage

    44. Entire villages in Africa and the Middle East are full of children that will never have any children of their own! It’s a silent genocide! Just last year in Pakistan tribesmen went on a rampage killing every humanitarian aid worker they could find, when they found out that their children’s basic human right to reproduce had been stolen from them

    45. Do you know of the man responsible for the dambuhala rampage? His name is Cambridge

    46. But unfortunately Demi's most unconquerable prejudice was against going to bed, and that night he decided to go on a rampage

    47. Whether that might be or mightn't be, is a thing as can't be looked into now, without putting your sister on the Rampage; and that's a thing not to be thought of as being done intentional

    48. When I got home at night, and delivered this message for Joe, my sister "went on the Rampage," in a more alarming degree than at any previous period

    49. Out on the rampage all night

    50. In its rampage over the east, Japan had brought atrocity and death on a scale that staggers the imagination

    1. I can remember sitting at the window watching for him for hours while Mum rampaged around the place muttering under her breath

    2. They rampaged all over, destroying and slaughtering all in their path

    3. Fighters from Sogn and Førde had rampaged through the towns, stealing all the silver they could find, killing anyone who resisted

    4. Many troops had mutinied and transferred their support to the Provisional Government, and crowds, hungry, angry and uncontrollable, rampaged through the streets attacking prisons, government offices, palaces and the homes of nobles and rich merchants

    5. It roared out its anger as it rampaged through the

    6. rampaged through the forest, climbing over its banks to flood the burrows of

    7. The heavy death toll from the infection that had rampaged through the Toltec camp, the death of the leaders, and the trek north planned by the Toltec survivors, when they planned to leave and the direction they would take, the soldiers kept their distance and threatened to kill any of the infected that approached them

    8. This hippo rampaged through an African

    9. “Good,” she realized, was a passive thing, while “evil” raged and rampaged

    10. He went on a rampaged treasure hunt to find the hidden jewel of my body

    11. He rampaged up and down the dock, shaking his finger at the boys as they sat in their shell

    1. Analysing them now, I could almost bet my top dollar, if I had one on me, that they were sired on drunken rampages when their fathers and mothers were so intoxicated they couldn’t care less about whose lives they were ruining

    2. That’s it! As tragic and horrendous as the antichrist’s killing rampages will be, they will

    3. A wall of water rampages towards their location

    4. Anyhow, Eiess hired the Vikings to do her dirty work and head these rampages

    5. As for his wife and her children, he saw to it they kept quiet about his abusive rampages at home

    6. Why do you think Roman Generals tolerated their armies going on looting rampages, and raping and killing rampages? It was how they avoided paying them, and how they kept them hungry for loot, and submissively in their appointed ranks until they died and did not have to be paid off

    7. Whose name showed up in shortened form as ‘Gretel’ in the first Anglo Saxon horror story of a monster that went on killing rampages

    8. Only professional brainwashed armies: drugged robots: dehumanized monsters, goons, gangsters, criminals, the lowest human scum on earth ever go on rampages of mindless pointless killing

    9. Lord! To think of your poor sister and her Rampages! And don't you remember Tickler?"

    1. direct the rampaging animal as best he could

    2. Desperate not to miss those faint taps, but my mind drifted off again, rampaging through fantasies and memories

    3. Danton’s fellow revolutionaries, compressed as they were into such a small space, gave vent to their frustration and pain in rivers of blood, and he, the great Danton, could do nothing now that the beast was off its chains but try to direct the rampaging animal as best he could

    4. “Remember the time Steve and Lady Elzbeth tripped over a heard of rampaging sheep…”

    5. Playtime is hell – the kids can’t go out into the playground because of the rain, so they’re all rampaging around in the hall and, lucky old you, it’s your turn to cover the phones

    6. would have felled a rampaging stallion at twenty paces

    7. Naybor had stopped the men rampaging through the village, pillaging and destroying

    8. I said goodnight to the lads and climbed into my blanket praying that the rampaging nightmares would stay away

    9. The smell of the rampaging water

    10. Barrad coolly walked past the bodyguards that surrounded the building, whilst inside he was secretly screaming with pain at the murder scene created by the rampaging soldiers

    11. wolves rampaging through their homes killing all that they came across

    12. Menendez was getting on his case about Maki's genealogy, which was nothing new but during the last two days he had become a rampaging lunatic acting as if there was a deadline to be met

    13. To add a little seasoning to the visual feast, there was a constant parade of sails and every other type of floating craft imaginable, there were sun crystals shimmering on the water in the afternoons, and occasionally, there would be a southerly squall rampaging furiously up the harbour

    14. Besides, the Vikings wouldn’t have needed to ask me what date we are: they have been looting and rampaging through our country long enough now to know very well what date we are, right?’’

    15. What else could he use to stop this rampaging steed? One thing he could do, he guessed, was to try to use his cape as a makeshift parachute

    16. It had been a long day in July, with heat waves rampaging throughout South Carolina

    17. " In his mind he envisioned that havoc that could otherwise be caused by three million rampaging slaves

    18. Rampaging through the opposition, he felt his shade edging further into him than was safe

    19. As someone played a drum and another played a flute, Royri began a rampaging dance that looked as if he had hot rocks in his breeches, burning his balls; everyone roared with laughter as his legs went in the opposite direction to the top of his body

    20. There is no way of tracking the subtle changes that our rampaging technology produces in our children

    21. thoughts rampaging through her mind but she had

    22. Asiatic hordes; rampaging and burning and raping and looting and killing

    23. pursue the other thoughts rampaging through her

    24. her rampaging thoughts under control

    25. voice to her rampaging thoughts and feelings

    26. My hands found the handle and I quickly stepped outside the room and closed the door, resting my head against it for a moment to collect my rampaging thoughts before I headed for the kitchen to steal some food for us

    27. In an effort to refocus my sudden rampaging desires for this woman I asked, “There is one thing I must ask of you that I require an answer to

    28. "Ha! that rampaging devil again! there will never be an end of his loping till

    29. "It is not the swiftest leaping deer that gives the longest chase," returned Hawkeye, without moving his eyes from the different marks that had come under his view; "we know that the rampaging Huron has passed, and the dark-hair, and the singer, but where is she of the yellow locks and blue eyes? Though little, and far from being as bold as her sister, she is fair to the view, and pleasant in discourse

    30. “You defeated a rampaging matadora before you were twenty, a mere stripling without so much as fuzz on your chin

    31. Selfishly I asked her to quit the stage on pain of severance of our mutual insanity, our rampaging up one side of a chaise-longue and down the other

    32. It startled him even more when just after he was awarded the Galactic Institute’s Prize for Extreme Cleverness he gotlynched by a rampaging mob of respectable physicists who had finally realized that the one thing they really couldn’t standwas a smartass

    33. Juan Hagapoco, the fat matador, was left alone in the ring with five rampaging bulls

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    Синонимы для "rampage"

    rampage violent disorder turmoil fury rage frenzy passion upset disturbance